10 research outputs found

    Styx Grid Services: Lightweight Middleware for Efficient Scientific Workflows

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    Policies for Web Services

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    Web services are predominantly used to implement service-oriented architectures (SOA). However, there are several areas such as temporal dimensions, real-time, streaming, or efficient and flexible file transfers where web service functionality should be extended. These extensions can, for example, be achieved by using policies. Since there are often alternative solutions to provide functionality (e.g., different protocols can be used to achieve the transfer of data), the WS-Policy standard is especially useful to extend web services with policies. It allows to create policies to generally state the properties under which a service is provided and to explicitly express alternative properties. To extend the functionality of web services, two policies are introduced in this thesis: the Temporal Policy and the Communication Policy. The temporal policy is the foundation for adding temporal dimensions to a WS-Policy. The temporal policy itself is not a WS-Policy but an independent policy language that describes temporal dimensions of and dependencies between temporal policies and WS-Policies. Switching of protocol dependencies, pricing of services, quality of service, and security are example areas for using a temporal policy. To describe protocol dependencies of a service for streaming, real-time and file transfers, a communication policy can be utilized. The communication policy is a concrete WS-Policy. With the communication policy, a service can expose the protocols it depends on for a communication after its invocation. Thus, a web service client knows the protocols required to support a communication with the service. Therefore, it is possible to evaluate beforehand whether an invocation of a service is reasonable. On top of the newly introduced policies, novel mechanisms and tools are provided to alleviate service use and enable flexible and efficient data handling. Furthermore, the involvement of the end user in the development process can be achieved more easily. The Flex-SwA architecture, the first component in this thesis based on the newly introduced policies, implements the actual file transfers and streaming protocols that are described as dependencies in a communication policy. Several communication patterns support the flexible handling of the communication. A reference concept enables seamless message forwarding with reduced data movement. Based on the Flex-SwA implementation and the communication policy, it is possible to improve usability - especially in the area of service-oriented Grids - by integrating data transfers into an automatically generated web and Grid service client. The Web and Grid Service Browser is introduced in this thesis as such a generic client. It provides a familiar environment for using services by offering the client generation as part of the browser. Data transfers are directly integrated into service invocation without having to perform data transmissions explicitly. For multimedia MIME types, special plugins allow the consumption of multimedia data. To enable an end user to build applications that also leverage high performance computing resources, the Service-enabled Mashup Editor is presented that lets the user combine popular web applications with web and Grid services. Again, the communication policy provides descriptive means for file transfers and Flex-SwAs reference concept is used for data exchange. To show the applicability of these novel concepts, several use cases from the area of multimedia processing have been selected. Based on the temporal policy, the communication policy, Flex-SwA, the Web and Grid Service Browser, and the Service-enabled Mashup Editor, the development of a scalable service-oriented multimedia architecture is presented. The multimedia SOA offers, among others, a face detection workflow, a video-on-demand service, and an audio resynthesis service. More precisely, a video-on-demand service describes its dependency on a multicast protocol by using a communication policy. A temporal policy is then used to perform the description of a protocol switch from one multicast protocol to another one by changing the communication policy at the end of its validity period. The Service-enabled Mashup Editor is used as a client for the new multicast protocol after the multicast protocol has been switched. To stream single frames from a frame decoder service to a face detection service (which are both part of the face detection workflow) and to transfer audio files with the different Flex-SwA communication patterns to an audio resynthesis service, Flex-SwA is used. The invocation of the face detection workflow and the audio resynthesis service is realized with the Web and Grid Service Browser

    Publish/subscribe scientific workflow interoperability framework (PS-SWIF)

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    Different or similar workflow systems, hosted anywhere on a network, written in any language and running on different operating systems, can easily use the full range of PS-SWIF tools to interoperate with each other. The PS-SWIF approach provides interoperability among a wide range of scientific workflow systems

    Spanish Climate Change Adaptation Policies: A Comprehensive Analysis of Participatory Elements

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    The urgency of addressing the impacts of climate change has underscored the critical need for effective adaptation policies. In this context, the incorporation of participatory elements in climate change adaptation policies plays a pivotal role in ensuring inclusivity and collaboration. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of participatory elements in Spanish climate change adaptation policies, with a focus on identifying the extent to which these policies incorporate participatory elements and highlighting potential gaps. Against this background, we conducted an analysis of participatory elements in Spanish climate change adaptation policies with Spain being one of the most vulnerable countries in the European Union (Rodrigo et al. 2023). We addressed the research questions of how well Spanish national climate change adaptation policies incorporate participatory elements and where we identify policy gaps. By scrutinizing participation mechanisms, policymakers can tailor policies to better address the needs and concerns of various stakeholders. The analysis facilitates the identification of best practices and case studies

    Bowdoin Orient v.125, no.12-23 (1997-1997)

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