8 research outputs found

    SplitFed: When Federated Learning Meets Split Learning

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    Federated learning (FL) and split learning (SL) are two recent distributed machine learning (ML) approaches that have gained attention due to their inherent privacy-preserving capabilities. Both approaches follow a model-to-data scenario, in that an ML model is sent to clients for network training and testing. However, FL and SL show contrasting strengths and weaknesses. For example, while FL performs faster than SL due to its parallel client-side model generation strategy, SL provides better privacy than FL due to the ML model architecture split between clients and the server. In contrast to FL, SL enables ML training with clients having low computing resources as the client trains only the first few layers of the split ML network model. In this paper, we present a novel approach, named splitfed (SFL), that amalgamates the two approaches eliminating their inherent drawbacks. SFL splits the network architecture between the clients and server as in SL to provide a higher level of privacy than FL. Moreover, it offers better efficiency than SL by incorporating the parallel ML model update paradigm of FL. Our empirical results, on uniformly distributed horizontally partitioned HAM10000 and MNIST datasets with multiple clients, show that SFL provides similar communication efficiency and test accuracy as SL, while significantly decreasing - by four to six times - its computation time per global epoch than in SL for both datasets. Furthermore, as in SL, its communication efficiency over FL improves with the number of clients. To further enhance privacy, we integrate a differentially private local model training mechanism to SFL and test its performance on AlexNet with the MNIST dataset under various privacy levels

    FedSL: Federated Split Learning on Distributed Sequential Data in Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Federated Learning (FL) and Split Learning (SL) are privacy-preserving Machine-Learning (ML) techniques that enable training ML models over data distributed among clients without requiring direct access to their raw data. Existing FL and SL approaches work on horizontally or vertically partitioned data and cannot handle sequentially partitioned data where segments of multiple-segment sequential data are distributed across clients. In this paper, we propose a novel federated split learning framework, FedSL, to train models on distributed sequential data. The most common ML models to train on sequential data are Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). Since the proposed framework is privacy preserving, segments of multiple-segment sequential data cannot be shared between clients or between clients and server. To circumvent this limitation, we propose a novel SL approach tailored for RNNs. A RNN is split into sub-networks, and each sub-network is trained on one client containing single segments of multiple-segment training sequences. During local training, the sub-networks on different clients communicate with each other to capture latent dependencies between consecutive segments of multiple-segment sequential data on different clients, but without sharing raw data or complete model parameters. After training local sub-networks with local sequential data segments, all clients send their sub-networks to a federated server where sub-networks are aggregated to generate a global model. The experimental results on simulated and real-world datasets demonstrate that the proposed method successfully train models on distributed sequential data, while preserving privacy, and outperforms previous FL and centralized learning approaches in terms of achieving higher accuracy in fewer communication rounds