1,013 research outputs found

    Quantum Technology: The Second Quantum Revolution

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    We are currently in the midst of a second quantum revolution. The first quantum revolution gave us new rules that govern physical reality. The second quantum revolution will take these rules and use them to develop new technologies. In this review we discuss the principles upon which quantum technology is based and the tools required to develop it. We discuss a number of examples of research programs that could deliver quantum technologies in coming decades including; quantum information technology, quantum electromechanical systems, coherent quantum electronics, quantum optics and coherent matter technology.Comment: 24 pages and 6 figure

    Antiferro-quadrupolar correlations in the quantum spin ice candidate Pr2Zr2O7

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    We present an experimental study of the quantum spin ice candidate pyrochlore coumpound \przr\ by means of magnetization measurements, specific heat and neutron scattering up to 12 T and down to 60 mK. When the field is applied along the [111][111] and [11ˉ0][1\bar{1}0] directions, k=0{\bf k}=0 field induced structures settle in. We find that the ordered moment rises slowly, even at very low temperature, in agreement with macroscopic magnetization. Interestingly, for H[11ˉ0]H \parallel [1\bar{1}0], the ordered moment appears on the so called α\alpha chains only. The spin excitation spectrum is essentially {\it inelastic} and consists in a broad flat mode centered at about 0.4 meV with a magnetic structure factor which resembles the spin ice pattern. For H[11ˉ0]H \parallel [1\bar{1}0] (at least up to 2.5 T), we find that a well defined mode forms from this broad response, whose energy increases with HH, in the same way as the temperature of the specific heat anomaly. We finally discuss these results in the light of mean field calculations and propose a new interpretation where quadrupolar interactions play a major role, overcoming the magnetic exchange. In this picture, the spin ice pattern appears shifted up to finite energy because of those new interactions. We then propose a range of acceptable parameters for \przr\, that allow to reproduce several experimental features observed under field. With these parameters, the actual ground state of this material would be an antiferroquadrupolar liquid with spin-ice like excitations

    When resources collide: Towards a theory of coincidence in information spaces

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    This paper is an attempt to lay out foundations for a general theory of coincidence in information spaces such as the World Wide Web, expanding on existing work on bursty structures in document streams and information cascades. We elaborate on the hypothesis that every resource that is published in an information space, enters a temporary interaction with another resource once a unique explicit or implicit reference between the two is found. This thought is motivated by Erwin Shroedingers notion of entanglement between quantum systems. We present a generic information cascade model that exploits only the temporal order of information sharing activities, combined with inherent properties of the shared information resources. The approach was applied to data from the world's largest online citizen science platform Zooniverse and we report about findings of this case study

    A Non-critical String (Liouville) Approach to Brain Microtubules: State Vector reduction, Memory coding and Capacity

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    Microtubule (MT) networks, subneural paracrystalline cytosceletal structures, seem to play a fundamental role in the neurons. We cast here the complicated MT dynamics in the form of a 1+11+1-dimensional non-critical string theory, thus enabling us to provide a consistent quantum treatment of MTs, including enviromental {\em friction} effects. Quantum space-time effects, as described by non-critical string theory, trigger then an {\em organized collapse} of the coherent states down to a specific or {\em conscious state}. The whole process we estimate to take O(1sec){\cal O}(1\,{\rm sec}). The {\em microscopic arrow of time}, endemic in non-critical string theory, and apparent here in the self-collapse process, provides a satisfactory and simple resolution to the age-old problem of how the, central to our feelings of awareness, sensation of the progression of time is generated. In addition, the complete integrability of the stringy model for MT we advocate in this work proves sufficient in providing a satisfactory solution to memory coding and capacity. Such features might turn out to be important for a model of the brain as a quantum computer.Comment: 70 pages Latex, 4 figures (not included), minor corrections, no effect on conclusion

    Is the Cell Really a Machine?

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    It has become customary to conceptualize the living cell as an intricate piece of machinery, different to a man-made machine only in terms of its superior complexity. This familiar understanding grounds the conviction that a cell's organization can be explained reductionistically, as well as the idea that its molecular pathways can be construed as deterministic circuits. The machine conception of the cell owes a great deal of its success to the methods traditionally used in molecular biology. However, the recent introduction of novel experimental techniques capable of tracking individual molecules within cells in real time is leading to the rapid accumulation of data that are inconsistent with an engineering view of the cell. This paper examines four major domains of current research in which the challenges to the machine conception of the cell are particularly pronounced: cellular architecture, protein complexes, intracellular transport, and cellular behaviour. It argues that a new theoretical understanding of the cell is emerging from the study of these phenomena which emphasizes the dynamic, self-organizing nature of its constitution, the fluidity and plasticity of its components, and the stochasticity and non-linearity of its underlying processes

    Fermionic reaction coordinates and their application to an autonomous Maxwell demon in the strong coupling regime

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    We establish a theoretical method which goes beyond the weak coupling and Markovian approximations while remaining intuitive, using a quantum master equation in a larger Hilbert space. The method is applicable to all impurity Hamiltonians tunnel-coupled to one (or multiple) baths of free fermions. The accuracy of the method is in principle not limited by the system-bath coupling strength, but rather by the shape of the spectral density and it is especially suited to study situations far away from the wide-band limit. In analogy to the bosonic case, we call it the fermionic reaction coordinate mapping. As an application we consider a thermoelectric device made of two Coulomb-coupled quantum dots. We pay particular attention to the regime where this device operates as an autonomous Maxwell demon shoveling electrons against the voltage bias thanks to information. Contrary to previous studies we do not rely on a Markovian weak coupling description. Our numerical findings reveal that in the regime of strong coupling and non-Markovianity, the Maxwell demon is often doomed to disappear except in a narrow parameter regime of small power output.Comment: 18 pages incl. references, appendix and 10 figures; accepted versio