298 research outputs found

    Immunophenotyping of sheep paraffin-embedded peripheral lymph nodes

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    Sheep are not only a major livestock species globally, they are also an important large animal model for biomedical research and have contributed to our understanding of the ontogeny and architecture of the mammalian immune system. In this study, we applied immunohistochemistry and multicolor immunofluorescence in fixed and paraffin-embedded lymph nodes to phenotype the key populations of antigen presenting cells, lymphocytes and stromal cells that orchestrate the host adaptive immune response. We used an extensive panel of antibodies directed against markers associated with dendritic cells (MHC class II, CD83 and CD208), macrophages (CD11b, CD163 and CD169), stromal cells (CNA.42, S100 and CD83), and lymphocytes (CD3, Pax5, CD4, CD8). Using different methods of tissue fixation and antigen retrieval, we provide a detailed immunophenotyping of sheep lymph nodes including the identification of potential subpopulations of antigen presenting cells and stromal cells. By characterizing cells expressing combinations of these markers in the context of their morphology and location within the lymph node architecture, we provide valuable new tools to investigate the structure, activation and regulation of the sheep immune system in health and disease

    Depletion of alveolar glycogen corresponds with immunohistochemical development of CD208 antigen expression in perinatal lamb lung

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    CD208 DC lysosomal-associated protein is a marker of activated human dendritic cells; however, recently it was described as a marker of adult type II pneumocytes in many species including humans and sheep. Our hypothesis was that CD208 is developmentally regulated in lung pneumocytes. Lamb lungs at varying stages of development were stained immunohistochemically for CD208 and with Nile red (a fluorescent stain for lamellar bodies of type II cells) along with pulmonary markers of maturation (glycogen stores and surfactant protein A [SP-A] expression) or proliferation (Ki-67). CD208 staining and Nile red were localized to rare pneumocytes in young fetal lambs (day 115), increasing in frequency and stain intensity with age. Periodic acid-Schiff staining of glycogen granules was most prominent in the young lambs (day 115) with reduced staining through advancing lung development. SP-A was detected in pulmonary epithelia and staining in alveoli increased through gestation with decreased staining at 2 weeks of age. Intranuclear Ki-67 staining decreased through late gestation but was increased in 2-week-old lambs. Ontogeny of CD208 staining and depletion of glycogen were correlated (p\u3c0.0001) and consistent with the premise that CD208 is localized to developing lamellar bodies. The findings suggest that CD208 antigen expression may serve as a marker for pneumocyte maturation in the developing fetal lung

    Expression of select immune genes (surfactant proteins A and D, sheep beta defensin 1, and toll-like receptor 4) by respiratory epithelia is developmentally regulated in the preterm neonatal lamb

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    Preterm infants experience enhanced susceptibility and severity to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection. Terminal airway epithelium is an important site of RSV infection and the extent of local innate immune gene expression is poorly understood. In this study, expression of surfactant proteins A and D (SP-AD), sheep beta defensin 1 (SBD1), and toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) mRNA were determined in whole lung homogenates from lambs. SP-AD and TLR4 mRNA expression increased (p\u3c0.05) from late gestation to term birth. In addition, gene expression of LCM-retrieved type II pneumocytes (CD208+), adjacent epithelium (CD208−) and bronchial epithelium demonstrated that bronchiole-alveolar junction epithelium (combined CD208+/−) had significant (p\u3c0.05) developmental increases in SP-AD, SBD1 and TLR4 mRNA, whereas CD208+ cells had statistically significant increases only with SP-A mRNA. Using immunofluorescence, SP-AD antigen distribution and intensity were also greater with developmental age. These studies show reduced SBD1, SP-AD, and TLR4 expression in the preterm lung and this may underlie enhanced RSV susceptibility

    Increase of DC-LAMP+ mature dendritic cell subsets in dermatopathic lymphadenitis of mycosis fungoides

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    Background: Little is known about the immunological milieu of the skin-draining lymph nodes (LNs) in mycosis fungoides (MF). Objectives: We studied dendritic cell (DC) subsets in the dermatopathic lymphadenitis of MF patients. Methods: We immunohistochemically examined DC subsets and their distribution in 16 LN samples from 14 patients with MF (N1 LN, eight patients; N2, four; and N3, four), and we compared them with non-metastatic sentinel LNs from eight patients with melanoma. Results: The number of S-100 protein+ DCs was markedly increased in the LNs from the MF patients and the major component was DC-LAMP+ mature DCs in the outer and paracortex areas, where DC-SIGN+ immature DCs were relatively decreased in proportion. In contrast, DC-SIGN+ cells were relatively increased in proportion compared to DC-LAMP+ cells in the medulla. Although no significant difference was observed in the proportions of CD1a+ or Langerin+ DCs among the N1, N2, and N3 nodes, CD163+ M2-type macrophages were increased in number in the N2 and N3 nodes. Conclusions: Our observations indicate that mature DCs accumulate in the outer and paracortex areas in dermatopathic lymphadenitis and M2-type macrophages might increase in number during disease progression

    Vascular endothelial growth factor suppresses dendritic cells function of human prostate cancer

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    Tumor-infiltrating macrophages and dendritic cells in human colorectal cancer: relation to local regulatory T cells, systemic T-cell response against tumor-associated antigens and survival

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Although systemic T-cell responses against tumor antigens and tumor infiltration by T cells have been investigated in colorectal cancer (CRC), the initiation of spontaneous immune responses <it>in situ </it>is not well understood. Macrophages and dendritic cells (DC) play an important role as a link between innate and adaptive immune response. The aim of the present study was to analyze macrophage and DC infiltration in CRC and to investigate whether there is a correlation to systemic T-cell response, regulatory T cell (Treg) infiltration, and survival.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Immunohistological staining was performed with nine markers for macrophages and DC (CD68, CD163, S100, CD11c, CD208, CD209, CD123, CD1a, Langerin) in 40 colorectal cancer samples from patients, in whom the state of systemic T-cell responses against tumor-associated antigens (TAA) and Treg infiltration had previously been determined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All specimens contained cells positive for CD68, CD163, S100 and CD1a in epithelial tumor tissue and tumor stroma. Only a very few (less than median 3/HPF) CD123+, CD1a+, CD11c+, CD 208+, CD209+, or Langerin+ cells were detected in the specimens. Overall, we found a trend towards increased infiltration by S100-positive DC and a significantly increased number of stromal S100-positive DC in patients without T-cell response. There was an increase of stromal S100 DC and CD163 macrophages in limited disease (S100: 11.1/HPF vs. 7.3/HPF, p = 0.046; CD163: 11.0/HPF vs. 8.1/HPF, p = 0.06). We found a significant, positive correlation between S100-positive DC and FOXP3-positive Tregs. Survival in patients with high DC infiltration was significantly better than that in those with low DC infiltration (p < 0.05). Furthermore, we found a trend towards better survival for increased infiltration with CD163-positive macrophages (p = 0.07).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The present <it>in situ </it>study adds new data to the discussion on the interaction between the innate and adoptive immune system. Our data strongly support the hypothesis that tumor-infiltrating DC are a key factor at the interface between innate and adaptive immune response in malignant disease. Tumor infiltrating S100-positive DC show an inverse relationship with the systemic antigen-specific T-cell response, a positive correlation with regulatory T cells, and a positive association with survival in CRC. These data put tumor-infiltrating DC at the center of the relevant immune response in CRC.</p

    “Dermal Dendritic Cells” Comprise Two Distinct Populations: CD1+ Dendritic Cells and CD209+ Macrophages

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    A key cell type of the resident skin immune system is the dendritic cell (DC), which in normal skin is located in two distinct microanatomical compartments: Langerhans cells (LCs), mainly in the epidermis, and dermal DCs (DDCs), in the dermis. Here, the lineage of DDCs was investigated using monoclonal antibodies and immunohistology. We provide evidence that “DDC” comprise at least two major phenotypic populations of dendritic-appearing cells, immature DC expressing CD1, CD11c and CD208; and macrophages expressing CD209, CD206, CD163, and CD68. These data suggest that dermal dendritic-appearing macrophages comprise a novel part of the innate immune response in the resident skin immune system

    Normal human dermis contains distinct populations of CD11c +BDCA-1+ dendritic cells and CD163+FXIIIA + macrophages

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    We used a panel of monoclonal antibodies to characterize DCs in the dermis of normal human skin. Staining for the CD11c integrin, which is abundant on many kinds of DCs, revealed cells in the upper dermis. These cells were positive for blood DC antigen-1 (BDCA-1; also known as CD1c), HLA-DR, and CD45, markers that are also expressed by circulating myeloid DCs. A small subset of CD11c + dermal cells expressed DEC-205/CD205 and DC-lysosomal-associated membrane glycoprotein/CD208 (DC-LAMP/CD208), suggesting some differentiation or maturation. When BDCA-1+ cells were selected from collagenase digests of normal dermis, they proved to be strong stimulators for T cells in a mixed leukocyte reaction. A second major population of cells located throughout the dermis was positive for factor XIIIA (FXIIIA), but lacked CD11c and BDCA-1. They expressed the macrophage scavenger receptor CD163 and stained weakly for HLA-DR and CD45. Isolated CD163+ dermal cells were inactive in stimulating T cell proliferation, but in biopsies of tattoos, these cells were selectively laden with granular pigments. Plasmacytoid DCs were also present in the dermis, marked by CD123 and BDCA-2. In summary, the normal dermis contains typical immunostimulatory myeloid DCs identified by CD11c and BDCA-1, as well as an additional population of poorly stimulatory macrophages marked by CD163 and FXIIIA

    A full scale comparative study of methods for generation of functional Dendritic cells for use as cancer vaccines

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    <p/> <p>Background</p> <p>Dendritic cells (DCs) are professional antigen-presenting cells with the ability to induce primary T-cell responses and are commonly produced by culturing monocytes in the presence of IL-4 and GM-CSF for 5–7 days (Standard DC). Recently, Dauer and co-workers presented a modified protocol for differentiation of human monocytes into mature DCs within 48 hours (Fast DC). Here we report a functional comparison of the two strategies for generation of DCs from human monocytes with adaptions for large-scale clinical use.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The Elutra Cell Selection System was used to isolate monocytes after collection of leukapheresis product. The enriched monocytes were cultured in gas permeable Teflon bags with IL-4 and GM-CSF for 24 hours (Fast DC) or 5 days (Standard DC) to obtain immature DCs. The cells were then transfected with mRNA from the leukemia cell line Jurkat E6 by electroporation and incubated for additional 24 h or 2 days in the presence of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6 and PGE<sub>2</sub>) to obtain mature DCs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mature Fast DC and Standard DC displayed comparable levels of many markers expressed on DC, including HLA-DR, CD83, CD86, CD208 and CCR7. However, compared to Standard DC, mature Fast DC was CD14<sup>high </sup>CD209<sup>low</sup>. Fast DC and Standard DC transfected with Jurkat E6-cell mRNA were equally able to elicit T cell specifically recognizing transfected DCs in vitro. IFNγ-secreting T cells were observed in both the CD4+ and CD8+ subsets.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results indicate that mature Fast DC are functional antigen presenting cells (APCs) capable of inducing primary T-cell responses, and suggest that these cells may be valuable for generation of anti-tumor vaccines.</p