91 research outputs found

    Value-Oriented Design of Service Coordination Processes: Correctness and Trust

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    The rapid growth of service coordination languages creates a need for methodological support for coordination design. Coordination design differs from workflow design because a coordination process connects different businesses that can each make design decisions independently from the others, and no business is interested in supporting the business processes of others. In multi-business cooperative design, design decisions are only supported by all businesses if they contribute to the profitability of each participating business. So in order to make coordination design decisions supported by all participating businesses, requirements for a coordination process should be derived from the business model that makes the coordination profitable for each participating business. We claim that this business model is essentially a model of intended value exchanges. We model the intended value exchanges of a business model as e3 -value value models and coordination processes as UML activity diagrams. The contribution of the paper is then to propose and discuss a criterion according to which a service coordination process must be correct with respect to a value exchange model. This correctness is necessary to gain business support for the process. Finally, we discuss methodological consequences of this approach for service coordination process design


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    So far, business models have been investigated in the context of eCommerce focusing on economic issues but they do not consider the viewpoints of authorities embarking on public private partnerships for citizen services. This paper describes our modelling method BMeG that is dedicated to the planning of business models for eGovernment services. BMeG allows one to model options of value chains with various perspectives including advantages and disadvantages with impacts on policies. BMeG depicts the added value of potential partnerships and thus supports authorities to decide on alliances for public private partnerships or other financing models for eGovernment services

    Conceiving Adaptability for Business Models: A Literature-based Approach

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    A rapidly changing economy and peer pressure amongst competitors lead business to continuously reconsider and readjust their current business models. Thus, business models must be flexible and adaptive towards external changes and should be controlled and managed dynamically. This paper develops a conceptual framework for adaptive business models, which enables decision makers in strategy and IT management to intertwine business models with strategy and business processes, in order to analyze the complex relationships amongst these different description levels of an enterprise. Based on the core elements of business models, the interplay of these elements with aspects from enterprise strategy and business processes are investigated and potentials for IT innovations are being identified to live up to the vision of adaptive business models. For each of the innovations, key measures are considered and improvement possibilities within an enterpriseā€™s IT infrastructure are being identified. The paper concludes with an outlook on possible implementations and future research


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    The present study aims to analyze the current global context to capture the characteristics of the new type of volatile and turbulent business environment in which companies must operate nowdays and to bring some propositions in order to guide managers in designing or redesigning business models to achieve flexibility. The central message of this paper, that is a point of view one, is that, nowdays but also in the future, business models that are based on strategic, organizational and operational flexibility and on reaction speed will be those who will provide the greatest capacity to respond to change. Even if the international theory provides a multiple perspective analysis of business model concept, still how it can be achieved such flexibility remains an open issue in the academic debate, but also in the practice of companies. Thus, the paper contains some propositions in order to guide managers in the process of designing or redesigning the business model

    Modelling telecom fraud with e3value

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    Telecommunication services are complex product packages that rely on a large and complex technical infrastructure. However, fraudulent use of such telecommunication services rarely exploits hardware vulnerabilities. Instead, most common exploits operate at a business level, capitalizing on the unexpected interaction between various product packages from multiple providers. As such, an assumption was made that in order to fully describe the scenarios, a modelling language capable of describing value transactions between actors is required. In order to validate this assumption, a business value modelling language, e3value was selected, generic (non-misuse) business models were created and four misuse scenarios were modelled. This report showcases the models, discusses strengths and limitations encountered during modelling and draws conclusions with regard to the applicability, usability and utility of e3value models in modelling (Telecom) fraud as well as more generally in Risk Assessment

    Towards increased business model comprehension ā€“ principles for an advanced business model tool

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    Business modelling is recognized as an important concept to make company strategies more explicit and to compare alternatives combined with their translation to the operational layer. Typically, busi-ness modelling is performed by a group of experts building on established frameworks like the Busi-ness Model Canvas. In a subsequent step, different stakeholders in a company should build upon and work with the defined business models, thus, comprehension is critical. However, this is challenging from a practical point of view and existing research has not addressed the issue of business model comprehension. In order to close this research gap and to increase usersā€™ business model comprehen-sion, we propose an advanced business model tool and an experimental design in this research-in-progress paper. Following the design science approach, we derive a first set of meta-requirements and design principles and present an advanced business model tool instantiation. The presented tool should contribute to an increased business model comprehension by providing semantic relationships and extended business performance indicators. Finally, we present a set of testable hypotheses and the research design for an experimental tool evaluation. With this research we intend to provide a solu-tion to the problem of business model comprehension and contribute to the design knowledge base of business model tools

    Capitalizing on Social Media Analysis ā€“ Insights from an Online Review on Business Models

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    With the rise and proliferation of social media on the Internet, social media analysis is emerging as a new business model for software companies. The purpose of this paper is to provide a systematic overview of different types of such business models. After developing a coding schema based on the business model, we conducted an in-depth analysis of 16 websites of companies that actively promote social media analysis to their clients. We identified three archetypes of business models in this area: specialist content analysts, social data and application integrator, and social media service provider. Future research can build on these insights in order to focus on designing or revising methods for social media analysis to realize either of these business models. Software companies can benefit from the results by positioning their own business models in this emerging market more thoughtfully
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