26,098 research outputs found

    Sparse graph codes for compression, sensing, and secrecy

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2010.Cataloged from student PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 201-212).Sparse graph codes were first introduced by Gallager over 40 years ago. Over the last two decades, such codes have been the subject of intense research, and capacity approaching sparse graph codes with low complexity encoding and decoding algorithms have been designed for many channels. Motivated by the success of sparse graph codes for channel coding, we explore the use of sparse graph codes for four other problems related to compression, sensing, and security. First, we construct locally encodable and decodable source codes for a simple class of sources. Local encodability refers to the property that when the original source data changes slightly, the compression produced by the source code can be updated easily. Local decodability refers to the property that a single source symbol can be recovered without having to decode the entire source block. Second, we analyze a simple message-passing algorithm for compressed sensing recovery, and show that our algorithm provides a nontrivial f1/f1 guarantee. We also show that very sparse matrices and matrices whose entries must be either 0 or 1 have poor performance with respect to the restricted isometry property for the f2 norm. Third, we analyze the performance of a special class of sparse graph codes, LDPC codes, for the problem of quantizing a uniformly random bit string under Hamming distortion. We show that LDPC codes can come arbitrarily close to the rate-distortion bound using an optimal quantizer. This is a special case of a general result showing a duality between lossy source coding and channel coding-if we ignore computational complexity, then good channel codes are automatically good lossy source codes. We also prove a lower bound on the average degree of vertices in an LDPC code as a function of the gap to the rate-distortion bound. Finally, we construct efficient, capacity-achieving codes for the wiretap channel, a model of communication that allows one to provide information-theoretic, rather than computational, security guarantees. Our main results include the introduction of a new security critertion which is an information-theoretic analog of semantic security, the construction of capacity-achieving codes possessing strong security with nearly linear time encoding and decoding algorithms for any degraded wiretap channel, and the construction of capacity-achieving codes possessing semantic security with linear time encoding and decoding algorithms for erasure wiretap channels. Our analysis relies on a relatively small set of tools. One tool is density evolution, a powerful method for analyzing the behavior of message-passing algorithms on long, random sparse graph codes. Another concept we use extensively is the notion of an expander graph. Expander graphs have powerful properties that allow us to prove adversarial, rather than probabilistic, guarantees for message-passing algorithms. Expander graphs are also useful in the context of the wiretap channel because they provide a method for constructing randomness extractors. Finally, we use several well-known isoperimetric inequalities (Harper's inequality, Azuma's inequality, and the Gaussian Isoperimetric inequality) in our analysis of the duality between lossy source coding and channel coding.by Venkat Bala Chandar.Ph.D

    Generalized Approximate Message-Passing Decoder for Universal Sparse Superposition Codes

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    Sparse superposition (SS) codes were originally proposed as a capacity-achieving communication scheme over the additive white Gaussian noise channel (AWGNC) [1]. Very recently, it was discovered that these codes are universal, in the sense that they achieve capacity over any memoryless channel under generalized approximate message-passing (GAMP) decoding [2], although this decoder has never been stated for SS codes. In this contribution we introduce the GAMP decoder for SS codes, we confirm empirically the universality of this communication scheme through its study on various channels and we provide the main analysis tools: state evolution and potential. We also compare the performance of GAMP with the Bayes-optimal MMSE decoder. We empirically illustrate that despite the presence of a phase transition preventing GAMP to reach the optimal performance, spatial coupling allows to boost the performance that eventually tends to capacity in a proper limit. We also prove that, in contrast with the AWGNC case, SS codes for binary input channels have a vanishing error floor in the limit of large codewords. Moreover, the performance of Hadamard-based encoders is assessed for practical implementations

    How to Achieve the Capacity of Asymmetric Channels

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    We survey coding techniques that enable reliable transmission at rates that approach the capacity of an arbitrary discrete memoryless channel. In particular, we take the point of view of modern coding theory and discuss how recent advances in coding for symmetric channels help provide more efficient solutions for the asymmetric case. We consider, in more detail, three basic coding paradigms. The first one is Gallager's scheme that consists of concatenating a linear code with a non-linear mapping so that the input distribution can be appropriately shaped. We explicitly show that both polar codes and spatially coupled codes can be employed in this scenario. Furthermore, we derive a scaling law between the gap to capacity, the cardinality of the input and output alphabets, and the required size of the mapper. The second one is an integrated scheme in which the code is used both for source coding, in order to create codewords distributed according to the capacity-achieving input distribution, and for channel coding, in order to provide error protection. Such a technique has been recently introduced by Honda and Yamamoto in the context of polar codes, and we show how to apply it also to the design of sparse graph codes. The third paradigm is based on an idea of B\"ocherer and Mathar, and separates the two tasks of source coding and channel coding by a chaining construction that binds together several codewords. We present conditions for the source code and the channel code, and we describe how to combine any source code with any channel code that fulfill those conditions, in order to provide capacity-achieving schemes for asymmetric channels. In particular, we show that polar codes, spatially coupled codes, and homophonic codes are suitable as basic building blocks of the proposed coding strategy.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures, presented in part at Allerton'14 and published in IEEE Trans. Inform. Theor

    High-Girth Matrices and Polarization

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    The girth of a matrix is the least number of linearly dependent columns, in contrast to the rank which is the largest number of linearly independent columns. This paper considers the construction of {\it high-girth} matrices, whose probabilistic girth is close to its rank. Random matrices can be used to show the existence of high-girth matrices with constant relative rank, but the construction is non-explicit. This paper uses a polar-like construction to obtain a deterministic and efficient construction of high-girth matrices for arbitrary fields and relative ranks. Applications to coding and sparse recovery are discussed

    Sparse Regression Codes for Multi-terminal Source and Channel Coding

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    We study a new class of codes for Gaussian multi-terminal source and channel coding. These codes are designed using the statistical framework of high-dimensional linear regression and are called Sparse Superposition or Sparse Regression codes. Codewords are linear combinations of subsets of columns of a design matrix. These codes were recently introduced by Barron and Joseph and shown to achieve the channel capacity of AWGN channels with computationally feasible decoding. They have also recently been shown to achieve the optimal rate-distortion function for Gaussian sources. In this paper, we demonstrate how to implement random binning and superposition coding using sparse regression codes. In particular, with minimum-distance encoding/decoding it is shown that sparse regression codes attain the optimal information-theoretic limits for a variety of multi-terminal source and channel coding problems.Comment: 9 pages, appeared in the Proceedings of the 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing - 201

    Update-Efficiency and Local Repairability Limits for Capacity Approaching Codes

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    Motivated by distributed storage applications, we investigate the degree to which capacity achieving encodings can be efficiently updated when a single information bit changes, and the degree to which such encodings can be efficiently (i.e., locally) repaired when single encoded bit is lost. Specifically, we first develop conditions under which optimum error-correction and update-efficiency are possible, and establish that the number of encoded bits that must change in response to a change in a single information bit must scale logarithmically in the block-length of the code if we are to achieve any nontrivial rate with vanishing probability of error over the binary erasure or binary symmetric channels. Moreover, we show there exist capacity-achieving codes with this scaling. With respect to local repairability, we develop tight upper and lower bounds on the number of remaining encoded bits that are needed to recover a single lost bit of the encoding. In particular, we show that if the code-rate is ϵ\epsilon less than the capacity, then for optimal codes, the maximum number of codeword symbols required to recover one lost symbol must scale as log1/ϵ\log1/\epsilon. Several variations on---and extensions of---these results are also developed.Comment: Accepted to appear in JSA