1 research outputs found

    Information and Communications Technologies in Pre-school settings: a review of the literature

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    This article reviews the research evidence that relates to the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in pre-school settings. While there is widespread agreement that children should be helped to become confident users of ICT the literature presents a more qualified picture of potential benefits and barriers. The review considers the polarised debate about whether computer use is desirable for young children; the position of ICT as one element in the multi-media mix experienced by children; evidence available about current ICT provision and practice in pre-school settings in the UK and perspectives on the contribution that ICT makes to learning. The need for adults and children to acquire ICT literacy skills is identified, along with a requirement that practitioners should be equipped to make appropriate resource choices. The way in which ICT can play a compensatory and engaging role or further entrench disadvantage (‘the digital divide’) is discussed. The review concludes that the pedagogical imperative must remain with practitioners