15,711 research outputs found

    Cosmological Attractors and Anisotropies in Two Measure Theories, Effective EYMH systems, and Off--Diagonal Inflation Models

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    Applying the anholonomic frame deformation method, we construct various classes of cosmological solutions for effective Einstein -- Yang-Mills -- Higgs, and two measure theories. The types of models considered are Freedman-Lema\^{i}tre-Robertson-Walker, Bianchi, Kasner and models with attractor configurations. The various regimes pertaining to plateau--type inflation, quadratic inflation, Starobinsky type and Higgs type inflation are presented.Comment: latex2e 11pt, 32 pages; v2 with minor modifications of reference list and introduction, accepted to EPJ

    Off-Diagonal Deformations of Kerr Black Holes in Einstein and Modified Massive Gravity and Higher Dimensions

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    We find general parameterizations for generic off-diagonal spacetime metrics and matter sources in general relativity (GR) and modified gravity theories when the field equations decouple with respect to certain types of nonholonomic frames of reference. This allows us to construct various classes of exact solutions when the coefficients of the fundamental geometric/ physical objects depend on all spacetime coordinates via corresponding classes of generating and integration functions and/or constants. Such (modified) spacetimes display Killing and non-Killing symmetries, describe nonlinear vacuum configurations and effective polarizations of cosmological and interaction constants. Our method can be extended to higher dimensions which simplifies some proofs for embedded and nonholonomically constrained four-dimensional configurations. We reproduce the Kerr solution and show how to deform it nonholonomically into new classes of generic off-diagonal solutions depending on 3-8 spacetime coordinates. Certain examples of exact solutions are analyzed and that are determined by contributions of new type of interactions with sources in massive gravity and/or modified f(R,T) gravity. We conclude that by considering generic off-diagonal nonlinear parametric interactions in GR it is possible to mimic various effects in massive and/or modified gravity, or to distinguish certain classes of "generic" modified gravity solutions which cannot be encoded in GR.Comment: latex 2e, 11pt, 35 pages with table of content; version 2 modified following Editor's requests and accepted to EPJ

    Exact Solutions in Modified Massive Gravity and Off-Diagonal Wormhole Deformations

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    There are explored off-diagonal deformations of "prime" metrics in Einstein gravity (for instance, for wormhole configurations) into "target" exact solutions in f(R,T)-modified and massive/ bi-metric gravity theories. The new classes of solutions may posses, or not, Killing symmetries and can be characterized by effective induced masses, anisotropic polarized interactions and cosmological constants. For nonholonomic deformations with (conformal) ellipsoid/ toroid and/or solitonic symmetries and, in particular, for small eccentricity rotoid configurations, we can generate wormholes like objects matching external black ellipsoid - de Sitter geometries. We conclude that there are nonholonomic transforms and/or non-trivial limits to exact solutions in general relativity when modified/ massive gravity effects are modeled by off-diagonal and/or nonholonomic parametric interactions.Comment: 30 pages, accepted to EJPC; moderators permitted on March 3, 2014, to resubmit this work from April 1, 201

    Off-diagonal cosmological solutions in emergent gravity theories and Grigory Perelman entropy for geometric flows

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    We develop an approach to the theory of relativistic geometric flows and emergent gravity defined by entropy functionals and related statistical thermodynamics models. Nonholonomic deformations of G. Perelman's functionals and related entropic values are used for deriving relativistic geometric evolution flow equations. For self-similar configurations, such equations describe generalized Ricci solitons defining modified Einstein equations. We analyze possible connections between relativistic models of nonholonomic Ricci flows and emergent modified gravity theories. We prove that corresponding systems of nonlinear partial differential equations, PDEs, for entropic flows and modified gravity possess certain general decoupling and integration properties. There are constructed new classes of exact and parametric solutions for nonstationary configurations and locally anisotropic cosmological metrics in modified gravity theories and general relativity. Such solutions describe scenarios of nonlinear geometric evolution and gravitational and matter field dynamics with pattern-forming and quasiperiodic structure and various space quasicrystal and deformed spacetime crystal models. We analyze new classes of generic off-diagonal solutions for entropic gravity theories and show how such solutions can be used for explaining structure formation in modern cosmology. Finally, we speculate why the approaches with Perelman-Lyapunov type functionals are more general or complementary to the constructions elaborated using the concept of Bekenstein-Hawking entropy.Comment: accepted to EPJC; latex2e 11pt, 35 pages with a table of contents; v3 is substantially modified with a new title and a new co-autho

    On Relativistic Generalization of Perelman's W-entropy and Statistical Thermodynamic Description of Gravitational Fields

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    Using double 2+2 and 3+1 nonholonomic fibrations on Lorentz manifolds, we extend the concept of W-entropy for gravitational fields in the general relativity, GR, theory. Such F- and W-functionals were introduced in the Ricci flow theory of three dimensional, 3-d, Riemannian metrics by G. Perelman, arXiv: math.DG/0211159. Nonrelativistic 3-d Ricci flows are characterized by associated statistical thermodynamical values determined by W--entropy. Generalizations for geometric flows of 4-d pseudo-Riemannian metrics are considered for models with local thermodynamical equilibrium and separation of dissipative and non-dissipative processes in relativistic hydrodynamics. The approach is elaborated in the framework of classical filed theories (relativistic continuum and hydrodynamic models) without an underlying kinetic description which will be elaborated in other works. The 3+1 splitting allows us to provide a general relativistic definition of gravitational entropy in the Lyapunov-Perelman sense. It increases monotonically as structure forms in the Universe. We can formulate a thermodynamic description of exact solutions in GR depending, in general, on all spacetime coordinates. A corresponding 2+2 splitting with nonholonomic deformation of linear connection and frame structures is necessary for generating in very general form various classes of exact solutions of the Einstein and general relativistic geometric flow equations. Finally, we speculate on physical macrostates and microstate interpretations of the W-entropy in GR, geometric flow theories and possible connections to string theory (a second unsolved problem also contained in Perelman's works) in the Polyakov's approach.Comment: latex2e, v4 is an accepted to EPJC substantial extension of a former letter type paper on 10 pages to a research article on 41 pages; a new author added, the paper's title and permanent and visiting affiliations were correspondingly modified; and new results, conclusions and references are provide
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