4 research outputs found

    Otrouha: A Corpus of Arabic ETDs and a Framework for Automatic Subject Classification

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    Although the Arabic language is spoken by more than 300 million people and is one of the six official languages of the United Nations (UN), there has been less research done on Arabic text data (compared to English) in the realm of machine learning, especially in text classification. In the past decade, Arabic data such as news, tweets, etc. have begun to receive some attention. Although automatic text classification plays an important role in improving the browsability and accessibility of data, Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) have not received their fair share of attention, in spite of the huge number of benefits they provide to students, universities, and future generations of scholars. There are two main roadblocks to performing automatic subject classification on Arabic ETDs. The first is the unavailability of a public corpus of Arabic ETDs. The second is the linguistic complexity of the Arabic language; that complexity is particularly evident in academic documents such as ETDs. To address these roadblocks, this paper presents Otrouha, a framework for automatic subject classification of Arabic ETDs, which has two main goals. The first is building a Corpus of Arabic ETDs and their key metadata such as abstracts, keywords, and title to pave the way for more exploratory research on this valuable genre of data. The second is to provide a framework for automatic subject classification of Arabic ETDs through different classification models that use classical machine learning as well as deep learning techniques. The first goal is aided by searching the AskZad Digital Library, which is part of the Saudi Digital Library (SDL). AskZad provides other key metadata of Arabic ETDs, such as abstract, title, and keywords. The current search results consist of abstracts of Arabic ETDs. This raw data then undergoes a pre-processing phase that includes stop word removal using the Natural Language Tool Kit (NLTK), and word lemmatization using the Farasa API. To date, abstracts of 518 ETDs across 12 subjects have been collected. For the second goal, the preliminary results show that among the machine learning models, binary classification (one-vs.-all) performed better than multiclass classification. The maximum per subject accuracy is 95%, with an average accuracy of 68% across all subjects. It is noteworthy that the binary classification model performed better for some categories than others. For example, Applied Science and Technology shows 95% accuracy, while the category of Administration shows 36%. Deep learning models resulted in higher accuracy but lower F-measure; their overall performance is lower than machine learning models. This may be due to the small size of the dataset as well as the imbalance in the number of documents per category. Work to collect additional ETDs will be aided by collaborative contributions of data from additional sources

    Crisis detection from Arabic social media

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    Social media (SM) streams such as Twitter provide large quantities of real-time information about emergency events from which valuable information can be extracted to enhance situational awareness and support humanitarian response efforts. The timely extraction of crisisrelated SM messages is challenging as it involves processing large quantities of noisy data in real time. Supervised machine learning classifiers are challenged by out-of-distribution learning when classifying unseen (new) crises due to data variations across events. Besides that, it is impractical to label training data from each novel and emerging crisis since obtaining sufficient labelled data is time-consuming and labour-intensive. This thesis addresses the problem of Twitter crisis classification using supervised learning methods to identify crisis-related data and categorising them into different information types in the multi-source (training data from multiple events) setting. Due to Twitter’s ubiquity during emergency events in the Arab world, the current research focuses on Arabic Twitter content. We have created and published a large-scale Arabic Twitter corpus of crisis events. The corpus has been analysed and manually labelled. Analysing the content includes investigating the main information categories of conversations posted during a range of crisis events using natural language processing techniques. Building these resources is considered one of this thesis’s contributions. The thesis also investigates the generalisation performance of different supervised classical machine learning and deep learning approaches trained on out-of-crisis data to classify unseen crises. We find that deep neural networks such as LSTM and CNN outperform the classical machine learning classifiers such as support vector machines and decision trees. We also evaluate different architectures of deep neural networks and several pre-trained text representations (embeddings) learnt from vast amounts of unlabelled text. Results show that BERT-based models are more robust to out-of-distribution target events and remarkably outperform other models on the information classification task. Experiments show that the performance of BERT-based classifiers can be enhanced when training on similar data. Thus, the last contribution of the present study is to propose an instance distance-based data selection approach for adaptation to improve classifiers’ performance under a domain shift. Using the BERT embeddings, the method selects a subset of multi-event training data that is most similar to the target event. Results show that fine-tuning a BERT model on a selected subset of data to classify crisis tweets outperforms a model that has been fine-tuned on all available source data