2 research outputs found

    Graph Based Verification of Software Evolution Requirements

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    Due to market demands and changes in the environment, software systems have to evolve. However, the size and complexity of the current software systems make it time consuming to incorporate changes. During our collaboration with the industry, we observed that the developers spend much time on the following evolution problems: designing runtime reconfigurable software, obeying software design constraints while coping with evolution, reusing old software solutions for new evolution problems. This thesis presents 3 processes and tool suits that aid the developers/designers when tackling these problems.\ud The first process and tool set allow early verification of runtime reconfiguration requirements. In this process the UML models are converted into a graph-based model. The execution semantics of UML are modeled by graph transformation rules. Using these graph transformation rules, the execution of the UML models is simulated. The simulation generates a state-space showing all possible reconfigurations. The runtime reconfiguration requirements are expressed by computational tree logic or with a visual state-based language, which are verified over the generated state-space. When the verification fails a feedback on the problem is provided.\ud The second process and tool set are developed for computer aided detection of static program constraint violations. We developed a modeling language called Source Code Modeling Language (SCML) in which program elements from the source code can be represented. In the proposed process for constraint violation detection, the source code is converted into SCML models. The constraint detection is realized by graph transformation rules. The rules detect the violation and extract information from the SCML model to provide feedback on the location of the problem.\ud The third process and tool set provide computer aided verification of whether a design idiom can be used to implement a change request. The developers tend to implement evolution requests using software structures that are familiar to them; called design idioms. Graph transformations are used for detecting whether the constraints of the design idiom are satisfied or not. For a given design idiom and given source files in SCML, the implementation of the idiom is simulated. If the simulation succeeds, then the models are converted to source code.\u