342 research outputs found

    Implementation of a 3D CNN for COPD classification

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    Segons les prediccions de la Organització Mundial de la Salut (OMS) pels voltants del 2030 la Malaltia Pulmonar Obstructiva Crònica (MPOC) es convertirá en la tercera causa de mort en tot el món. L’MPOC és una patologia que afecta a les vies respiratòries i als pulmons. Avui en dia esdevé crónica i incurable però, és una malaltia tractable i prevenible. Fins ara les proves de diagnòstic usades per a detectar l’MPOC es basen en l’espirometria, aquesta prova, tot i indicar el grau d’obstrucció al pas de l’aire que es produeix en els pulmons, sovint no és molt fiable. És per aquest motiu que s’estan començant a usar tècniques basades en algorismes de Deep Learning per a la classificaió més acurada d’aquesta patologia, basant-se en imatges tomogràfiques de pacients malalts d’MPOC. Les xarxes neuronals convolucionals en tres dimensions (3D-CNN) en són un exemple. A partir de les dades i les imatges obtingudes en l’estudi observacional d’ECLIPSE proporcionades per l’equip de recerca de BRGE de ISGlobal, s’implementa una 3D-CNN per a la classificació de pacients amb risc d’MPOC. Aquest treball té com a objectiu desenvolupar una recerca extensa sobre la recerca actual en aquest àmbit i proposa millores per a l’optimització i reducció del cost computacional d’una 3D-CNN per aquest cas d’estudi concret.Según las predicciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), para alrededor del 2030, la Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (EPOC) se convertirá en la tercera causa de muerte en todo el mundo. La EPOC es una enfermedad que afecta las vías respiratorias y los pulmones. En la actualidad, se considera crónica e incurable, pero es una enfermedad tratable y prevenible. Hasta ahora, las pruebas de diagnóstico utilizadas para detectar la EPOC se basan en la espirometría. Esta prueba, a pesar de indicar el grado de obstrucción en el flujo de aire que ocurre en los pulmones, a menudo no es muy confiable. Es por esta razón que se están empezando a utilizar técnicas basadas en algoritmos de Deep Learning para una clasificación más precisa de esta patología, utilizando imágenes tomográficas de pacientes enfermos de EPOC. Las redes neuronales convolucionales en tres dimensiones (3D-CNN) son un ejemplo de esto. A partir de los datos y las imágenes obtenidas en el estudio observacional ECLIPSE proporcionado por el equipo de investigación de BRGE de ISGlobal, se implementa una 3D-CNN para la clasificación de pacientes con riesgo de EPOC. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo desarrollar una investigación exhaustiva sobre la investigación actual en este campo y propone mejoras para la optimización y reducción del costo computacional de una 3D-CNN para este caso de estudio concreto.According to predictions by the World Health Organization (WHO), by around 2030, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) will become the third leading cause of death worldwide. COPD is a condition that affects the respiratory tract and lungs. Currently, it is considered chronic and incurable, but it is a treatable and preventable disease. Up to now, diagnostic tests used to detect COPD have been based on spirometry. Despite indicating the degree of airflow obstruction in the lungs, this test is often not very reliable. That is why techniques based on Deep Learning algorithms are being increasingly used for more accurate classification of this pathology, based on tomographic images of COPD patients. Three-dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks (3D-CNN) are an example of such techniques. Based on the data and images obtained in the observational study called ECLIPSE, provided by the research team at BRGE of ISGlobal, a 3D-CNN is implemented for the classification of patients at risk of COPD. This work aims to conduct extensive research on the current state of research in this field and proposes improvements for the optimization and reduction of the computational cost of a 3D-CNN for this specific case study

    A comparative analysis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease using machine learning, and deep learning

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a general clinical issue in numerous countries considered the fifth reason for inability and the third reason for mortality on a global scale within 2021. From recent reviews, a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) is used in the primary analysis of the deadly COPD, which uses the computed tomography (CT) images procured from the deep learning tools. Detection and analysis of COPD using several image processing techniques, deep learning models, and machine learning models are notable contributions to this review. This research aims to cover the detailed findings on pulmonary diseases or lung diseases, their causes, and symptoms, which will help treat infections with high performance and a swift response. The articles selected have more than 80% accuracy and are tabulated and analyzed for sensitivity, specificity, and area under the curve (AUC) using different methodologies. This research focuses on the various tools and techniques used in COPD analysis and eventually provides an overview of COPD with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) symptoms.

    Deep Learning Paradigms for Existing and Imminent Lung Diseases Detection: A Review

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    Diagnosis of lung diseases like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, tuberculosis, cancer, etc., by clinicians rely on images taken through various means like X-ray and MRI. Deep Learning (DL) paradigm has magnified growth in the medical image field in current years. With the advancement of DL, lung diseases in medical images can be efficiently identified and classified. For example, DL can detect lung cancer with an accuracy of 99.49% in supervised models and 95.3% in unsupervised models. The deep learning models can extract unattended features that can be effortlessly combined into the DL network architecture for better medical image examination of one or two lung diseases. In this review article, effective techniques are reviewed under the elementary DL models, viz. supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised Learning to represent the growth of DL in lung disease detection with lesser human intervention. Recent techniques are added to understand the paradigm shift and future research prospects. All three techniques used Computed Tomography (C.T.) images datasets till 2019, but after the pandemic period, chest radiographs (X-rays) datasets are more commonly used. X-rays help in the economically early detection of lung diseases that will save lives by providing early treatment. Each DL model focuses on identifying a few features of lung diseases. Researchers can explore the DL to automate the detection of more lung diseases through a standard system using datasets of X-ray images. Unsupervised DL has been extended from detection to prediction of lung diseases, which is a critical milestone to seek out the odds of lung sickness before it happens. Researchers can work on more prediction models identifying the severity stages of multiple lung diseases to reduce mortality rates and the associated cost. The review article aims to help researchers explore Deep Learning systems that can efficiently identify and predict lung diseases at enhanced accuracy

    Relational Modeling for Robust and Efficient Pulmonary Lobe Segmentation in CT Scans

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    Pulmonary lobe segmentation in computed tomography scans is essential for regional assessment of pulmonary diseases. Recent works based on convolution neural networks have achieved good performance for this task. However, they are still limited in capturing structured relationships due to the nature of convolution. The shape of the pulmonary lobes affect each other and their borders relate to the appearance of other structures, such as vessels, airways, and the pleural wall. We argue that such structural relationships play a critical role in the accurate delineation of pulmonary lobes when the lungs are affected by diseases such as COVID-19 or COPD. In this paper, we propose a relational approach (RTSU-Net) that leverages structured relationships by introducing a novel non-local neural network module. The proposed module learns both visual and geometric relationships among all convolution features to produce self-attention weights. With a limited amount of training data available from COVID-19 subjects, we initially train and validate RTSU-Net on a cohort of 5000 subjects from the COPDGene study (4000 for training and 1000 for evaluation). Using models pre-trained on COPDGene, we apply transfer learning to retrain and evaluate RTSU-Net on 470 COVID-19 suspects (370 for retraining and 100 for evaluation). Experimental results show that RTSU-Net outperforms three baselines and performs robustly on cases with severe lung infection due to COVID-19

    COPD identification and grading based on deep learning of lung parenchyma and bronchial wall in chest CT images

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    OBJECTIVE: Chest CT can display the main pathogenic factors of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema and airway wall remodeling. This study aims to establish deep convolutional neural network (CNN) models using these two imaging markers to diagnose and grade COPD. METHODS: Subjects who underwent chest CT and pulmonary function test (PFT) from one hospital (n = 373) were retrospectively included as the training cohort, and subjects from another hospital (n = 226) were used as the external test cohort. According to the PFT results, all subjects were labeled as Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) Grade 1, 2, 3, 4 or normal. Two DenseNet-201 CNNs were trained using CT images of lung parenchyma and bronchial wall to generate two corresponding confidence levels to indicate the possibility of COPD, then combined with logistic regression analysis. Quantitative CT was used for comparison. RESULTS: In the test cohort, CNN achieved an area under the curve of 0.899 (95%CI: 0.853-0.935) to determine the existence of COPD, and an accuracy of 81.7% (76.2-86.7%), which was significantly higher than the accuracy 68.1% (61.6%-74.2%) using quantitative CT method (p < 0.05). For three-way (normal, GOLD 1-2, and GOLD 3-4) and five-way (normal, GOLD 1, 2, 3, and 4) classifications, CNN reached accuracies of 77.4 and 67.9%, respectively. CONCLUSION: CNN can identify emphysema and airway wall remodeling on CT images to infer lung function and determine the existence and severity of COPD. It provides an alternative way to detect COPD using the extensively available chest CT. ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE: CNN can identify the main pathological changes of COPD (emphysema and airway wall remodeling) based on CT images, to infer lung function and determine the existence and severity of COPD. CNN reached an area under the curve of 0.853 to determine the existence of COPD in the external test cohort. The CNN approach provides an alternative and effective way for early detection of COPD using extensively used chest CT, as an important alternative to pulmonary function test