14 research outputs found


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    So far, business models have been investigated in the context of eCommerce focusing on economic issues but they do not consider the viewpoints of authorities embarking on public private partnerships for citizen services. This paper describes our modelling method BMeG that is dedicated to the planning of business models for eGovernment services. BMeG allows one to model options of value chains with various perspectives including advantages and disadvantages with impacts on policies. BMeG depicts the added value of potential partnerships and thus supports authorities to decide on alliances for public private partnerships or other financing models for eGovernment services

    A Tool to Model and Simulate Dynamic Business Models

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    Software tools hold great promise to support the modeling, analyzing, and innovation of business models. Current tools only focus on the design of business models and do not incorporate the complexity of existing interdependencies between business model components. These tools merely allow simulating inherent dynamics within the models or different strategic decision scenarios. In this research, we use design science research to develop a prototype that is capable of modeling and simulating dynamic business models. We use system dynamics as a simulation approach and containers to allow deployment as web applications. This paper represents the first of three design cycles, realizing six out of 59 requirements that are collected from the literature on software tools for business models. We contribute toward the design of novel artifacts for business model innovation as well as their evaluation. Future research can use these results to build tools that consider and address the complexity of business models. Lastly, we present several options for extending the proposed tool in the future

    How Software Can Support Innovating Business Models: A Taxonomy of Functions of Business Model Development Tools

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    The interest in business model innovation has risen rapidly in recent years, and software tools for business model development hold great promise for supporting business model innovation. Nonetheless, virtually no design-relevant knowledge exists concerning the functions that such tools should possess. Therefore, we develop a comprehensive taxonomy that identifies characteristic functions of software-based business model development tools. For developing the taxonomy, we draw on prior research on business model innovation, process modeling, and creativity support systems, and we analyze software tools for business model development that have been proposed in practice. The resulting taxonomy can support practitioners in their tool (re-)design and investment decisions, and for researchers can serve as a preliminary step towards more advanced theories for software tools for business model development

    Design Principles for Leveraging Sustainability in Business Modelling Tools

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    Sustainability has become increasingly important to business research and practice. Approaches that support fundamental changes in behaviour to act economically, ecologically and socially are required. Modelling and analysing business models can contribute to this, for example by generating new ideas and enabling innovation as well as improving and evaluating current businesses. Although, the interest in business model innovation is booming, and software tools for business model development hold great promise for supporting business model innovation, there is only limited support and guidance for a tool-support that enables a satisfactory consideration of sustainability. Furthermore, there is currently a lack of comprehensive knowledge concerning which features can contribute to this consideration, and how they can be implemented. In this article, we report on the results of design science research (DSR) study that develops a set of design principles for reflecting sustainability in business models, which are refined and evaluated in several cycles. Our findings can support practitioners in (re-)designing tools, selecting and innovating business models, and—for researchers—can serve as a step towards more advances theories regarding software tools for sustainability in business modelling as well as for creating new business model ideas

    Analysis of the Tool Support for Business Model Innovation

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    Organizations adapt their business models (BM) frequently to remain competitive. One reason for this is the digitalization of products and services. A change in strategy often brings along an adaption of the BM or a complete business model innovation (BMI). In this context, software tools can support users in the presentation and analysis of their BM by providing methodological knowledge. The assessment of a software tool is influenced by different orientations and functionalities, e.g., for pure BM representation or simulation. This contribution provides a procedure for systematically assessing BMI tools and offers an overview of existing BM tools as well as their support for BMI and a related transformation process. The results show that early phases of BMI are well supported, while later phases are hardly represented. A possible reason for this lies in the complexity of later BMI phases. First steps towards supporting later phases through software are discussed

    Approaches for Business Model Representation: An Overview

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    Explicitly representing a business model facilitates the understanding, analysis, and innovation of its underlying logic. For representing business models, numerous approaches have been suggested in the literature. They differ greatly in their understanding of the business model concept, the approach for representation, the terminology, and the notational elements they use. This impedes the diffusion of the representational approaches in business practice and the development of a cumulative research tradition. Our contributions are twofold: Based on a comprehensive literature review, we provide (I) a synthesizing framework for classifying approaches for business model representation, and (II) a terminological and conceptual synthesis of the notational elements. Thereby, practitioners are supported in selecting the most suitable representation for a specific purpose. For researchers, our work provides the basis to develop a more cumulative stream of research

    Modeling Business Models: A cross-disciplinary Analysis of Business Model Modeling Languages and Directions for Future Research

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    Modeling languages for business models are a powerful and flexible means of representing and communicating knowledge related to business models. More than fifteen years after Osterwalder et al. (2005) clarified the ontology for the business model concept in this journal, we offer a systematic and cross-disciplinary assessment of the literature on business model modeling languages (BMMLs) that facilitate the visualization of this concept. In so doing, we synthesize and organize the knowledge dispersed across different disciplines in which BMMLs have originated and highlight the potential weaknesses in this literature to offer solid insights for future research. Our analysis reveals the existence of 17 BMMLs that have originated in traditional domains such as strategy and information systems, but also emerging domains such as sustainability. We contrast and compare these BMMLs along three dimensions: semantics, syntax, and pragmatics. We also analyze research that has made use of these BMMLs, differentiating between research that is conducted with a given BMML and research that is conducted about a given BMML. We conclude by offering a research agenda in which we illustrate the main challenges associated with the lack of well-accepted semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic foundations of BMMLs and outline opportunities for future research

    Business Model Grounds and Links: Towards Enterprise Architecture Perspective

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    The business model concept emerged in theory and practice without a consensus on the understanding of the concept, but it has become a well accepted and useful construct in fields such as strategy, organization, information systems and technology. This paper aims to provide an overview of the research on the use of business models focusing on outstanding works in this field, extracting main converging findings unburdened of extant lists of specific citations. Following the overview, a comparison of the seven respective conceptual frameworks of the business model research is presented. Finally, after determining grounds, the business model concept is linked to related complex concept – enterprise architecture

    Business Model Grounds and Links: Towards Enterprise Architecture Perspective

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    The business model concept emerged in theory and practice without a consensus on the understanding of the concept, but it has become a well accepted and useful construct in fields such as strategy, organization, information systems and technology. This paper aims to provide an overview of the research on the use of business models focusing on outstanding works in this field, extracting main converging findings unburdened of extant lists of specific citations. Following the overview, a comparison of the seven respective conceptual frameworks of the business model research is presented. Finally, after determining grounds, the business model concept is linked to related complex concept – enterprise architecture

    Business Model Grounds and Links: Towards Enterprise Architecture Perspective

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    The business model concept emerged in theory and practice without a consensus on the understanding of the concept, but it has become a well accepted and useful construct in fields such as strategy, organization, information systems and technology. This paper aims to provide an overview of the research on the use of business models focusing on outstanding works in this field, extracting main converging findings unburdened of extant lists of specific citations. Following the overview, a comparison of the seven respective conceptual frameworks of the business model research is presented. Finally, after determining grounds, the business model concept is linked to related complex concept – enterprise architecture