16,964 research outputs found

    Integrating business and personal income taxes

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    An examination of the problems surrounding the current corporate tax system, including a detailed look at several reform proposals from the Treasury Department.Corporations - Taxation ; Income tax

    Determinants of business and personal services: Evidence from West-German regions

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    In the Employment Guidelines for the year 2000, the European Commission stressed the need to develop a policy framework in order to fully exploit the employment potential of the service sector. This concern is especially related to Germany for its massive service gap compared to Anglo-Saxon (United States, United Kingdom) and Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Sweden) in general, and in personal and business services in particular. The focus of this study is to understand the theoretical basis of the dynamic of employment growth in services and to identify especially the determinants that foster the growth of business services and the creation of jobs in personal services in Germany. The paper starts therefore with an extensive literature review on service employment with a particular focus on business and personal services and on the German debate. -- In den beschäftigungspolitischen Leitlinien der Europäischen Kommission für 2000 wird die Notwendigkeit zur Schaffung politischer Rahmenbedingungen für die volle Ausschöpfung des Beschäftigungspotentials des Dienstleistungssektors hervorgehoben. Gerade für Deutschland, wo im Vergleich zu den Vereinigten Staaten und Großbritannien, aber auch im Vergleich zu skandinavischen Staaten wie Dänemark und Schweden, eine erhebliche Dienstleistungslücke herrscht, ist diese Einschätzung der Europäischen Kommission von großer Relevanz. Die Dienstleistungslücke betrifft insbesondere die Bereiche der unternehmens- und personennahen Dienstleistungen. Im Zentrum der Studie stehen die theoretischen Grundlagen der Beschäftigungsdynamik im Dienstleistungssektor und die Identifizierung jener Faktoren, die speziell das Wachstum unternehmensnaher Dienstleistungen und die Arbeitsplatzschaffung im Bereich personennaher Dienstleistungen fördern. Die Studie beginnt deshalb mit einem ausführlichen Literaturüberblick zur Dienstleistungsbeschäftigung mit Schwerpunkt auf die deutsche Debatte.

    Evidence on the Lack of Separation between Business and Personal Risks among Small Businesses

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    Small business researchers conjecture that there is little separation between business and personal risks among small businesses. Personal assets and wealth can be subject to business risks in the form of an implicit or explicit claim depending on the organizational form and whether personal commitments are pledged by owners. The choice of organizational form can be considered a mechanism to increase the degree of separation; however, lenders\u27 requirements for personal commitments mitigate the benefits of limited liability provisions. This paper examines the role of personal collateral and personal guarantees in augmenting implicit claims on business and personal assets with explicit claims on personal assets and personal wealth. We document the degree of non-separation of business and personal risks for 692 firms. Our results suggests that small business owners have a significant incidence of personal assets and wealth pledged for business loans, even for organizational forms such as S-corporations and C-corporations with limited legal liability. These results confirm the conjecture that there is a lack of separation between business and personal risks. The lack of separation of business and personal risks has important policy implications for the borrowing patterns and access to credit markets of small businesses

    Telecommuting and its impact on business and personal relationships

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    Tax Aspects of Life Insurance Business and Personal Planning

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    Adding an Exported Services Component to the North Dakota Input-Output Model's Business and Personal Services Sector

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    The North Dakota Input-Output model has been used extensively to analyze changes in the state's economy. Within the past decade, exported services (e.g., telemarketing, data processing, reservation and financial centers) have become an important component of the North Dakota economic base. The purpose of this report is to estimate the contribution of exported services firms to the economic base (sales for final demand) of North Dakota and of regions and counties within the state, for 1998 and 1999. Exported services sales for final demand in 1999 totaled $348 million statewide, or almost 3 percent of the state's economic base. Regions 5, 2, and 7 had the largest contributions from exported services activities, which amounted to 6 percent of total sales for final demand in Region 5, 4 percent in Region 2, and 2 percent in Region 7.exported services, economic development, input-output model, International Relations/Trade,

    Director Independence and the Impact of Business and Personal Relationships

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    Taxing Status: Tax Treatment of Mixed Business and Personal Expenses

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    On the Disparate Treatment of Business and Personal SALT Payments

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    The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, H.R. 1, would eliminate the federal income tax deduction for nonbusiness state and local taxes while maintaining the deduction for business state and local taxes. That disparate treatment has generated a storm of negative commentary. In this short essay, I consider whether the federal tax law should allow a deduction for business state and local taxes assuming that there is no deduction for nonbusiness state and local taxes. I argue that investors and businesses, including pass-through businesses, should be allowed to deduct state and local property and sales taxes, but not general income taxes