7 research outputs found

    Visual analytics for soundness verification of process models

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    Soundness validation of process models is a complex task for process modelers due to all the factors that must be taken into account. Although there are tools to verify this property, they do not provide users with easy information on where soundness starts breaking and under which conditions. Providing insights such as states in which problems occur, involved activities, or paths leading to those states, is crucial for process modelers to better understand why the model is not sound. In this paper we address the problem of validating the soundness property of a process model by using a novel visual approach and a new tool called PSVis (Petri net Soundness Visualization) supporting this approach. The PSVis tool aims to guide expert users through the process models in order to get insights into the problems that cause the process to be unsoun

    Can I Execute My Scenario In Your Net? VipTool Tells You!

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    Abstract. This paper describes the verification module (the VipVerify Module) of the VipTool [4]. VipVerify allows to verify whether a given scenario is an execution of a system model, given by a Petri net. Scenarios can be graphically specified by means of Labeled Partial Orders (LPOs). A specified LPO is an execution of a Petri net if it is a (partial) sequentialization of an LPO generated by a process of the net. We have shown in [2] that the executability of an LPO can be tested by a polynomial algorithm. The VipVerify Module implements this algorithm. If the test is positive, the corresponding process is computed and visualized. If the test is negative, a maximal executable prefix of the LPO is computed and visualized, together with a corresponding process and the set of those following events in the LPO which are not enabled to occur after the occurrence of the prefix. Further, the VipVerify Module allows to test in polynomial time whether a scenario equals an execution with minimal causality. A small case study illustrates the verification of scenarios w.r.t. business process models.