1,746 research outputs found


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    O objetivo deste trabalho e responder os principais questionamentos levantados, objetivando esclarecer aos diversos segmentos de publico interessado sobre as causas, sintomas e metodos de controle mais adequados.bitstream/item/36432/1/DOC-28.pd

    Restrictive Type of Replication of Ovine/Caprine Lentiviruses in Ovine Fibroblast Cell Cultures

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    AbstractCaprine arthritis–encephalitis virus (CAEV) is a natural lentivirus pathogen of goats. CAEV, like all members of the ovine/caprine lentivirus family, has anin vivotropism for cells of the monocyte/macrophage cell lineage and activation of viral gene expression is observed only following differentiation of monocytes to macrophages. In addition to cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage, CAEV and the closely related maedi visna virus of sheep (MVV) can also replicate productively in fibro-epithelial cells derived from synovial membrane of goats (GSM). However, these viruses varied greatly in their ability to replicate in fibroblasts. We studied the biological and biochemical properties of CAEV and maedi-visna virus (MVV) of sheep following inoculation into the three ovine/caprine cell types. Our data showed no substantial differences in virus titers, viral protein biosynthesis, or processing of the viral proteins between CAEV and MVV following inoculation into primary macrophages and GSM cells. However, unlike MVV, CAEV failed to replicate productively in ovine fibroblasts (sheep choroid plexus cells). This correlated with a specific but abnormal proteolytic cleavage of the envelope glycoprotein of the virus. This abnormal proteolytic cleavage represents a novel type of host cell restriction of lentivirus replication

    Differential Receptor Usage of Small Ruminant Lentiviruses in Ovine and Caprine Cells: Host Range but not Cytopathic Phenotype Is Determined by Receptor Usage

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    AbstractThe ovine maedi-visna (MVV) and caprine arthritis-encephalitis (CAEV) small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV) exhibit differential species tropism and cytopathic effects in vitro. Icelandic MVV-K1514 is a lytic SRLV which can infect cells from many species in addition to ruminants, whereas a lytic North American MVV strain (85/34) as well as nonlytic MVV strain S93 and CAEV can infect only ruminant cells. In the present study, we determined if differential receptor usage in sheep and goat cells is the basis of differential species tropism or cytopathic phenotype of SRLV. Infection interference assays in sheep and goat synovial membrane cells using pseudotyped CAEV vectors showed that North American MVV strains 85/34 and S93 and CAEV use a common receptor (SRLV receptor A), whereas MVV-K1514 uses a different receptor (SRLV receptor B). In addition, human 293T cells expressing CAEV but not MVV-K1514 envelope glycoproteins fused with a goat cell line persistently infected with MVV-K1514, indicating that MVV-K1514 does not use SRLV receptor A for cell-to-cell fusion. Therefore, our results indicate that the differential species tropism of SRLV is determined by receptor usage. However, receptor usage is unrelated to cytopathic phenotype

    A Combined Approach for Detection of Ovine Small Ruminant Retrovirus Co-Infections

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    Jaagsiekte retrovirus (JSRV)-induced ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (OPA) is an important ovine respiratory disease in Switzerland. Furthermore, ovine lungs with OPA frequently exhibited lesions suggestive of maedi-visna virus (MVV) or caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) infection, indicating that co-morbidities might occur. Lungs and pulmonary lymph nodes were sampled from suspected OPA cases, inflammatory lung lesions and control lungs (total of 110 cases). Tissues were (a) processed for histology and immunohistochemistry (IHC), and (b) underwent DNA extraction and real-time PCR for JSRV, MVV and CAEV. Peptide sequences were used to generate virus-specific customized polyclonal antibodies. PCR-positive OPA cases and formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded MVV- and CAEV-infected synovial cell pellets served as positive controls. Fifty-two lungs were histologically diagnosed with OPA. Histological evidence of MVV/CAEV infection was detected in 25 lungs. JSRV was detected by PCR in 84% of the suspected OPA cases; six were co-infected with MVV and one with CAEV. MVV was detected by PCR in 14 cases, and four lungs were positive for CAEV. Three lungs had MVV/CAEV co-infection. In IHC, JSRV was detected in 91% of the PCR-positive cases, whereas MVV and CAEV immunoreactivity was seen in all PCR-positive lungs. Although PCR showed a higher sensitivity compared to IHC, the combined approach allows for investigations on viral cell tropism and pathogenic processes in co-morbidities, including their potential interdependency. Furthermore, an immunohistochemical tool for specific differentiation of MVV and/or CAEV infection was implemented

    Falhas reprodutivas associadas com a presença de do vírus da artrite-encefalite caprina, Toxoplasma gondii e Neospora caninum em caprinos no estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    This study aimed at assessing the occurrence of antibodies against the caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV), Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum, as well as the associations between the presence of antibodies and the occurrence of reproductive failures in goats. Serum samples were collected from 923 goats of both sexes, over 3 months of age, from 17 dairy farms located in different municipalities of SĂŁo Paulo State, Brazil. Infections by T. gondii, N. caninum and CAEV were evaluated by indirect methods of diagnosis based on indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT), Neospora agglutination test (NAT), and agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID), respectively. A survey was conducted on the farms to obtain information about reproduction dates (abortions, stillbirths and births of weak and premature kids) and zoosanitary management. Antibodies against CAEV, T. gondii and N. caninum was found in 37.81%, 23.62% and 17.23% respectively. There was no significant association between the presence of anti-CAEV antibodies and CAEV/T. gondii or CAEV/N. caninum co-infection, suggesting that CAEV does not predispose goats to infection by these agents. However, when CAEV/T. gondii (p<0.01) or CAEV/N. caninum (p<0.001) co-infection was present, the occurrence of reproductive failures was significantly higher what could indicate that CAEV-induced immunosuppression may predispose goats to develop the clinical symptoms of toxoplasmosis and neosporosis increasing the risks of the reproductive failures.O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a ocorrĂȘncia de anticorpos para o vĂ­rus da atrite-encefalite caprina (CAEV), Toxoplasma gondii e Neospora caninum e de possĂ­veis associaçÔes entre a presença de anticorpos e a ocorrĂȘncia de problemas reprodutivos em caprinos. Para tanto, foram colhidas amostras sangĂŒĂ­neas de 923 caprinos de ambos os sexos, acima de trĂȘs meses de idade e oriundos de 17 propriedades leiteiras, de diferentes municĂ­pios do estado de SĂŁo Paulo, Brasil. Os diagnĂłsticos para T. gondii, N. caninum e CAEV foram baseados, respectivamente, na reação de imunofluorescĂȘncia indireta (RIFI), teste de aglutinação para Neospora (NAT) e a imunodifusĂŁo em gel de ĂĄgar (IDGA). Um inquĂ©rito epidemiolĂłgico foi aplicado nas propriedades para obtenção de informaçÔes sobre dados reprodutivos (abortamentos, natimortalidade e nascimentos de filhotes fracos e prematuros) e de manejo zoossanitĂĄrio. As ocorrĂȘncias de anticorpos foram de 37,81% para CAEV, de 23,62% para T. gondii e de 17,23% para N. caninum. NĂŁo houve associação significativa entre a presença de anticorpos anti-CAEV e co-infecção com T. gondii ou N. caninum, sugerindo que o CAEV nĂŁo predispĂ”e os caprinos Ă  infecção por estes agentes. Entretanto, quando havia, nas fazendas, animais com co-infecção pelo CAEV e T. gondii (p<0,01) ou CAEV e N. caninum (p<0,001) as ocorrĂȘncias de falhas reprodutivas foram significativamente maiores, sugerindo que a imunossupressĂŁo causada pelo CAEV pode predispor os caprinos ao desenvolvimento de sintomas clĂ­nicos da toxoplasmose e neosporose, potencializando os riscos da ocorrĂȘncia de problemas reprodutivos causados por estas enfermidades

    First isolation and nucleotide comparison of the gag gene of the caprine arthritis encephalitis virus circulating in naturally infected goats from Argentina

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    Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) has been reported in different countries worldwide, based on serological and molecular detection. In Argentina, the prevalence of CAEV infections is increasing, with goats showing symptoms associated mostly with cachexia and arthritis. Although in Argentina the virus has been detected by serology, it has never been isolated or characterized. Thus, the objectives of this work were to isolate and analyze the nucleotide sequences of the gag gene of Argentine CAEV strains and compare them with those of other SRLVs previously reported. Nucleotide sequence comparison showed homology with CAEV-Co, the CAEV prototype. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the Argentine strains clustered with genotype B, subtype B1. Because the molecular characterization of the gag region is suitable for phylogenetic studies and may be applied to monitor the control of SRLV, molecularly characterizing the Argentine CAEV strains may help develop a proper plan of eradication of CAEV infections.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Tryptophan 95, an Amino Acid Residue of the Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus Vif Protein Which Is Essential for Virus Replication

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    AbstractThe Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) vif gene was demonstrated to be essential for efficient virus replication. CAEV Vif deletion mutants demonstrated an attenuated replication phenotype in primary goat cell cultures and resulted in abortive infection when inoculated into goats. In this study, we determined the in vitro replication phenotype of five CAEV Vif point mutant infectious molecular clones and the ability of the corresponding in vitro translated Vif proteins to interact with the CAEV Pr55gag in the glutathione S–transferase (GST) binding assay. Here we show that (i) three of the mutants (S170E, S170G, S197G) behaved as the wild-type CAEV according to virus replication and Vif–Gag interactions; (ii) one mutant (Vif 6mut) was replication incompetent and bound weakly to GST–Gag fusion proteins; and (iii) one mutant (Vif RG) was impaired for replication while retaining its interaction properties. This mutant points out the critical importance of the CAEV Vif tryptophan residue at position 95 for efficient virus replication, defining for this lentivirus a functional domain unrelated to the Gag binding region

    CAEv–A program for computer aided evaluation

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    The evaluation of new reagents and instruments in clinical chemistry leads to complex studies with large volumes of data, which are difficult to handle. This paper presents the design and development of a program that supports an evaluator in the definition of a study, the generation of data structures, communication with the instrument (analyser), online and offline data capture and in the processing of the results. The program is called CAEv, and it runs on a standard PC under MS-DOS. Version 1 of the program was tested in a multicentre instrument evaluation. The concept and the necessary hardware and software are discussed. In addition, requirements for instrument/host communication are given. The application of the laboratory part of CAEv is described from the user's point of view. The design of the program allows users a high degree of flexibility in defining their own standards with regard to study protocol, and/or experiments, without loss of performance. CAEv's main advantages are a pre-programmed study protocol, easy handling of large volumes of data, an immediate validation of the experimental results and the statistical evaluation of the data

    Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos trabalha no desenvolvimento de tecnologias reprodutivas para o aproveitamento da genética superior de matrizes e machos contaminados com Artrite Encefalite Caprina (CAE).

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    AnĂĄlise protĂ©ica e imunogĂȘnica de antĂ­genos de lentivĂ­rus de pequenos ruminantes.

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    Resumo: O vĂ­rus da artrite encefalite caprina e vĂ­rus maedi visna sĂŁo retrovĂ­rus, comumente designados de lentivĂ­rus de pequenos ruminantes, que causam sĂ©rias perdas econĂŽmicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar e comparar proteĂ­nas de antĂ­genos produzidos a partir de cepas do vĂ­rus da artrite-encefalite caprina (CAEV) e do vĂ­rus da maedi-visna (MVV), visando o imunodiagnĂłstico. Para tanto, os diferentes antĂ­genos oriundos das cepas CAEV-Cork, CAEV-CE e MVV-K1514 foram submetidos Ă  eletroforese em SDS-PAGE, posteriormente ao teste de Western Blot, a fim de se analisar as proteĂ­nas imunogĂȘnicas. O perfil proteico dos diferentes antĂ­genos foram similares, apresentando bandas proteicas variando em peso molecular de 162,08 a 15,02KDa. AlĂ©m disso, as seguintes proteĂ­nas imunogĂȘnicas foram observadas: gp45, p28, p19 e p15. Concluiu-se que os antĂ­genos produzidos possuem caracterĂ­sticas imunogĂȘnicas semelhantes, demonstrando a similaridade dessas cepas virais. Proteic and immunogenic analysis of antigen from Small Ruminants Lentivirus. Abstract: The caprine arthritis encephalitis virus and maedi visna virus are retrovirus, in general designated from Small Ruminants lentivirus, which causes serious economic prejudice. The objective of this study was evaluate and compare the different proteins expressed by antigens produced from strains of CAEV Cork, CAEV CE and MVV, aiming the immunodiagnosis. To this, different antigens samples arising from strains CAEV-Cork, CAEV-CE and MVV-K1514 were subjected to electrophoresis on SDS-PAGE, posteriorly to Western blot test, in order to analyze immunogenic proteins. The proteic profile and antigenic of the various antigens were similar, showing the protein bands ranging in molecular weight from 162.08 to 15.02 KDa. Furthermore, were present the following immunogenic proteins: gp45, p28, p19 and p15. It is concluded that the antigens produced were similar, demonstrating similarities of these viral strains
