24,689 research outputs found

    Generalizations of the Familywise Error Rate

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    Consider the problem of simultaneously testing null hypotheses H_1,...,H_s. The usual approach to dealing with the multiplicity problem is to restrict attention to procedures that control the familywise error rate (FWER), the probability of even one false rejection. In many applications, particularly if s is large, one might be willing to tolerate more than one false rejection provided the number of such cases is controlled, thereby increasing the ability of the procedure to detect false null hypotheses. This suggests replacing control of the FWER by controlling the probability of k or more false rejections, which we call the k-FWER. We derive both single-step and stepdown procedures that control the k-FWER, without making any assumptions concerning the dependence structure of the p-values of the individual tests. In particular, we derive a stepdown procedure that is quite simple to apply, and prove that it cannot be improved without violation of control of the k-FWER. We also consider the false discovery proportion (FDP) defined by the number of false rejections divided by the total number of rejections (defined to be 0 if there are no rejections). The false discovery rate proposed by Benjamini and Hochberg [J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 57 (1995) 289-300] controls E(FDP). Here, we construct methods such that, for any \gamma and \alpha, P{FDP>\gamma}\le\alpha. Two stepdown methods are proposed. The first holds under mild conditions on the dependence structure of p-values, while the second is more conservative but holds without any dependence assumptions.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053605000000084 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Admission Control to Minimize Rejections and Online Set Cover with Repetitions

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    We study the admission control problem in general networks. Communication requests arrive over time, and the online algorithm accepts or rejects each request while maintaining the capacity limitations of the network. The admission control problem has been usually analyzed as a benefit problem, where the goal is to devise an online algorithm that accepts the maximum number of requests possible. The problem with this objective function is that even algorithms with optimal competitive ratios may reject almost all of the requests, when it would have been possible to reject only a few. This could be inappropriate for settings in which rejections are intended to be rare events. In this paper, we consider preemptive online algorithms whose goal is to minimize the number of rejected requests. Each request arrives together with the path it should be routed on. We show an O(log2(mc))O(\log^2 (mc))-competitive randomized algorithm for the weighted case, where mm is the number of edges in the graph and cc is the maximum edge capacity. For the unweighted case, we give an O(logmlogc)O(\log m \log c)-competitive randomized algorithm. This settles an open question of Blum, Kalai and Kleinberg raised in \cite{BlKaKl01}. We note that allowing preemption and handling requests with given paths are essential for avoiding trivial lower bounds

    Controlling the False Discovery Rate in Astrophysical Data Analysis

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    The False Discovery Rate (FDR) is a new statistical procedure to control the number of mistakes made when performing multiple hypothesis tests, i.e. when comparing many data against a given model hypothesis. The key advantage of FDR is that it allows one to a priori control the average fraction of false rejections made (when comparing to the null hypothesis) over the total number of rejections performed. We compare FDR to the standard procedure of rejecting all tests that do not match the null hypothesis above some arbitrarily chosen confidence limit, e.g. 2 sigma, or at the 95% confidence level. When using FDR, we find a similar rate of correct detections, but with significantly fewer false detections. Moreover, the FDR procedure is quick and easy to compute and can be trivially adapted to work with correlated data. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the FDR procedure to the astrophysics community. We illustrate the power of FDR through several astronomical examples, including the detection of features against a smooth one-dimensional function, e.g. seeing the ``baryon wiggles'' in a power spectrum of matter fluctuations, and source pixel detection in imaging data. In this era of large datasets and high precision measurements, FDR provides the means to adaptively control a scientifically meaningful quantity -- the number of false discoveries made when conducting multiple hypothesis tests.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to A

    A Framework for Monte Carlo based Multiple Testing

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    We are concerned with a situation in which we would like to test multiple hypotheses with tests whose p-values cannot be computed explicitly but can be approximated using Monte Carlo simulation. This scenario occurs widely in practice. We are interested in obtaining the same rejections and non-rejections as the ones obtained if the p-values for all hypotheses had been available. The present article introduces a framework for this scenario by providing a generic algorithm for a general multiple testing procedure. We establish conditions which guarantee that the rejections and non-rejections obtained through Monte Carlo simulations are identical to the ones obtained with the p-values. Our framework is applicable to a general class of step-up and step-down procedures which includes many established multiple testing corrections such as the ones of Bonferroni, Holm, Sidak, Hochberg or Benjamini-Hochberg. Moreover, we show how to use our framework to improve algorithms available in the literature in such a way as to yield theoretical guarantees on their results. These modifications can easily be implemented in practice and lead to a particular way of reporting multiple testing results as three sets together with an error bound on their correctness, demonstrated exemplarily using a real biological dataset