64,287 research outputs found

    Do commuters suffer from job-education mismatch?

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    The migration literature shows that cross-border skill transfer is associated with a risk of increased job-education mismatch. This paper examines whether the problems of job-education mismatch often found among migrants also apply to cross-border commuters and compares cross-border commuters to within-country commuters as well as non-commuters and recent and established migrants in this respect. We find that cross-border commuters and recent migrants from EU15 countries have lower over- but higher under-education rates than non-commuters, but that for cross-border commuters and recent migrants from the NMS12 the opposite applies. Within-country commuters finally have lower over- but higher under-education rates than non-commuters in both regions. Please note: The alternative choice regarding Session theme is K. Spatial issues of the labour market

    Let's go West!: Do East Germans commute for wages, jobs or skills?

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    Using data from the longitudinal Labor Market Monitor for the New German States we provide a portrait of East-West commuters in the first year after unification and evaluate various hypotheses to explain the phenomenon. Commuters may be driven by the search for higher wages in the west or by unemployment in the east. Comparing commuters and other job starters in the east with respect to their previous labor force status we find the unemployed and those fearing job loss in the future to be less likely to hold jobs in the west. While many commuters realize significant wage gains some do not. We examine whether these commuters are likely to be acquiring additional human capital through employer provided training. While the incidence and duration of training is high among commuters, wage gains for those without training are lower. This leaves the wage differential hypothesis as the most likely explanation for the commuting phenomenon. --

    Are NIMBY'S commuters?

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    This paper considers a metropolitan area where residents can commute between several jurisdictions. These residents show NIMBY behavior (Not-In-My-Backyard). They try to preserve their living quality by pushing their polluting economic activity to the neighboring jurisdictions, while keeping their labor income as commuters. This induces a race-to-the-top among jurisdictions. Fiercer competition due to a higher number of jurisdictions intensifies this race-to-the-top; commuting costs, pollution taxes, payroll taxes and bigger jurisdictions increase rather than decrease the incentive for more pollution.Commuting, NIMBY, inter-jurisdictional competition, environmental federalism

    Commuting in small towns in rural areas: the case of St Andrews.

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    Since many rural commuters depend on the private car due to lack of convenient public transport, car reduction policies designed for large cities with ample public transport may be unsuitable for smaller towns. In particular, pricing policies designed to encourage public transport use may be less effective, as commuters with no convenient substitute to driving will be unable to switch. This paper develops multinomial and mixed logit models of commuters’ mode choice using data from a survey of commuters in the University of St Andrews. We find that the direct elasticities of the car mode are comparable to estimates reported in studies of commuting in larger urban areas, while the demand for public transport is considerably more elastic. The value of in-vehicle time is found to be about half of the UK average, reflecting that the roads in the St Andrews area are relatively uncongested.Mode choice, Rural commuting, Discrete choice models

    Community core detection in transportation networks

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    This work analyses methods for the identification and the stability under perturbation of a territorial community structure with specific reference to transportation networks. We considered networks of commuters for a city and an insular region. In both cases, we have studied the distribution of commuters' trips (i.e., home-to-work trips and viceversa). The identification and stability of the communities' cores are linked to the land-use distribution within the zone system, and therefore their proper definition may be useful to transport planners.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    Managerial Segmentation of Service Offerings in Work Commuting, MTI Report WP 12-02

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    Methodology to efficiently segment markets for public transportation offerings has been introduced and exemplified in an application to an urban travel corridor in which high tech companies predominate. The principal objective has been to introduce and apply multivariate methodology to efficiently identify segments of work commuters and their demographic identifiers. A set of attributes in terms of which service offerings could be defined was derived from background studies and focus groups of work commuters in the county. Adaptive choice conjoint analysis was used to derive the importance weights of these attributes in available service offering to these commuters. A two-stage clustering procedure was then used to explore the grouping of individual’s subsets into homogeneous sub-groups of the sample. These subsets are commonly a basis for differentiation in service offerings that can increase total ridership in public transportation while approximating cost neutrality in service delivery. Recursive partitioning identified interactions between demographic predictors that significantly contributed to the discrimination of segments in demographics. Implementation of the results is discussed

    Regional government competition and incentives for commuting taxes and transport investments

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    This paper discusses incentives for investments in transport infrastructure and commuting subsidies in a multi-region framework. Responsibilities of fiscal treatment of commuting expenses, public provision of road infrastructure and road pricing are distributed among different levels of government. The incentives of governments are discussed in a setting with commuting from a peripheral, less productive area to an urban agglomeration or city center. The interactions between investment in transport infrastructure, road pricing and commuting subsidies are analyzed. First, the optimal number of commuters from the point of view of the federation is derived in a first best situation. When a tax on labor is levied to finance the investment in transportation, a commuting subsidy can correct the labor tax distortion and the first best outcome can be obtained. However, when the peripheral region is in control of the transport policy and perceives its position as a dominant supplier of labor, the regional government will have an incentive to strategically restrict the number of commuters. This will lead to a commuting tax. In addition, there will be underinvestment in infrastructure investment. The city government faces different incentives. On the one hand, profits made in the city increase with the commuting flow. Assuming profits are captured locally, the city thus benefits from a higher number of commuters. On the other hand, the city can raise tax revenues by taxing commuters. Therefore, tax exporting behavior can be one of the drivers of the city’s transport policy. The result is a situation where the city invests in transport infrastructure to attract commuters and sets a tax on commuters to raise government revenues. We show that the intensity of the regional strategic behavior is affected by firm ownership structure, the number of labor-supplying regions and the revenue-sharing mechanism in the federation. The paper also looks into vertical tax competition and identifies possibilities for the federal government to correct the incentive structure through mechanism design. A numerical example illustrates the insights for commuting in Belgium.

    The welfare effects and distributional impacts of road user charges on commuters: An empirical analysis of Dresden

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    Congestion, air pollution and noise are perceived as some of the most pressing problems caused by increasing use of the car in urban areas today. The introduction of road user charges (road pricing) is a common proposal to solve or reduce these problems. However, its public acceptance is rather low, because it is considered as unjust. Therefore this study investigates the equity issue of road user charges in detail and analyses the distribution of costs and benefits among different groups. One group particularly affected by road pricing and analytically separable is the group of commuters. Hence, this paper analyses empirically the issue of the distributional impacts of road user charges for this group. After specifying the decision of the commuters within a microeconomic framework a binary logit model for mode choice was developed and estimated with disaggregated work trip data from Dresden. Then measures of users benefit that have been derived for discrete choice demand models were applied to the estimated demand functions for the different modes. So it was possible to calculate the changes in commuters welfare for the introduction of different simple toll schemes. This was done for commuters from different income groups and different areas within Dresden. Finally, measures of inequality for situations with and without road pricing were compared.


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