1,511 research outputs found

    Holographic Special Relativity

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    We reinterpret special relativity, or more precisely its de Sitter deformation, in terms of 3d conformal geometry, as opposed to (3+1)d spacetime geometry. An inertial observer, usually described by a geodesic in spacetime, becomes instead a choice of ways to reverse the conformal compactification of a Euclidean vector space up to scale. The observer's "current time," usually given by a point along the geodesic, corresponds to the choice of scale in the decompactification. We also show how arbitrary conformal 3-geometries give rise to "observer space geometries," as defined in recent work, from which spacetime can be reconstructed under certain integrability conditions. We conjecture a relationship between this kind of "holographic relativity" and the "shape dynamics" proposal of Barbour and collaborators, in which conformal space takes the place of spacetime in general relativity. We also briefly survey related pictures of observer space, including the AdS analog and a representation related to twistor theory.Comment: 17 pages, 5 illustration

    On the ultraviolet behaviour of quantum fields over noncommutative manifolds

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    By exploiting the relation between Fredholm modules and the Segal-Shale-Stinespring version of canonical quantization, and taking as starting point the first-quantized fields described by Connes' axioms for noncommutative spin geometries, a Hamiltonian framework for fermion quantum fields over noncommutative manifolds is introduced. We analyze the ultraviolet behaviour of second-quantized fields over noncommutative 3-tori, and discuss what behaviour should be expected on other noncommutative spin manifolds.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX version, a few references adde

    Relative Affine Structure: Canonical Model for 3D from 2D Geometry and Applications

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    We propose an affine framework for perspective views, captured by a single extremely simple equation based on a viewer-centered invariant we call "relative affine structure". Via a number of corollaries of our main results we show that our framework unifies previous work --- including Euclidean, projective and affine --- in a natural and simple way, and introduces new, extremely simple, algorithms for the tasks of reconstruction from multiple views, recognition by alignment, and certain image coding applications

    Discrete and continuum third quantization of Gravity

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    We give a brief introduction to matrix models and the group field theory (GFT) formalism as realizations of the idea of a third quantization of gravity, and present in some more detail the idea and basic features of a continuum third quantization formalism in terms of a field theory on the space of connections, building up on the results of loop quantum gravity that allow to make the idea slightly more concrete. We explore to what extent one can rigorously define such a field theory. Concrete examples are given for the simple case of Riemannian GR in 3 spacetime dimensions. We discuss the relation between GFT and this formal continuum third quantized gravity, and what it can teach us about the continuum limit of GFTs.Comment: 21 pages, 5 eps figures; submitted as a contribution to the proceedings of the conference "Quantum Field Theory and Gravity Conference Regensburg 2010" (28 September - 1 October 2010, Regensburg/Bavaria); v2: preprint number include

    A new protocol for texture mapping process and 2d representation of rupestrian architecture

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    The development of the survey techniques for architecture and archaeology requires a general review in the methods used for the representation of numerical data. The possibilities offered by data processing allow to find new paths for studying issues connected to the drawing discipline. The research project aimed at experimenting different approaches for the representation of the rupestrian architecture and the texture mapping process. The nature of the rupestrian architecture does not allow a traditional representation of sections and projections of edges and outlines. The paper presents a method, the Equidistant Multiple Sections (EMS), inspired by cartography and based on the use of isohipses generated from different geometric plane. A specific paragraph is dedicated to the texture mapping process for unstructured surface models. One of the main difficulty in the image projection consists in the recognition of homologous points between image and point cloud, above all in the areas with most deformations. With the aid of the “virtual scan” tool a different procedure was developed for improving the correspondences of the image. The result show a sensible improvement of the entire process above all for the architectural vaults. A detailed study concerned the unfolding of the straight line surfaces; the barrel vault of the analyzed chapel has been unfolded for observing the paintings in the real shapes out of the morphological context

    Cayley-Dickson Algebras and Finite Geometry

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    Given a 2N2^N-dimensional Cayley-Dickson algebra, where 3N63 \leq N \leq 6, we first observe that the multiplication table of its imaginary units eae_a, 1a2N11 \leq a \leq 2^N -1, is encoded in the properties of the projective space PG(N1,2)(N-1,2) if one regards these imaginary units as points and distinguished triads of them {ea,eb,ec}\{e_a, e_b, e_c\}, 1a<b<c2N11 \leq a < b <c \leq 2^N -1 and eaeb=±ece_ae_b = \pm e_c, as lines. This projective space is seen to feature two distinct kinds of lines according as a+b=ca+b = c or a+bca+b \neq c. Consequently, it also exhibits (at least two) different types of points in dependence on how many lines of either kind pass through each of them. In order to account for such partition of the PG(N1,2)(N-1,2), the concept of Veldkamp space of a finite point-line incidence structure is employed. The corresponding point-line incidence structure is found to be a binomial ((N+12)N1,(N+13)3)\left({N+1 \choose 2}_{N-1}, {N+1 \choose 3}_{3}\right)-configuration CN{\cal C}_N; in particular, C3{\cal C}_3 (octonions) is isomorphic to the Pasch (62,43)(6_2,4_3)-configuration, C4{\cal C}_4 (sedenions) is the famous Desargues (103)(10_3)-configuration, C5{\cal C}_5 (32-nions) coincides with the Cayley-Salmon (154,203)(15_4,20_3)-configuration found in the well-known Pascal mystic hexagram and C6{\cal C}_6 (64-nions) is identical with a particular (215,353)(21_5,35_3)-configuration that can be viewed as four triangles in perspective from a line where the points of perspectivity of six pairs of them form a Pasch configuration. We also draw attention to a remarkable nesting pattern formed by these configurations, where CN1{\cal C}_{N-1} occurs as a geometric hyperplane of CN{\cal C}_N. Finally, a brief examination of the structure of generic CN{\cal C}_N leads to a conjecture that CN{\cal C}_N is isomorphic to a combinatorial Grassmannian of type G2(N+1)G_2(N+1).Comment: 26 pages, 20 figures; V2 - the basis made explicit, a footnote and a couple of references adde