7,757 research outputs found

    Video vehicle detection at signalised junctions: a simulation-based study

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    Many existing advanced methods of traffic signal control depend on information about approaching traffic provided by inductive loop detectors at particular points in the road. But analysis of images from CCTV cameras can in principle provide more comprehensive information about traffic approaching and passing through junctions, and cameras may be easier to install and maintain than loop detectors, and some systems based on video detection have already been in use for some time. Against this background, computer simulation has been used to explore the potential of existing and immediately foreseeable capability in automatic on-line image analysis to extract information relevant to signal control from images provided by cameras mounted in acceptable positions at signal-controlled junctions. Some consequences of extracting relevant information in different ways were investigated in the context of an existing detailed simulation model of vehicular traffic moving through junctions under traffic-responsive signal control, and the development of one basic and one advanced algorithm for traffic-responsive control. The work was confined as a first step to operation of one very simple signalcontrolled junction. Two techniques for extraction of information from images were modelled - a more ambitious technique based on distinguishing most of the individual vehicles visible to the camera, and a more modest technique requiring only that the presence of vehicles in any part of the image be distinguished from the background scene. In the latter case, statistical modelling was used to estimate the number of vehicles corresponding to any single area of the image that represents vehicles rather than background. At the simple modelled junction, each technique of extraction enabled each of the algorithms for traffic-responsive control of the signals to achieve average delays per vehicle appreciably lower than those given by System D control, and possibly competitive with those that MOVA would give, but comparison with MOVA was beyond the scope of the initial study. These results of simulation indicate that image analysis of CCTV pictures should be able to provide sufficient information in practice for traffic-responsive control that is competitive with existing techniques. Ways in which the work could be taken further were discussed with practitioners, but have not yet been progressed

    Evaluation of City Planning Road Development Measures by Microscopic Traffic Simulation

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    This study was made on the development plan of Kawahara Avenue, a road project authorized in city planning of Miyazaki City in Japan. The Kawahara Avenue development is planned along the Oyodo River. The land use of the area along the route comprises the tourist hotel zone, residential zone, and industrial zone. The Kawahara Avenue planning, unlike most other road development plans in Japan, requires much more than simply providing for the smooth flow of traffic. In the tourist hotel zone where the leading Miyazaki City hotels are located, the image and impression the tourists may have about the city is an important consideration. Therefore, the city government intends that this section of the road should not have excessive traffic. In the residential zone, the existing road network consists of narrow streets with no sidewalks. In addition to the sidewalks to be built, Kawahara Avenue is expected to handle a great deal of the traffic passing the residential district. This should help meet the goal in providing a safe environment for the pedestrians in other narrow streets without sidewalks. Under the circumstances as stated above, the planning has faced significant constraints in land purchasing involving forced move-out in the result of financial problems and coordination of the views between the city administration and the residents in the vicinity. The purpose of this research is to study under the given constraints what would be the most appropriate plan for the development of Kawahara Avenue. First, a traffic monitoring survey was conducted in the subject districts to compile Origin-Destination (OD) data of traffic flow in the districts. Then, the road network of the subject districts and traffic signal phase data were digitized to carry out microscopic traffic simulation and checked for reproduction accuracy of the current situation. The results confirmed that simulation reproduces the traffic conditions of the districts with sufficient precision. Furthermore, we prepared several hypothetical proposals for the road development and evaluated with the same simulation system as to how the traffic situations would be had those proposals been implemented. As a result it was demonstrated that the original goals can be achieved by developing the road within the given constraints.

    Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks - OMCO NET

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    The mini conference “Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks” focuses on advanced methods for search and optimisation applied to wireless communication networks. It is sponsored by Research & Enterprise Fund Southampton Solent University. The conference strives to widen knowledge on advanced search methods capable of optimisation of wireless communications networks. The aim is to provide a forum for exchange of recent knowledge, new ideas and trends in this progressive and challenging area. The conference will popularise new successful approaches on resolving hard tasks such as minimisation of transmit power, cooperative and optimal routing
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