9 research outputs found

    Do vegetarian marketing campaigns promote a vegan diet?

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    This paper examines whether vegetarian marketing campaigns promote a vegan diet. Our trivariate model of omnivorous, vegetarian, and vegan consumption is estimated using twenty years of UK data. For short-lived campaigns, we find no persistent effect, but observe a rise and fall in vegan numbers during adjustment. For long-running campaigns, we find that for every person who adopts a vegetarian diet in such a campaign, around 0.34 people adopt a vegan diet. In a campaign to market veganism, for every new vegan there are between 0.5 and 0.77 new vegetarians

    Medição do brand equity, no sector automóvel : estratégias para aumentar o brand equity da Cardan

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    O mercado do sector automóvel é bastante concorrencial e, por isso, a Cardan sentiu necessidade de sobressair da concorrência e aumentar a sua notoriedade junto do seu público-alvo, de forma a gerar novas oportunidades de negócio. Assim, o presente relatório de estágio surgiu com o objectivo de medir o brand equity actual da Cardan e, consequentemente desenvolver estratégias que permitam aumentar o seu brand equity. Neste sentido, foram definidas as seguintes questões de investigação: Qual o brand equity actual da Cardan? Quais as estratégias que a Cardan deve adoptar para aumentar o seu brand equity? Neste sentido, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura que resultou de uma pesquisa aprofundada sobre a temática do brand equity, mais especificamente, o consumer-based brand equity. Neste conceito, foi prestada especial atenção ao autor Aaker (1991) e às suas abordagens e dimensões, como a notoriedade da marca, as associações à marca, a lealdade à marca e a qualidade percebida. Uma vez que a Cardan considera que o conhecimento que as empresas têm sobre a marca na mente dos consumidores é um dos activos mais valiosos de uma empresa, através da revisão da literatura, foram identificadas métricas que permitem medir esse conhecimento. Neste sentido, foi realizado um estudo de mercado, tendo como base as métricas identificadas, com o objectivo de compreender qual o brand equity actual da Cardan. Depois da análise dos resultados do estudo, foram identificadas as dimensões com maior necessidade de serem trabalhadas. A revisão da literatura permitiu também identificar várias estratégias de marketing para aumentar o brand equity das marcas, que serviram de base para o desenvolvimento de recomendações sugeridas à Cardan.Nowadays, cars market is very competitive and, therefore, Cardan felt the need to stand out from the competition and increase your reputation with your target audience in order to generate new business opportunities. Thus, this document is the report of the stage with the aim of measuring the current of the Cardan brand equity and, consequently, develop strategies to increase its brand equity. In this sense, the research questions were defined: • What is the current brand equity of Cardan? • What strategies Cardan should be taken to increase its brand equity? In this sense, a literature review that resulted from a thorough research on the subject of brand equity was held, more specifically, the consumer-based brand equity. In this concept, special attention was given to the author Aaker (1991) and its approaches and dimensions, such as brand awareness, brand associations, brand loyalty and perceived quality. Since Cardan considers that knowledge that companies have on the brand in the minds of consumers is one of the most valuable assets of a company. Through the literature review, metrics were identified for measuring this knowledge. Also through the literature review identified various marketing strategies to increase the brand equity of the brands, has been identified as the basis for the development of recommendations suggested to Cardan

    The effect of international franchising on domestic firms in emerging countries

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    Franchising has become one of the most applied business strategies for international expansion, as it provides economies of scale and flexibility to global operations. It usually offers the benefits of strong brand name, business know-how and experience that give businesses a competitive edge in overseas markets. The growth of franchising model globally and its impact on host-country firms is most noticeable in developing economies, as it forces local firms to evolve and adopt new practices to defend their market positions. This thesis, therefore, aims to examine the effect of international franchising on emerging market firms and the different ways to achieve a competitive advantage in developing economies by identifying resources, capabilities and strategies of both franchisees and local businesses. To address the objective of this thesis, an exploratory, qualitative case study is conducted by employing semi-structured interviews with 14 case companies in Ukraine and Georgia, which helps the researcher to answer the study questions and understand the experiences and perceptions of the participants. The collected data is analysed with the use of thematic analysis and fuzzy set of qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) to gain an in-depth knowledge of the research phenomenon and to enhance the credibility of the results. The findings of this study stress the importance of marketing activities, customer service development, localisation, pricing strategy and financial resources as the key conditions for businesses to gain success in developing economies. However, the analysis reveals that there are huge differences between the resources, capabilities and practices of international franchisees and emerging-market firms. Franchisees of well-established franchisors benefit from business knowledge, training support and worldwide experience but follow a rigid and formalised structure that gives them less flexibility. On the other hand, developing-country firms have the local market knowledge, autonomy, and the capacity to learn indirectly from competitors, but lack resources and technological capabilities. This thesis, therefore, suggests alternative paths and effective solutions to both to drive firm’s competitiveness when particular resources and/or capabilities are present or absent. There are several contributions made to knowledge by this thesis. The new theoretical insights are developed through identifying the most significant drivers of competitive advantage and suggesting different configurational frameworks. The results also present practical implications by providing managerially amendable options to deal with intense competition within the food industry in emerging economies. Finally, the methodological ii contribution of this thesis lies in the application of fsQCA that allows researchers to see qualitative results transferred into quantitative findings with a clear and transparent way, thus, it would be beneficial not only for qualitative researchers but for scholars who follow quantitative approach

    Building Brand Awareness in Dynamic Oligopoly Markets

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    Companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars annually on advertising to build and maintain awareness for their brands in competitive markets. However, awareness formation models in the marketing literature ignore the role of competition. Consequently, we lack both the empirical knowledge and normative understanding of building brand awareness in dynamic oligopoly markets. To address this gap, we propose an N-brand awareness formation model, design an extended Kalman filter to estimate the proposed model using market data for five car brands over time, and derive the optimal closed-loop Nash equilibrium strategies for every brand. The empirical results furnish strong support for the proposed model in terms of both goodness-of-fit in the estimation sample and cross-validation in the out-of-sample data. In addition, the estimation method offers managers a systematic way to estimate ad effectiveness and forecast awareness levels for their particular brands as well as competitors' brands. Finally, the normative analysis reveals an inverse allocation principle that suggests--contrary to the proportional-to-sales or competitive parity heuristics--that large (small) brands should invest in advertising proportionally less (more) than small (large) brands.marketing, competitive strategy, advertising and media, nonlinear Kalman filter, dynamic games