18,802 research outputs found

    F-measure Maximization in Multi-Label Classification with Conditionally Independent Label Subsets

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    We discuss a method to improve the exact F-measure maximization algorithm called GFM, proposed in (Dembczynski et al. 2011) for multi-label classification, assuming the label set can be can partitioned into conditionally independent subsets given the input features. If the labels were all independent, the estimation of only mm parameters (mm denoting the number of labels) would suffice to derive Bayes-optimal predictions in O(m2)O(m^2) operations. In the general case, m2+1m^2+1 parameters are required by GFM, to solve the problem in O(m3)O(m^3) operations. In this work, we show that the number of parameters can be reduced further to m2/nm^2/n, in the best case, assuming the label set can be partitioned into nn conditionally independent subsets. As this label partition needs to be estimated from the data beforehand, we use first the procedure proposed in (Gasse et al. 2015) that finds such partition and then infer the required parameters locally in each label subset. The latter are aggregated and serve as input to GFM to form the Bayes-optimal prediction. We show on a synthetic experiment that the reduction in the number of parameters brings about significant benefits in terms of performance

    Hyperbolic Interaction Model For Hierarchical Multi-Label Classification

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    Different from the traditional classification tasks which assume mutual exclusion of labels, hierarchical multi-label classification (HMLC) aims to assign multiple labels to every instance with the labels organized under hierarchical relations. Besides the labels, since linguistic ontologies are intrinsic hierarchies, the conceptual relations between words can also form hierarchical structures. Thus it can be a challenge to learn mappings from word hierarchies to label hierarchies. We propose to model the word and label hierarchies by embedding them jointly in the hyperbolic space. The main reason is that the tree-likeness of the hyperbolic space matches the complexity of symbolic data with hierarchical structures. A new Hyperbolic Interaction Model (HyperIM) is designed to learn the label-aware document representations and make predictions for HMLC. Extensive experiments are conducted on three benchmark datasets. The results have demonstrated that the new model can realistically capture the complex data structures and further improve the performance for HMLC comparing with the state-of-the-art methods. To facilitate future research, our code is publicly available

    Multi-Label Learning with Label Enhancement

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    The task of multi-label learning is to predict a set of relevant labels for the unseen instance. Traditional multi-label learning algorithms treat each class label as a logical indicator of whether the corresponding label is relevant or irrelevant to the instance, i.e., +1 represents relevant to the instance and -1 represents irrelevant to the instance. Such label represented by -1 or +1 is called logical label. Logical label cannot reflect different label importance. However, for real-world multi-label learning problems, the importance of each possible label is generally different. For the real applications, it is difficult to obtain the label importance information directly. Thus we need a method to reconstruct the essential label importance from the logical multilabel data. To solve this problem, we assume that each multi-label instance is described by a vector of latent real-valued labels, which can reflect the importance of the corresponding labels. Such label is called numerical label. The process of reconstructing the numerical labels from the logical multi-label data via utilizing the logical label information and the topological structure in the feature space is called Label Enhancement. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-label learning framework called LEMLL, i.e., Label Enhanced Multi-Label Learning, which incorporates regression of the numerical labels and label enhancement into a unified framework. Extensive comparative studies validate that the performance of multi-label learning can be improved significantly with label enhancement and LEMLL can effectively reconstruct latent label importance information from logical multi-label data.Comment: ICDM 201
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