3 research outputs found

    A reputation framework for behavioural history: developing and sharing reputations from behavioural history of network clients

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    The open architecture of the Internet has enabled its massive growth and success by facilitating easy connectivity between hosts. At the same time, the Internet has also opened itself up to abuse, e.g. arising out of unsolicited communication, both intentional and unintentional. It remains an open question as to how best servers should protect themselves from malicious clients whilst offering good service to innocent clients. There has been research on behavioural profiling and reputation of clients, mostly at the network level and also for email as an application, to detect malicious clients. However, this area continues to pose open research challenges. This thesis is motivated by the need for a generalised framework capable of aiding efficient detection of malicious clients while being able to reward clients with behaviour profiles conforming to the acceptable use and other relevant policies. The main contribution of this thesis is a novel, generalised, context-aware, policy independent, privacy preserving framework for developing and sharing client reputation based on behavioural history. The framework, augmenting existing protocols, allows fitting in of policies at various stages, thus keeping itself open and flexible to implementation. Locally recorded behavioural history of clients with known identities are translated to client reputations, which are then shared globally. The reputations enable privacy for clients by not exposing the details of their behaviour during interactions with the servers. The local and globally shared reputations facilitate servers in selecting service levels, including restricting access to malicious clients. We present results and analyses of simulations, with synthetic data and some proposed example policies, of client-server interactions and of attacks on our model. Suggestions presented for possible future extensions are drawn from our experiences with simulation

    Contribuciones para la Detección de Ataques Distribuidos de Denegación de Servicio (DDoS) en la Capa de Aplicación

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    Se analizaron seis aspectos sobre la detección de ataques DDoS: técnicas, variables, herramientas, ubicación de implementación, punto en el tiempo y precisión de detección. Este análisis permitió realizar una contribución útil al diseño de una estrategia adecuada para neutralizar estos ataques. En los últimos años, estos ataques se han dirigido hacia la capa de aplicación. Este fenómeno se debe principalmente a la gran cantidad de herramientas para la generación de este tipo de ataque. Por ello, además, en este trabajo se propone una alternativa de detección basada en el dinamismo del usuario web. Para esto, se evaluaron las características del dinamismo del usuario extraídas de las funciones del mouse y del teclado. Finalmente, el presente trabajo propone un enfoque de detección de bajo costo que consta de dos pasos: primero, las características del usuario se extraen en tiempo real mientras se navega por la aplicación web; en segundo lugar, cada característica extraída es utilizada por un algoritmo de orden (O1) para diferenciar a un usuario real de un ataque DDoS. Los resultados de las pruebas con las herramientas de ataque LOIC, OWASP y GoldenEye muestran que el método propuesto tiene una eficacia de detección del 100% y que las características del dinamismo del usuario de la web permiten diferenciar entre un usuario real y un robot

    Abstract STM 2006 Building Reputations for Internet Clients

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    We propose a design of a client reputation system that can be used to reduce unwanted traffic in the Internet. Many reputation systems proposed in the trust literature are provider-oriented, but because of different use and adversary models, their techniques are not directly applicable to client reputation systems. We survey the challenges of building client reputations, discuss two different approaches to information collection — a reporter and a monitor model — and propose their combination that successfully handles major threats to reputation validity