3 research outputs found


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    A simple method for the calculation of molecular surface area of small as well as large molecules is presented. The method is based on Higo & Go algorithm [J. Comput. Chem. 10, 376 (1989)] for the supermolecular volume and surface area calculations. We have verified that the average molecular surface area which intercepts the cubes located at the atomic sphere surface is linearly proportional to the side area of the cubes. We determined the proportionality factors and tested them in a system with analytically known surface area and some hydro-carbon and alcohol molecules. Good correlations between calculated surface area and log(S), where S is the aqueous molar solubility of the hydrocarbons and alcohols, have been obtained.16427728

    Qsar And Molecular Graphics Analysis Of N2-phenylguanines As Inhibitors Of Herpes Simplex Virus Thymidine Kinases

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    A quantitative structure-activity relationship study of N2-(substituted)-phenylguanines (PHG) as inhibitors of herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV TK) was performed. The activity of a set of PHG derivatives were analyzed against the thymidine kinase of herpes simplex virus types 1 (HSV1 TK) and 2 (HSV2 TK). Classic and calculated physicochemical parameters were included in the analysis. The results showed that there is an important difference in the activity of the meta substituted PHG derivatives against HSV1 TK and HSV2 TK. The activity of the meta derivatives against HSV2 TK is influenced by a steric effect, which is not observed against HSV1 TK. The superposition of the three-dimensional structures of the active sites of HSV1 TK (crystal structure) and HSV2 TK (homology model) revealed that the amino acid Ile97 is located near the meta position in the HSV1 TK active site, whereas the amino acid Leu97 is located near the meta position in the HSV2 TK active site. This single difference in the active sites of both enzymes can explain the source of the steric effect and serves as an indication that our previously proposed binding mode for the PHG derivatives is plausible. However, another observed mutation in the active site region, Ala168 by Ser168, suggests that an alternative binding mode, similar to that of ganciclovir, could be possible. © 2000 by Elsevier Science Inc.1813341Collier, L., Oxford, J., (1993) Human Virology: A Text for Students of Medicine, Dentistry, and Microbiology, , Oxford University Press, OxfordRichman, D.D., (1996) Antiviral Drug Resistance, , John Wiley & Sons, GuilfordFocher, F., Hildebrand, C., Freese, S., Ciarrocchi, G., Noonan, T., Sangalli, S., Brown, N., Wright, G., N2-phenyldeoxyguanosine: A novel selective inhibitor of herpes simplex thymidine kinase (1988) J. Med. 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VCH, WeinheimGaudio, A.C., Takahata, Y., Richards, W.G., Prediction of the binding mode of N2-phenylguanines derivative inhibitors to herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase (1998) J. Comput. Aided Mol. Des., 12, pp. 15-25Sun, H., (1997), Ph.D thesis. Clark University, Worcester, MABrown, D.G., Visse, R., Sandhu, G., Davies, A., Rizkallah, P.J., Melitz, C., Summers, W.C., Sanderson, M.R., Crystal structure of the thymidine kinase from herpes simplex virus type-I in complex with deoxythymidine and ganciclovir (1995) Nat. Struct. 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    Qsar Study Of Inibition By Coumarins Of Iq Induced Mutation In S. Typhimurium Ta98

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    Coumarin and its analogs inhibit the mutagenicity of 2-amino-3- methylimidazo[4,5-f] quinoline (IQ) in Salmonella typhimurium TA98. A quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) study revealed that the antimutagenic activity of coumarins is related to the energy gap between levels one and two bellow the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), εHOMO-1-εHOMO-2. The QSAR model suggests that the inhibition involves a direct interaction between the coumarins and the cytochromes CYP that activate IQ to a mutagen. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.7251-3231238Skoog, K., Cooking procedures and food mutagens: A literature review (1993) Food Chemistry and Toxicology, 31, pp. 655-675Debnath, A.K., Debnath, G., Shusterman, A.J., Hansch, C., A QSAR investigation of the role of hydrophobicity in regulating mutagenicity in the ames test 1. 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