6,145 research outputs found

    Calibrating a Robot Camera

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    This paper addresses the problem of calibrating a camera mounted on a robot arm. The objective is to estimate the camera's intrinsic and extrinsic parameters. These include the relative position and orientation of camera with respect to robot base as well as the relative position and orientation of the camera with respect to a pre-defined world frame. A calibration object with a known 3D shape is used together with two known movements of the robot. A method is presented to find calibration parameters within an opti-misation framework. This method differs from existing methods in that 1) it fully exploits information from different displacements of the camera to produce an optimal calibration estimate, and 2) it uses an evolutionary algo-rithm to attain the optimal solution. Experimental results on both synthetic and real data are presented.

    On the Calibration of Active Binocular and RGBD Vision Systems for Dual-Arm Robots

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    This paper describes a camera and hand-eye calibration methodology for integrating an active binocular robot head within a dual-arm robot. For this purpose, we derive the forward kinematic model of our active robot head and describe our methodology for calibrating and integrating our robot head. This rigid calibration provides a closedform hand-to-eye solution. We then present an approach for updating dynamically camera external parameters for optimal 3D reconstruction that are the foundation for robotic tasks such as grasping and manipulating rigid and deformable objects. We show from experimental results that our robot head achieves an overall sub millimetre accuracy of less than 0.3 millimetres while recovering the 3D structure of a scene. In addition, we report a comparative study between current RGBD cameras and our active stereo head within two dual-arm robotic testbeds that demonstrates the accuracy and portability of our proposed methodology

    Simultaneous Parameter Calibration, Localization, and Mapping

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    The calibration parameters of a mobile robot play a substantial role in navigation tasks. Often these parameters are subject to variations that depend either on changes in the environment or on the load of the robot. In this paper, we propose an approach to simultaneously estimate a map of the environment, the position of the on-board sensors of the robot, and its kinematic parameters. Our method requires no prior knowledge about the environment and relies only on a rough initial guess of the parameters of the platform. The proposed approach estimates the parameters online and it is able to adapt to non-stationary changes of the configuration. We tested our approach in simulated environments and on a wide range of real-world data using different types of robotic platforms. (C) 2012 Taylor & Francis and The Robotics Society of Japa

    A Factor Graph Approach to Multi-Camera Extrinsic Calibration on Legged Robots

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    Legged robots are becoming popular not only in research, but also in industry, where they can demonstrate their superiority over wheeled machines in a variety of applications. Either when acting as mobile manipulators or just as all-terrain ground vehicles, these machines need to precisely track the desired base and end-effector trajectories, perform Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), and move in challenging environments, all while keeping balance. A crucial aspect for these tasks is that all onboard sensors must be properly calibrated and synchronized to provide consistent signals for all the software modules they feed. In this paper, we focus on the problem of calibrating the relative pose between a set of cameras and the base link of a quadruped robot. This pose is fundamental to successfully perform sensor fusion, state estimation, mapping, and any other task requiring visual feedback. To solve this problem, we propose an approach based on factor graphs that jointly optimizes the mutual position of the cameras and the robot base using kinematics and fiducial markers. We also quantitatively compare its performance with other state-of-the-art methods on the hydraulic quadruped robot HyQ. The proposed approach is simple, modular, and independent from external devices other than the fiducial marker.Comment: To appear on "The Third IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IEEE IRC 2019)

    Extrinisic Calibration of a Camera-Arm System Through Rotation Identification

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    Determining extrinsic calibration parameters is a necessity in any robotic system composed of actuators and cameras. Once a system is outside the lab environment, parameters must be determined without relying on outside artifacts such as calibration targets. We propose a method that relies on structured motion of an observed arm to recover extrinsic calibration parameters. Our method combines known arm kinematics with observations of conics in the image plane to calculate maximum-likelihood estimates for calibration extrinsics. This method is validated in simulation and tested against a real-world model, yielding results consistent with ruler-based estimates. Our method shows promise for estimating the pose of a camera relative to an articulated arm's end effector without requiring tedious measurements or external artifacts. Index Terms: robotics, hand-eye problem, self-calibration, structure from motio

    An adaptive spherical view representation for navigation in changing environments

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    Real-world environments such as houses and offices change over time, meaning that a mobile robot’s map will become out of date. In previous work we introduced a method to update the reference views in a topological map so that a mobile robot could continue to localize itself in a changing environment using omni-directional vision. In this work we extend this longterm updating mechanism to incorporate a spherical metric representation of the observed visual features for each node in the topological map. Using multi-view geometry we are then able to estimate the heading of the robot, in order to enable navigation between the nodes of the map, and to simultaneously adapt the spherical view representation in response to environmental changes. The results demonstrate the persistent performance of the proposed system in a long-term experiment