475 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient Dynamic Source Routing Protocol For Mobile Ad hoc Networks

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    In a MANET, there is no Base Station i.e no fixed infrastructure and the nodes are free to move, thus network topology changes dynamically in an unpredictable manner. In this network each node acts both as a router and its job as an ordinary device. The major constraint of a network is the network parameters. These parameters are crucial in determining the network stability and reliability. Hence a better algorithm than the existing DSR algorithm is proposed to make the network transmission energy ecient. The major parameters on which the selection of the path depends is : (1) Node type and energy (2) Packet size (3) Delay in the network channel (4) no of hop counts required to reach the destination (5) Energy loss during transmission The conventional DSR algorithm uses any arbitrary path between the source and the destination pair. There is no parameter to judge the effectiveness of the path and this even floods the route cache with lengthier and multiple paths for the same source and destination. The EEDSR algorithm selects a node as a source node n then selects a set of node as destination. For each source and destination pair the best path is selected and then the parameters are collected. The average value of the parameters are taken over al the source and destination pair. This process is repeated for all the network of different dimension and a graph was plotted between no of nodes and the average parameter value. This algorithm not only enhances the network life but also minimises the effort required during the route maintenance phase. It even prevents back flooding of the packets and thus reduces the network congestion

    A Cooperative Cache Management Scheme for IEEE802.15.4 based Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) based on the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC and PHY layer standards is a recent trend in the market. It has gained tremendous attention due to its low energy consumption characteristics and low data rates. However, for larger networks minimizing energy consumption is still an issue because of the dissemination of large overheads throughout the network. This consumption of energy can be reduced by incorporating a novel cooperative caching scheme to minimize overheads and to serve data with minimal latency and thereby reduce the energy consumption. This paper explores the possibilities to enhance the energy efficiency by incorporating a cooperative caching strategy

    Survey of LAN infrastructure and ICT equipment in schools 2005: main report

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    Nationally representative technical audit of school infrastructure - full repor

    An Effective Service Mechanism to Achieve Low Query Latency along with reduced Negative Acknowledgement in iVANET: An Approach to Improve Quality of Service in iVANET

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    The Internet Based vehicular ad hoc network (iVANET) combines a wired Internet and vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) for developing a new generation of ubiquitous communicating. The Internet is usually applied in vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) solution whereas ad hoc networks are used in vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication. Since vehicular networks is characterized by High speed dynamically changing network topology The latency is one of the hot issues in VANET which is proportional to the source-&-remote vehicle distance and the mechanism involved in accessing source memory. If the distance between data source and the remote vehicle is wittily reduced by using redefined caching technique along with certain cache lookup mechanism, the latency is likely to be reduced by a significant factor in iVANET. This paper studies and analyzes various cache invalidation schemes including state of art ones and come with a novel idea of fructifying network performance within the purview of query latency and negative acknowledgement in iVANET. In this paper the roles of the mediatory network component are redefined with associative service mechanism which guarantees reduced query latency as well as minimizes negative acknowledgements in iVANET environment

    A multipath ad hoc routing approach to combat wireless link insecurity

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    As wireless LAN (WLAN) technologies proliferate, it is becoming common that ad hoc networks, in which mobile devices communicate via temporary links, are built using WLAN products. In the IEEE 802.11b standard, the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) scheme is used as the only measure to enhance data confidentiality against eavesdropping. However, owing to the well known pitfalls in Initialization Vector (IV) attachment in the ciphertext, the underlying 40-bit RC4 encryption mechanism in WEP is unsafe regardless of the key size. On the other hand, solutions involving replacement of RC4 by another cipher are not attractive because that may lead to reconstruction of the whole system and result in high costs as well as redevelopment of the products. In order to enhance the security on the existing development efforts, we propose a novel multipath routing approach to combat the link insecurity problem at a higher protocol layer. This approach does not require the application to use sophisticated encryption technologies that may be too heavy burdens for mobile devices. Based on our suggested confidentiality measurement model, we find that our proposed multipath ad hoc routing technique, called Secure Multipath Source Routing (SMSR), is highly effective.published_or_final_versio

    Cooperative Caching and Transmission Design in Cluster-Centric Small Cell Networks

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    Wireless content caching in small cell networks (SCNs) has recently been considered as an efficient way to reduce the traffic and the energy consumption of the backhaul in emerging heterogeneous cellular networks (HetNets). In this paper, we consider a cluster-centric SCN with combined design of cooperative caching and transmission policy. Small base stations (SBSs) are grouped into disjoint clusters, in which in-cluster cache space is utilized as an entity. We propose a combined caching scheme where part of the available cache space is reserved for caching the most popular content in every SBS, while the remaining is used for cooperatively caching different partitions of the less popular content in different SBSs, as a means to increase local content diversity. Depending on the availability and placement of the requested content, coordinated multipoint (CoMP) technique with either joint transmission (JT) or parallel transmission (PT) is used to deliver content to the served user. Using Poisson point process (PPP) for the SBS location distribution and a hexagonal grid model for the clusters, we provide analytical results on the successful content delivery probability of both transmission schemes for a user located at the cluster center. Our analysis shows an inherent tradeoff between transmission diversity and content diversity in our combined caching-transmission design. We also study optimal cache space assignment for two objective functions: maximization of the cache service performance and the energy efficiency. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme achieves performance gain by leveraging cache-level and signal-level cooperation and adapting to the network environment and user QoS requirements.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, submitted for possible journal publicatio

    An Energy Efficient and Cost Reduction based Hybridization Scheme for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) over the Internet of Things (IoT)

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    Wireless networks are viewed as the best-used network and specifically Portable Specially Appointed Organizations (MANETs) have tracked down numerous applications for its information transmission progressively. The plan issues in this organization are to confine the utilization of energy while communicating data and give security to the hubs. Soa protocol needs to be energy efficient to avoid network failures. Thereby this paper brings an effective energy efficient to optimize LEAR and make it energy efficient. The energy-mindfulness element is added to the LEAR guiding convention in this work using the Binary Particle Swarm Optimization method (BPSO). The recommended method selects programmes taking into account course length in addition to the programme level of energy when predicting the future. To get good results, the steered challenge is first designed using LEAR. The next step is to choose a route that enhances the weighting capability of the study hours and programming power used.This MANET has been secured using the cryptographic method known as AES.According to experimental findings, the proposed hybrid version outperformed other cutting-edge models

    A Comparison Study on the Performance of Different Applications using MANET Routing Protocols under Various Circumstances

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    Mobile adhoc network is a collection of mobile devices that communicate amongst each other using message passing to collaborate in a wireless medium, without any centralized management; each device acts as a router, sends and receive packets. Nodes can move freely and can set itself in any adhoc network. Adhoc networks are widely use in the absence of the wired network infrastructure. Quality of service of routing in ad hoc networks is an important and complicated issue with a changing topology. In this work we carried out a comparison study in a simulation scenarios on the performance of different routing protocols i.e., proactive and reactive, with different standard applications such as FTP, HTTP and database under various circumstances by means of network size, load, and speed of nodes. As a conclusion of this study, results show when measuring performance of delay and throughput of FTP, HTTP and Database traffic, delay and throughput metrics, using AODV, DSR, OLSR routing protocols, under 10, 50 and 100 nodes with spee of 10, 30 m/s. When using DSR routing protocol it showed the worst results under various network size and speed between other protocols, while when using AODV routing protocol it performed in a better way in which it showed a good performance in small and medium network size. OLSR routing protocol performed the best to be used in all network size especially in large network size.مانيت هي عبار ة عن مجموعة من االجهز ة تحتوي عمى أجهز ة السمكية، تتعاون مع بعضها البعض الرسال، استقبال و نقل المعمومات من خالل وسط السمكي، هوائي، من دون اي تحكم مركزي، كل جهاز يمكن اعتبار ة كجهاز راوتر يعتمد عمى نفسة بحيث يستقبل و يرسل المعمومات و هذة المجموعة تسمى بالمانيت. أي جهاز بهذة المجموعة يمكنة التحرك بحرية و يمكنة االنضمام الي مجموعة مانيت بالوقت الذي يريدة و بالمكان الذي يريدة. تستخدم المانيت باألمكان الذي اليوجد فيها بنية تحتية ثابتة، باألمكان التي يحصل فيها كوارث طبيعية و األمكان الذي يصعب فيها وجود اتصال بالوقت الذي يكون هو ضروري لوجود شبكة بين الجهز ة. تستخدم هذة األجهزة بروتوكالت لنقل المعمومات مثل DSR AODV و غيرها من البروتوكالت، حيث ان المانيت شبكة سريعة التغيير فان جودة هذة البروتوكالت هو أمر مهم. في هذة الرسالة قمنا بدراسة التطبيقات،database HTTP FTP ، لشبكة المانيت باستخدام البروتوكالت AODV ، DSR ، OLSR كال عمى حدى، تحت متغيرات و ظروف معينة لمعرفة اي بروتوكل هو االنسب الستخدامة مع اي تطبيق تحت هذة الظروف. و كنتيجة لهذة الدراسة، عند قياس أداء FTP ،Database، HTTP مقاييس اإلنتاجية، وذلك باستخدام AODV ،DSR ،OLSR بروتوكوالت التوجية ، تحت 01،01 و 011 عقدة وتصل سرعتها من 01 ، 01 م / ث.تبين انة عند استخدام بروتوكول توجية DSR أظهرت أسوأ نتائج في جميع اإلطار ت من حيت حجم الشبكة والسرعة بين البروتوكوالت األخرى، بينما عند استخدام بروتوكول التوجية AODV تنفذ ذلك بطريقة أفضل بحيت أظهرت أداء جيدا في حجم الشبكة الصغير والمتوسطة. اما بنسبة لبروتوكول التوجية OLSR اظهر أداء أفضل الستخدامها في جميع احجام الشبكة وخصوصا في حجم شبكة الواسع