4 research outputs found

    CMOS Based Scalable Cryogenic Control Electronics for Qubits

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    The feasibility of using commercial CMOS processes for implementing scalable cryogenic control electronics for universal quantum computers is investigated. Using a systems engineering approach, we break the system down into sub-systems and model the individual components down to transistor level. First results for area demand and power consumption indicate that even with a standard CMOS process, it should be possible to operate hundreds of qubits. Using dedicated low power processes with reduced supply voltage, this number could be further increased in the long term by four or more orders of magnitude, allowing the control of millions of qubits

    Scalable Quantum Bit Control (SQuBiC1) Cryogenic CMOS IC for Spin Qubit Control

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    The Central Institute for Electronic Systems at Forschungszentrum Jülich develops, designs and tests scalable solutionsfor the control, readout and writing of qubits to be used in future quantum computers. The focus lies on highly integratedsystem-on-chip (SoC) solutions.One of the main challenges to integrate a high number of qubits is their connection to the control electronics at roomtemperature and their sensitivity to noise [1,2]. Therefore, close proximity of the integrated control circuits to the qubitspromises significant benefits and will most likely be the only way to reach qubit numbers beyond a thousand, thus gainingincreased attention in the last years [3-5].The operation of GaAs qubits requires voltage pulses, whereas SiGe qubits are controlled by high frequency RF signals.Multiple DC voltages are required to form potential wells and tune the qubit into operating region for both types of qubits. Atest chip was designed and layouted in a commercial 65nm CMOS process [6] to fill this role. The chip employs a 20 GHzvoltage controlled oscillator (VCO) to generate RF signals for future use in a cryogenic Phase-Locked-Loop (PLL), enablingSiGe qubit control. A 250 MS/s pulse DAC for operation of GaAs qubits is realized on the chip. A low power multi-outputchanneldigital-to-analog converter is included togenerate DC bias voltages, among other additional circuitry forperformance verification, operational amplifiers are includedin order to cope with the low driving strength of the DAC. Forthe on-chip clock generation a digital controlled oscillator (DCO) operating in the 100-500 MHz range is used. The chip isdesigned to be placed in close proximity to the qubit at the millikelvin temperature stageto generate the DC and pulsevoltagesand on the 4K-stage for RF signal generation(VCO).In this presentation, we will describe the chip architecture in detailandshow measured chip performance at cryogenictemperature below 10 K.[1]C. G. Almudever et al., "The engineering challenges in quantum computing," Design, Automation & Test in EuropeConference & Exhibition (DATE), 2017, Lausanne, 2017, pp. 836-845.[2]L.M.K. Vandersypen, H. Bluhm et al., "Interfacing spin qubits in quantum dots and donors: hot dense and coherent", npjQuantum Information, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 34, Sep. 2017.[3]B. Patra et al., "Cryo-CMOS Circuits and Systems for Quantum Computing Applications," in IEEE Journal of Solid-StateCircuits, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 309-321, Jan. 2018.[4]C. Degenhardt et al., “CMOS based scalable cryogenic Control Electronics for Qubits,” InternationalConference onRebooting Computing (ICRC), Washington, Dec 2017[5]A. Beckers, F. Jazaeri, H. Bohuslavskyi, L. Hutin, S. De Franceschi and C. Enz, "Design-oriented modeling of 28 nmFDSOI CMOS technology down to 4.2 K for quantum computing," 2018 Joint International EUROSOI Workshop andInternational Conference on Ultimate Integration on Silicon (EUROSOI-ULIS), Granada, 2018, pp. 1-4.[6]C. Degenhardt et al., "Systems Engineering of Cryogenic CMOS Electronics for Scalable Quantum Computers," 2019IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Sapporo, Japan, 2019, pp. 1-5