5 research outputs found

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    Pla general, del mural cerĂ mic que decora una de les parets del vestĂ­bul de la Facultat de QuĂ­mica de la UB. El mural representa diversos sĂ­mbols relacionats amb la quĂ­mica

    Internal models of system F for decompilation

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    AbstractThis paper considers Girard’s internal coding of each term of System F by some term of a code type. This coding is the type-erasing coding definable already in the simply typed lambda-calculus using only abstraction on term variables. It is shown that there does not exist any decompiler for System F in System F, where the decompiler maps a term of System F to its code. An internal model of F is given by interpreting each type of F by some type equipped with maps between the type and the code type. This paper gives a decompiler–normalizer for this internal model in F, where the decompiler–normalizer maps any term of the internal model to the code of its normal form. It is also shown that for any model of F the composition of this internal model and the model produces another model of F whose equational theory is below untyped beta–eta-equality

    Building continuous webbed models for System F

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    We present here a large family of concrete models for Girard and Reynolds polymorphism (System F ), in a non categorical setting. The family generalizes the construction of the model of Barbanera and Berardi [2], hence it contains complete models for F [5] and we conjecture that it contains models which are complete for F . It also contains simpler models, the simplest of them, E 2 ; being a second order variant of the Engeler-Plotkin model E . All the models here belong to the continuous semantics and have underlying prime algebraic domains, all have the maximum number of polymorphic maps. The class contains models which can be viewed as two intertwined compatible webbed models of untyped -calculus (in the sense of [8]), but it is much larger than this. Finally many of its models might be read as two intertwined strict intersection type systems. Contents