6 research outputs found

    Реалізація програмного рішення інформаційної системи обліку енергоресурсів з використанням технології блокчейн

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    В даній роботі приведено програмне рішення автоматизованої системи з обліку енергоресурсів на основі технології блокчейн. Описано задачу та можливий спосіб її вирішення у вигляді спроектованої архітектури та виконаного програмного рішення. Результатом апробації даної роботи є стаття в науковому журналі.This work represents a software solution to the power engineering resources accounting and selling based on blockchain technology. The problem and a possible solution as an project’s architecture and implemented software are depicted. A result of this work, a research article has already been published.В данной работе приведено программное решение автоматизированной системы по учету энергоресурсов на основе технологии блокчейн. Описана задача та возможный способ ее решения в виде спроектированной архитектуры та выполненного программного решения. Результатом апробации данной работы является статья в научном журнале

    Privacy-Preserving Authenticated Key Exchange: Stronger Privacy and Generic Constructions

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    Authenticated key-exchange (AKE) protocols are an important class of protocols that allow two parties to establish a common session key over an insecure channel such as the Internet to then protect their communication. They are widely deployed in security protocols such as TLS, IPsec and SSH. Besides the confidentiality of the communicated data, an orthogonal but increasingly important goal is the protection of the confidentiality of the identities of the involved parties (aka privacy). For instance, the Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) mechanism for TLS 1.3 has been designed for exactly this reason. Recently, a series of works (Zhao CCS\u2716, Arfaoui et al. PoPETS\u2719, Schäge et al. PKC\u2720) studied privacy guarantees of (existing) AKE protocols by integrating privacy into AKE models. We observe that these so called privacy-preserving AKE (PPAKE) models are typically strongly tailored to the specific setting, i.e., concrete protocols they investigate. Moreover, the privacy guarantees in these models might be too weak (or even are non-existent) when facing active adversaries. In this work we set the goal to provide a single PPAKE model that captures privacy guarantees against different types of attacks, thereby covering previously proposed notions as well as so far not achieved privacy guarantees. In doing so, we obtain different degrees of privacy within a single model, which, in its strongest forms also capture privacy guarantees against powerful active adversaries. We then proceed to investigate (generic) constructions of AKE protocols that provide strong privacy guarantees in our PPAKE model. This includes classical Diffie-Hellman type protocols as well as protocols based on generic building blocks, thus covering post-quantum instantiations