78 research outputs found

    Distributed Methods for High-dimensional and Large-scale Tensor Factorization

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    Given a high-dimensional large-scale tensor, how can we decompose it into latent factors? Can we process it on commodity computers with limited memory? These questions are closely related to recommender systems, which have modeled rating data not as a matrix but as a tensor to utilize contextual information such as time and location. This increase in the dimension requires tensor factorization methods scalable with both the dimension and size of a tensor. In this paper, we propose two distributed tensor factorization methods, SALS and CDTF. Both methods are scalable with all aspects of data, and they show an interesting trade-off between convergence speed and memory requirements. SALS updates a subset of the columns of a factor matrix at a time, and CDTF, a special case of SALS, updates one column at a time. In our experiments, only our methods factorize a 5-dimensional tensor with 1 billion observable entries, 10M mode length, and 1K rank, while all other state-of-the-art methods fail. Moreover, our methods require several orders of magnitude less memory than our competitors. We implement our methods on MapReduce with two widely-applicable optimization techniques: local disk caching and greedy row assignment. They speed up our methods up to 98.2X and also the competitors up to 5.9X

    Real-Time Prediction-Driven Dynamics Simulation to Mitigate Frame Time Variation

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    Real-time physics engines have seen recent performance improvements through techniques like hardware acceleration and artificial intelligence. However, state of the art physics simulation technology fails to account for the variation in simulation complexity over time. Sudden increases in contact frequency between simulated bodies can momentarily increase the processing time per frame. To solve this, we present a prediction-driven real-time dynamics method that uses a memory-efficient graph-based state buffer to minimize the cost of mispredictions. This buffer, which is generated by a separate thread running the physics pipeline, allows physics computation to temporarily run slower than real-time without affecting the frame rate of the host application. The main thread, whose role in dynamics computation gets limited to querying the simulation state and regenerating mispredicted state, sees a significant reduction in time spent per frame on dynamics computation when our multi-threaded prediction pipeline is enabled. Thus, our technique enables interactive multimedia applications to increase the computational budget for graphics at no cost perceptible to the end user. Furthermore, our method guarantees determinism and low input latency, making it suitable in competitive games and other real-time interactive applications. We also provide a C++ API to integrate custom game logic with the prediction engine to further minimize the frequency of mispredictions

    A Framework for Verifying Scalability and Performance of Cloud Based Web Applications

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    Antud magistritöö uurib võimalusi, kuidas kasutada veebirakendust MediaWiki, mida kasutatakse Wikipedia rakendamiseks, ja kuidas kasutada antud teenust mitme serveri peal nii, et see oleks kõige optimaalsem ja samas kõik veebikülastajad saaks teenusele ligi mõistliku ajaga. Amazon küsib raha pilves toimivate masinate ajalise kasutamise eest, ümardades pooleldi kasutatud tunnid täistundideks. Antud töö sisaldab vahendeid kuidas mõõta pilves olevate serverite jõudlust ning võimekust ja skaleerida antud veebirakendust. Amazon EC2 pilvesüsteemis on võimalik kasutajatel koostada virtuaalseid tõmmiseid operatsiooni süsteemidest, mida saab pilves rakendada XEN virtualiseerimise keskkonnas, kui eraldiseisvat serverit. Antud virtuaalse tõmmise peale sai paigaldatud tööks vaja minev keskkond, et koguda andmeid serverite kasutuse kohta ja võimaldada platvormi, mis lubab dünaamiliselt ajas lisada servereid ja eemaldada neid. Magistritöö uurib Amazon EC2 pilvesüsteemi kasutusvõimalusi, mille hulka kuulub Auto Scale, mis aitab skaleerida pilves kasutatavaid rakendusi horisontaalselt. Amazon pilve kasutatakse antud töös MediaWiki seadistamiseks ja suuremahuliste eksperimentide rakendamiseks. Vajalik on teha palju optimiseerimisi ja seadistamisi, et suurendada teenuse läbilaske võimsust. Antud töö raames loodud raamistik aitab mõõta serverite kasutust, kogudes andmeid protsessori, mälu ja võrgu kasutamise kohta. See aitab leida süsteemis olevaid kitsaskohti, mis võivad põhjustada süsteemi olulist aeglustumist. Antud töö raames sai tehtud erinevaid teste, et selgitada välja parim võimalik paigutus ja seadistus. Saavutatud seadistust kontrolliti hiljem 2 suuremahulise eksperimentiga, mis kestis üks päev ja mille käigus tekitati 22 miljonit päringut, leidmaks kuidas raamistik võimaldab teenust pilves skaleerida ülesse päringute arvu tõusmisel ja vähendada servereid, kui päringute arv väheneb. Ühes eksperimendis kasutati optimaalset heuristikat, et selgitada välja optimaalne serverite arv, mida on vaja pilves rakendada. Teine eksperimentidest kasutas Amazon Auto Scale teenust, mis kasutas serverite keskmist protsessori kasutamist, et selgitada välja, kas pilves on vaja servereid lisada või eemaldada. Antud eksperimendid näitavad selgelt, et kasutades dünaamilist arvu servereid, olenevalt päringute arvust, on võimalik teenuse üleval hoidmiseks säästa raha.Network usage and bandwidth speeds have increased massively and vast majority of people are using Internet on daily bases. This has increased CPU utilization on servers meaning that sites with large visits are using hundreds of computers to accommodate increasing traffic rates to the services. Making plans for hardware ordering to upgrade old servers or to add new servers is not a straightforward process and has to be carefully considered. There is a need to predict traffic rate for future usage. Buying too many servers can mean revenue loss and buying too few servers can result in losing clients. To overcome this problem, it is wise to consider moving services into virtual cloud and make server provisioning as an automatic step. One of the popular cloud service providers, Amazon is giving possibility to use large amounts of computing power for running servers in virtual environment with single click. They are providing services to provision as many servers as needed to run, depending how loaded the servers are and whatever we need to do, to add new servers or to remove existing ones. This will eliminate problems associated with ordering new hardware. Adding new servers is an automatic process and will follow the demand, like adding more servers for peak hours and removing unnecessary servers at night or when the traffic is low. Customer pays only for the used resources on the cloud. This thesis focuses on setting up a testbed for the cloud that will run web application, which will be scaled horizontally (by replicating already running servers) and will use the benchmark tool for stressing out the web application, by simulating huge number of concurrent requests and proper load-balancing mechanisms. This study gives us a proper picture how servers in the cloud are scaled and whole process remains transparent for the end user, as it sees the web application as one server. In conclusion, the framework is helpful in analyzing the performance of cloud based applications, in several of our research activities

    Deploying active objects onto multicore

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    The performance of a program on multicore platform crucially depends on the scheduling of its tasks; existing high-level programming languages, however, offer limited control over scheduling. In this thesis, we develop Cacoj as an extensible tool set to transform Creol’s active concurrent objects into Java to be deployed on multicore through standard Java Runtime Environment. The concurrent object paradigm is a promising trend for multicore programming because each object may conceptually encapsulate a processor. Cacoj introduces a higher-level abstraction of concurrency API and a Creol compiler in which the translated object in Java takes control over the scheduling of the incoming messages through a per-object approach in contrast with current mainstream trend. Cacoj brings about the required grounds to extend Creol syntax to additionally specify different levels of priority and integrate them into the notion of active concurrent objects

    SNIPS: Succinct Proof of Storage for Efficient Data Synchronization in Decentralized Storage Systems

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    Data synchronization in decentralized storage systems is essential to guarantee sufficient redundancy to prevent data loss. We present SNIPS, the first succinct proof of storage algorithm for synchronizing storage peers. A peer constructs a proof for its stored chunks and sends it to verifier peers. A verifier queries the proof to identify and subsequently requests missing chunks. The proof is succinct, supports membership queries, and requires only a few bits per chunk. We evaluated our SNIPS algorithm on a cluster of 1000 peers running Ethereum Swarm. Our results show that SNIPS reduces the amount of synchronization data by three orders of magnitude compared to the state-of-the-art. Additionally, creating and verifying a proof is linear with the number of chunks and typically requires only tens of microseconds per chunk. These qualities are vital for our use case, as we envision running SNIPS frequently to maintain sufficient redundancy consistently

    ALVIC versus the Internet: Redesigning a Networked Virtual Environment Architecture

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    The explosive growth of the number of applications based on networked virtual environment technology, both games and virtual communities, shows that these types of applications have become commonplace in a short period of time. However, from a research point of view, the inherent weaknesses in their architectures are quickly exposed. The Architecture for Large-Scale Virtual Interactive Communities (ALVICs) was originally developed to serve as a generic framework to deploy networked virtual environment applications on the Internet. While it has been shown to effectively scale to the numbers originally put forward, our findings have shown that, on a real-life network, such as the Internet, several drawbacks will not be overcome in the near future. It is, therefore, that we have recently started with the development of ALVIC-NG, which, while incorporating the findings from our previous research, makes several improvements on the original version, making it suitable for deployment on the Internet as it exists today

    The Challenges of Migration from 2D to 3D Internet (3DI)

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    Abstract The Internet world as we know it today has undergone far-reaching changes since its early days while becoming a critical communications underpinning our economic performance and social welfare. The 3D Internet is poised to replace the 2D Internet as we know it today. This paper takes a look at the two types of Internet, advantages and disadvantages and the future of the present Internet as we know it