12 research outputs found

    Digital Large Screens as a Community Medium: Interactivity and Community Relevance in Focus

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    Introduction The digital age has made the public sphere a victim of perpetual change. Nigeria, especially in the cities, is playing hosts to large digital screens, primarily serving as billboards and information outposts, relaying TV signals or playing some videos. These screens have the capacity to promote social interactivity in the communities where they are sited. If this interactivity is provable, issues such as media ownership and commoditization which, for over the years, have posed serious threats to free flow of information and freedom of speech will have mitigated ramification as civic vitality based on participation is promoted

    Outdoor Advertising: House Numbering Visuals as Marketing Communication and Community Potentials

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    An image stimulus sometimes approximates visual communication, appearing as information that carries some identified meaning with it. The sequence involves mental visualization – a familiar phrase in cognition research. Despite this viewpoint's popularity, the scholarship radar is yet to fully capture the socio-economic ends of such meanings and the attendant communitarian upshots. This paper is making three propositions, using house numbering visuals as the basis for investigation. First, these visuals offer a viable platform to examine how visual communication elicits meaning in marketing communication (Folayan et al., 2018; Morah & Omojola, 2018). Second, the perceiver's semiotic literacy and the socio-economic purpose that the visual stimuli serve could determine mental representation's strength in a cognitive process. Third, a communitarian level of cooperation is possible from that meaning. The ramifications of these propositions provide some insight into the marketing and community potentials of house numbering images

    Validating IS Success Factors: An Empirical Study on Webbased State or Local E-government Systems

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    While Various research has been done about IS success factors such as system quality, information quality, and service quality in the private sector, little attention has been paid to those in the public sector, especially state or local web-based e-government systems. Meanwhile, the current practice of e-government assessments has mainly focused on system and information quality and paid little attention to service quality. This study aims to fill this gap; it validates the relationships between IS success factors and IT effectiveness, based on the case of web-based metropolitan city or provincial (state or local) e-government systems in South Korea. The result shows that not only system and information quality but also service quality have strongly significant relationships with IS effectiveness. It has practical implications for effective e-government policy development and implementation; this study suggests that current constructs of e-government assessments need to be remodeled in a way that includes service quality factor. The key contribution of this study is a theoretical and empirical foundation on which any attempt to initiate or reinforce e-government customer services can be based; this is the first empirical study to validate the influence of the service quality factor on a state or local e-government level

    Capturing the Technological Dimensions of IT Infrastructure Change: A Model and Empirical Evidence

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    Information systems (IS) researchers have developed a substantial base of theoretical and empirical research for investigating phenomena associated with information technology (IT) infrastructure and IS implementation. The majority of prior studies have focused on perceptions of IS use, usefulness, support, and similar organizational and human aspects of implementation; however, recent empirical results suggest the importance of technical issues in IS implementation. As a first step toward providing more empirical research on the impact of technological issues in IS implementation, this paper reports on the development and test of a model that captures the dimensions of technological changes in IT infrastructure. Using a survey of 302 individuals who recently participated in a software upgrade, evidence is provided on the content validity, construct validity, and reliability of an instrument measuring four dimensions of perceived technological change in IS implementation: functionality, user interface, technical quality, and external compatibility. In addition, a sample application of the new model is provided which shows that technological changes in IT infrastructure affect user acceptance of information technology

    Outdoor Advertising: House Numbering Visuals as Marketing Communication and Community Potentials

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    An image stimulus sometimes approximates visual communication, appearing as information that carries some identified meaning with it. The sequence involves mental visualization – a familiar phrase in cognition research. Despite this viewpoint's popularity, the scholarship radar is yet to fully capture the socio-economic ends of such meanings and the attendant communitarian upshots. This paper is making three propositions, using house numbering visuals as the basis for investigation. First, these visuals offer a viable platform to examine how visual communication elicits meaning in marketing communication (Folayan et al., 2018; Morah & Omojola, 2018). Second, the perceiver's semiotic literacy and the socio-economic purpose that the visual stimuli serve could determine mental representation's strength in a cognitive process. Third, a communitarian level of cooperation is possible from that meaning. The ramifications of these propositions provide some insight into the marketing and community potentials of house numbering images

    Validity of DeLone and McLean\u27s Model of Information Systems success at the web site level of analysis

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    The DeLone and McLean Model of Information Systems (IS) Success is one of the most cited and commonly-used models in the IS literature. Generally, the model has been used mainly to explain IS success at the individual level of analysis. However, in rare occasions it has been utilized on its entirety to measure success at the organizational level of analysis. In this study, the DeLone and McLean Model of IS Success is applied at the organizational level of analysis in the E-commerce environment. We gather website features from 448 top retailers, categorize them following DeLone and McLean’s taxonomy, and introduce them as the independent variables in our model. The results of our study provide support for utilizing the model to explain the dimensions and relationships of IS Success at the organizational level of analysis. At this higher level, website features that map to quality perceptions of system quality, information quality, and service quality do exist. In terms of relationships between these dimensions; the analysis suggests that both system quality and service quality positively affect system use; and system use strongly affects net benefits as measured by organizational sales. Furthermore, as an extension of the DeLone and McLean model, we add direct paths from all three qualities to net benefits (sales). Results from this extension of the model suggest that information quality and system quality directly affect net benefits. Results from this study have strong implications for the IS field and especially for the e-commerce environment. First, it provides support for utilizing real world objective data as outcomes of the analysis. Second, it provides support for utilizing the DeLone and McLean model at the organizational level of analysis as a tool to help researchers and practitioners understand the different dimensions of IS Success and how they affect each other. Third it provides practitioners, web development instructors, and web developers with real objective website feature groups that directly affect organizational sales

    Factors Leading to Effectiveness and Satisfaction in Civil Engineer Information Systems

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    The Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency (AFCESA) has developed information systems in support of civil engineer operations. Over the last decade, the number of systems has grown to support the breadth of civil engineer functions. At this time, numerous (900+) decentralized systems support civil engineer functions around the world. Due to budget constraints, AFCESA is transforming civil engineer business processes to leverage the workforce in an optimized fashion. In support of this transition, AFCESA is posturing to acquire new information systems in support of civil engineer business processes. To help AFCESA improve upon its suite of information systems development efforts it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of its current systems. This thesis develops a model based on cumulative research to assess information system effectiveness. The thesis evaluates 10 systems developed for the civil engineer community. Predictors of information system effectiveness are System Quality, Information Quality, and Service Quality. The study indicates that one system, GeoBase, is significantly better in all areas of information system effectiveness. It is recommended that future system development be fashioned after GeoBase

    Mobile Money : décryptage d’une succes story africaine

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    Cette relecture du phénomène du e-paiement qu’est le portefeuille électronique MoMo s’intéresse à l’adoption large et rapide d’une application au Congo Brazzaville. Cette application fut développée initialement au Kenya, elle est aujourd’hui présente massivement en Afrique. Elle offre plusieurs services originaux et intuitifs et a été rapidement adoptée par les utilisateurs au Congo. Nous proposons d’analyser les déterminants de cette adoption, en nous appuyant sur le corpus théorique lié à l’adoption des technologies de l'information (Davis, 1989 ; Venkatesh, 2000 ; Gallivan, 2001 ; Venkatesh et Bala, 2008) et sur les spécificités socio-économiques du Congo Brazzaville. Cet article s'appuie sur une recherche empirique avec une phase d’analyse exploratoire et de compréhension de l’environnement des primo adoptants qui se concentre ici sur l’inversion de la logique de l’adoption des TI

    İnanç fonksiyonlarına getirilen bir ayrım ve senaryo değerlendirmesinde uygulanması

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bu çalışmada yapay zekânın bir dalı olan inanç fonksiyonlarında bir ayrım getirilmesi ve bir senaryo değerlendirme çalışmasında kullanılması amaçlanmıştır. İlk olarak yapay zekânın araçları içerisinde yer alan kredibilite ve inanç ölçütleri arasında bir ayrım getirilmiştir. Uygulama safhasında ise amaçlanan bu ölçeklerin planlama ve senaryo değerlendirmesinde kullanılmasıdır. Değişik uzmanların yardımıyla bu senaryoların olabilirlik dereceleri (olasılık-kredibilite) ele alınmış ve bu değerlendirmelerden her bir senaryonun makuliyet ve inanç değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Bu değerlerden yola çıkılarak belli değerlendirme ölçekleri oluşturulmuş ve bu ölçeklere göre senaryo değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan çalışma ile böyle bir değerlendirmenin mümkün olduğu gösterilmiştir. Burada kullanılan yöntem bu çalışmaya özgün bir yöntemdir. Getirilen yeni ölçü ile senaryo değerlendirmelerinde ilave bazı kıstaslar kullanma imkânı olmuştur. Ulaşılan sonuçlar açısından birçok senaryo alt seçeneğinin elenmesinde getirilen ölçü etkin olmuştur.In this study it is aimed to put a distinction in belief functions which are a branch of artificial intelligence, and use of it in scenario evaluation. First it is proposed a distinction between credibility measures and belief measures. In application phase it is aimed to use these measurements in planning and scenario evaluation. With different experts credibility of some primitive scenarios are evaluated, and by these values plausibility and belief values are calculated for each primitive scenarios. According to these calculations each scenario is evaluated by some pre-decided criteria. With this study it is showed that such a evaluation is possible and available. Method which is followed in this study is original that first used in this study. With new defined measurements it is made possible to use new criteria. In this study it is showed that artificial intelligence tools can be used in scenario evaluations. From an angle of results we can say new measurement is helpful for eliminating many primitive scenarios


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    Business intelligence (BI) systems comprise one of the largest and fastest growing areas of IT expenditure in companies today. Companies’ experiences with deriving benefits from these systems are still mixed. One of the differences between BI and other types of information systems is that how BI systems are used, not just whether they are used, can have a major impact on the benefits derived. Therefore the characteristics of BI users and the organizations within which they work can have a disproportionate impact on the benefits derived from investments in BI. Organizational competence is one way to evaluate the characteristics of individuals and organizations relative to their ability to achieve organizational goals. This dissertation examines the characteristics of BI users and their organizations within the framework of organizational competences. Models representing those competences at both the individual and organizational level are presented. A combined competency model and resulting emerging competences are proposed that, if adopted, can improve the likelihood of organizations realizing benefits from their BI investments