44 research outputs found

    Regression and Classification for Direction-of-Arrival Estimation with Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks

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    We present a novel learning-based approach to estimate the direction-of-arrival (DOA) of a sound source using a convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN) trained via regression on synthetic data and Cartesian labels. We also describe an improved method to generate synthetic data to train the neural network using state-of-the-art sound propagation algorithms that model specular as well as diffuse reflections of sound. We compare our model against three other CRNNs trained using different formulations of the same problem: classification on categorical labels, and regression on spherical coordinate labels. In practice, our model achieves up to 43% decrease in angular error over prior methods. The use of diffuse reflection results in 34% and 41% reduction in angular prediction errors on LOCATA and SOFA datasets, respectively, over prior methods based on image-source methods. Our method results in an additional 3% error reduction over prior schemes that use classification based networks, and we use 36% fewer network parameters

    Overview and Evaluation of Sound Event Localization and Detection in DCASE 2019

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    Sound event localization and detection is a novel area of research that emerged from the combined interest of analyzing the acoustic scene in terms of the spatial and temporal activity of sounds of interest. This paper presents an overview of the first international evaluation on sound event localization and detection, organized as a task of the DCASE 2019 Challenge. A large-scale realistic dataset of spatialized sound events was generated for the challenge, to be used for training of learning-based approaches, and for evaluation of the submissions in an unlabeled subset. The overview presents in detail how the systems were evaluated and ranked and the characteristics of the best-performing systems. Common strategies in terms of input features, model architectures, training approaches, exploitation of prior knowledge, and data augmentation are discussed. Since ranking in the challenge was based on individually evaluating localization and event classification performance, part of the overview focuses on presenting metrics for the joint measurement of the two, together with a reevaluation of submissions using these new metrics. The new analysis reveals submissions that performed better on the joint task of detecting the correct type of event close to its original location than some of the submissions that were ranked higher in the challenge. Consequently, ranking of submissions which performed strongly when evaluated separately on detection or localization, but not jointly on both, was affected negatively

    Two vs. Four-Channel Sound Event Localization and Detection

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    Sound event localization and detection (SELD) systems estimate both the direction-of-arrival (DOA) and class of sound sources over time. In the DCASE 2022 SELD Challenge (Task 3), models are designed to operate in a 4-channel setting. While beneficial to further the development of SELD systems using a multichannel recording setup such as first-order Ambisonics (FOA), most consumer electronics devices rarely are able to record using more than two channels. For this reason, in this work we investigate the performance of the DCASE 2022 SELD baseline model using three audio input representations: FOA, binaural, and stereo. We perform a novel comparative analysis illustrating the effect of these audio input representations on SELD performance. Crucially, we show that binaural and stereo (i.e. 2-channel) audio-based SELD models are still able to localize and detect sound sources laterally quite well, despite overall performance degrading as less audio information is provided. Further, we segment our analysis by scenes containing varying degrees of sound source polyphony to better understand the effect of audio input representation on localization and detection performance as scene conditions become increasingly complex

    High-Resolution Speaker Counting In Reverberant Rooms Using CRNN With Ambisonics Features

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    Speaker counting is the task of estimating the number of people that are simultaneously speaking in an audio recording. For several audio processing tasks such as speaker diarization, separation, localization and tracking, knowing the number of speakers at each timestep is a prerequisite, or at least it can be a strong advantage, in addition to enabling a low latency processing. For that purpose, we address the speaker counting problem with a multichannel convolutional recurrent neural network which produces an estimation at a short-term frame resolution. We trained the network to predict up to 5 concurrent speakers in a multichannel mixture, with simulated data including many different conditions in terms of source and microphone positions, reverberation, and noise. The network can predict the number of speakers with good accuracy at frame resolution.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Sound Event Localization, Detection, and Tracking by Deep Neural Networks

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    In this thesis, we present novel sound representations and classification methods for the task of sound event localization, detection, and tracking (SELDT). The human auditory system has evolved to localize multiple sound events, recognize and further track their motion individually in an acoustic environment. This ability of humans makes them context-aware and enables them to interact with their surroundings naturally. Developing similar methods for machines will provide an automatic description of social and human activities around them and enable machines to be context-aware similar to humans. Such methods can be employed to assist the hearing impaired to visualize sounds, for robot navigation, and to monitor biodiversity, the home, and cities. A real-life acoustic scene is complex in nature, with multiple sound events that are temporally and spatially overlapping, including stationary and moving events with varying angular velocities. Additionally, each individual sound event class, for example, a car horn can have a lot of variabilities, i.e., different cars have different horns, and within the same model of the car, the duration and the temporal structure of the horn sound is driver dependent. Performing SELDT in such overlapping and dynamic sound scenes while being robust is challenging for machines. Hence we propose to investigate the SELDT task in this thesis and use a data-driven approach using deep neural networks (DNNs). The sound event detection (SED) task requires the detection of onset and offset time for individual sound events and their corresponding labels. In this regard, we propose to use spatial and perceptual features extracted from multichannel audio for SED using two different DNNs, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and convolutional recurrent neural networks (CRNNs). We show that using multichannel audio features improves the SED performance for overlapping sound events in comparison to traditional single-channel audio features. The proposed novel features and methods produced state-of-the-art performance for the real-life SED task and won the IEEE AASP DCASE challenge consecutively in 2016 and 2017. Sound event localization is the task of spatially locating the position of individual sound events. Traditionally, this has been approached using parametric methods. In this thesis, we propose a CRNN for detecting the azimuth and elevation angles of multiple temporally overlapping sound events. This is the first DNN-based method performing localization in complete azimuth and elevation space. In comparison to parametric methods which require the information of the number of active sources, the proposed method learns this information directly from the input data and estimates their respective spatial locations. Further, the proposed CRNN is shown to be more robust than parametric methods in reverberant scenarios. Finally, the detection and localization tasks are performed jointly using a CRNN. This method additionally tracks the spatial location with time, thus producing the SELDT results. This is the first DNN-based SELDT method and is shown to perform equally with stand-alone baselines for SED, localization, and tracking. The proposed SELDT method is evaluated on nine datasets that represent anechoic and reverberant sound scenes, stationary and moving sources with varying velocities, a different number of overlapping sound events and different microphone array formats. The results show that the SELDT method can track multiple overlapping sound events that are both spatially stationary and moving