18 research outputs found

    CRF Learning with CNN Features for Image Segmentation

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    Conditional Random Rields (CRF) have been widely applied in image segmentations. While most studies rely on hand-crafted features, we here propose to exploit a pre-trained large convolutional neural network (CNN) to generate deep features for CRF learning. The deep CNN is trained on the ImageNet dataset and transferred to image segmentations here for constructing potentials of superpixels. Then the CRF parameters are learnt using a structured support vector machine (SSVM). To fully exploit context information in inference, we construct spatially related co-occurrence pairwise potentials and incorporate them into the energy function. This prefers labelling of object pairs that frequently co-occur in a certain spatial layout and at the same time avoids implausible labellings during the inference. Extensive experiments on binary and multi-class segmentation benchmarks demonstrate the promise of the proposed method. We thus provide new baselines for the segmentation performance on the Weizmann horse, Graz-02, MSRC-21, Stanford Background and PASCAL VOC 2011 datasets

    ReSeg: A Recurrent Neural Network-based Model for Semantic Segmentation

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    We propose a structured prediction architecture, which exploits the local generic features extracted by Convolutional Neural Networks and the capacity of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) to retrieve distant dependencies. The proposed architecture, called ReSeg, is based on the recently introduced ReNet model for image classification. We modify and extend it to perform the more challenging task of semantic segmentation. Each ReNet layer is composed of four RNN that sweep the image horizontally and vertically in both directions, encoding patches or activations, and providing relevant global information. Moreover, ReNet layers are stacked on top of pre-trained convolutional layers, benefiting from generic local features. Upsampling layers follow ReNet layers to recover the original image resolution in the final predictions. The proposed ReSeg architecture is efficient, flexible and suitable for a variety of semantic segmentation tasks. We evaluate ReSeg on several widely-used semantic segmentation datasets: Weizmann Horse, Oxford Flower, and CamVid; achieving state-of-the-art performance. Results show that ReSeg can act as a suitable architecture for semantic segmentation tasks, and may have further applications in other structured prediction problems. The source code and model hyperparameters are available on https://github.com/fvisin/reseg.Comment: In CVPR Deep Vision Workshop, 201

    Discriminative Training of Deep Fully-connected Continuous CRF with Task-specific Loss

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    Recent works on deep conditional random fields (CRF) have set new records on many vision tasks involving structured predictions. Here we propose a fully-connected deep continuous CRF model for both discrete and continuous labelling problems. We exemplify the usefulness of the proposed model on multi-class semantic labelling (discrete) and the robust depth estimation (continuous) problems. In our framework, we model both the unary and the pairwise potential functions as deep convolutional neural networks (CNN), which are jointly learned in an end-to-end fashion. The proposed method possesses the main advantage of continuously-valued CRF, which is a closed-form solution for the Maximum a posteriori (MAP) inference. To better adapt to different tasks, instead of using the commonly employed maximum likelihood CRF parameter learning protocol, we propose task-specific loss functions for learning the CRF parameters. It enables direct optimization of the quality of the MAP estimates during the course of learning. Specifically, we optimize the multi-class classification loss for the semantic labelling task and the Turkey's biweight loss for the robust depth estimation problem. Experimental results on the semantic labelling and robust depth estimation tasks demonstrate that the proposed method compare favorably against both baseline and state-of-the-art methods. In particular, we show that although the proposed deep CRF model is continuously valued, with the equipment of task-specific loss, it achieves impressive results even on discrete labelling tasks

    Integrated Inference and Learning of Neural Factors in Structural Support Vector Machines

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    Tackling pattern recognition problems in areas such as computer vision, bioinformatics, speech or text recognition is often done best by taking into account task-specific statistical relations between output variables. In structured prediction, this internal structure is used to predict multiple outputs simultaneously, leading to more accurate and coherent predictions. Structural support vector machines (SSVMs) are nonprobabilistic models that optimize a joint input-output function through margin-based learning. Because SSVMs generally disregard the interplay between unary and interaction factors during the training phase, final parameters are suboptimal. Moreover, its factors are often restricted to linear combinations of input features, limiting its generalization power. To improve prediction accuracy, this paper proposes: (i) Joint inference and learning by integration of back-propagation and loss-augmented inference in SSVM subgradient descent; (ii) Extending SSVM factors to neural networks that form highly nonlinear functions of input features. Image segmentation benchmark results demonstrate improvements over conventional SSVM training methods in terms of accuracy, highlighting the feasibility of end-to-end SSVM training with neural factors

    Atrial Fibrillation Beat Identification Using the Combination of Modified Frequency Slice Wavelet Transform and Convolution Neural Networks

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a serious cardiovascular disease with the phenomenon of beating irregularly. It is the major cause of variety of heart diseases, such as myocardial infarction. Automatic AF beat detection is still a challenging task which needs further exploration. A new framework, which combines modified frequency slice wavelet transform (MFSWT) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs), was proposed for automatic AF beat identification. MFSWT was used to transform 1-s electrocardiogram (ECG) segments to time-frequency images, then the images were fed into a 12-layer CNN for feature extraction and AF/non-AF beat classification. The results on the MIT-BIH Atrial Fibrillation database showed that a mean accuracy (Acc) of 81.07% from 5-fold cross validation is achieved for the test data. The corresponding sensitivity (Se), specificity (Sp) and the area under ROC curve (AUC) results are 74.96%, 86.41% and 0.88. When excluding an extreme poor signal quality ECG recording in the test data, a mean Acc of 84.85% is achieved, with the corresponding Se, Sp and AUC values of 79.05%, 89.99% and 0.92. This study indicates that it is possible to accurately identify AF or non-AF ECGs from a short-term signal episode