3,171 research outputs found

    Buffer Sharing in CSP-like Programs

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    Most compilers focus on optimizing performance, often at the expense of memory, but efficient memory use can be just as important in constrained environments such as embedded systems. In this paper, we present a memory reduction technique for the deterministic concurrent programming language SHIM. We focus on reducing memory consumption by sharing buffers among the tasks, which use them to communicate using CSP-style rendezvous. We determine pairs of buffers that can never be in use simultaneously and use a shared region of memory for each pair. Our technique produces a static abstraction of a SHIM program’s dynamic behavior, which we then analyze to find buffers that can share memory. Experimentally, we find our technique runs quickly on modest-sized programs and often reduces memory requirements by half

    Safe and Verifiable Design of Concurrent Java Programs

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    The design of concurrent programs has a reputation for being difficult, and thus potentially dangerous in safetycritical real-time and embedded systems. The recent appearance of Java, whilst cleaning up many insecure aspects of OO programming endemic in C++, suffers from a deceptively simple threads model that is an insecure variant of ideas that are over 25 years old [1]. Consequently, we cannot directly exploit a range of new CASE tools -- based upon modern developments in parallel computing theory -- that can verify and check the design of concurrent systems for a variety of dangers\ud such as deadlock and livelock that otherwise plague us during testing and maintenance and, more seriously, cause catastrophic failure in service. \ud Our approach uses recently developed Java class\ud libraries based on Hoare's Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP); the use of CSP greatly simplifies the design of concurrent systems and, in many cases, a parallel approach often significantly simplifies systems originally approached sequentially. New CSP CASE tools permit designs to be verified against formal specifications\ud and checked for deadlock and livelock. Below we introduce CSP and its implementation in Java and develop a small concurrent application. The formal CSP description of the application is provided, as well as that of an equivalent sequential version. FDR is used to verify the correctness of both implementations, their\ud equivalence, and their freedom from deadlock and livelock

    Equivalence is in the Eye of the Beholder

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    In a recent provocative paper, Lamport points out "the insubstantiality of processes" by proving the equivalence of two different decompositions of the same intuitive algorithm by means of temporal formulas. We point out that the correct equivalence of algorithms is itself in the eye of the beholder. We discuss a number of related issues and, in particular, whether algorithms can be proved equivalent directly.Comment: See also the ASM web site at http://www.eecs.umich.edu/gasm

    Flexible Conservation Measures on Working Land: What Challenges Lie Ahead?

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    From 1985 to 2002, most Federal conservation dollars going to farm operators have been to retire land from crop production. Yet most U.S. farmland (850 million acres) remains in active production. The Farm Security and Rural Investment (FSRI) Act of 2002 sharply increased conservation funding and earmarked most of the increase for working-land payment programs (WLPPs). The design and implementation of WLPPs will largely determine the extent to which environmental goals are achieved and whether they are cost effective. We simulate potential environmental gains as well as adjustments in agricultural production, price, and income associated with various WLPP features to illustrate tradeoffs arising from WLPP design and implementation. Competitive bidding with the use of environmental indices to rank producers for enrollment is most cost effective. Payments based on past conservation will help support farm incomes, but limit the amount of additional environmental benefit that can be generated under a fixed budget.Land Economics/Use,

    Communicating Java Threads

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    The incorporation of multithreading in Java may be considered a significant part of the Java language, because it provides udimentary facilities for concurrent programming. However, we belief that the use of channels is a fundamental concept for concurrent programming. The channel approach as described in this paper is a realization of a systematic design method for concurrent programming in Java based on the CSP paradigm. CSP requires the availability of a Channel class and the addition of composition constructs for sequential, parallel and alternative processes. The Channel class and the constructs have been implemented in Java in compliance with the definitions in CSP. As a result, implementing communication between processes is facilitated, enabling the programmer to avoid deadlock more easily, and freeing the programmer from synchronization and scheduling constructs. The use of the Channel class and the additional constructs is illustrated in a simple application

    A distributed Real-Time Java system based on CSP

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    CSP is a fundamental concept for developing software for distributed real time systems. The CSP paradigm constitutes a natural addition to object orientation and offers higher order multithreading constructs. The CSP channel concept that has been implemented in Java deals with single- and multi-processor environments and also takes care of the real time priority scheduling requirements. For this, the notion of priority and scheduling has been carefully examined and as a result it was reasoned that priority scheduling should be attached to the communicating channels rather than to the processes. In association with channels, a priority based parallel construct is developed for composing processes: hiding threads and priority indexing from the user. This approach simplifies the use of priorities for the object oriented paradigm. Moreover, in the proposed system, the notion of scheduling is no longer connected to the operating system but has become part of the application instead

    Symmetric and Synchronous Communication in Peer-to-Peer Networks

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    Motivated by distributed implementations of game-theoretical algorithms, we study symmetric process systems and the problem of attaining common knowledge between processes. We formalize our setting by defining a notion of peer-to-peer networks(*) and appropriate symmetry concepts in the context of Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP), due to the common knowledge creating effects of its synchronous communication primitives. We then prove that CSP with input and output guards makes common knowledge in symmetric peer-to-peer networks possible, but not the restricted version which disallows output statements in guards and is commonly implemented. (*) Please note that we are not dealing with fashionable incarnations such as file-sharing networks, but merely use this name for a mathematical notion of a network consisting of directly connected peers "treated on an equal footing", i.e. not having a client-server structure or otherwise pre-determined roles.)Comment: polished, modernized references; incorporated referee feedback from MPC'0

    CAN Fieldbus Communication in the CSP-based CT Library

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    In closed-loop control systems several realworld entities are simultaneously communicated to through a multitude of spatially distributed sensors and actuators. This intrinsic parallelism and complexity motivates implementing control software in the form of concurrent processes deployed on distributed hardware architectures. A CSP based occam-like architecture seems to be the most convenient for such a purpose. Many, often conflicting, requirements make design and implementation of distributed real-time control systems an extremely difficult task. The scope of this paper is limited to achieving safe and real-time communication over a CAN fieldbus for an\ud existing CSP-based framework

    Process-Oriented Collective Operations

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    Distributing process-oriented programs across a cluster of machines requires careful attention to the effects of network latency. The MPI standard, widely used for cluster computation, defines a number of collective operations: efficient, reusable algorithms for performing operations among a group of machines in the cluster. In this paper, we describe our techniques for implementing MPI communication patterns in process-oriented languages, and how we have used them to implement collective operations in PyCSP and occam-pi on top of an asynchronous messaging framework. We show how to make use of collective operations in distributed processoriented applications. We also show how the process-oriented model can be used to increase concurrency in existing collective operation algorithms

    EOS: A project to investigate the design and construction of real-time distributed embedded operating systems

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    The EOS project is investigating the design and construction of a family of real-time distributed embedded operating systems for reliable, distributed aerospace applications. Using the real-time programming techniques developed in co-operation with NASA in earlier research, the project staff is building a kernel for a multiple processor networked system. The first six months of the grant included a study of scheduling in an object-oriented system, the design philosophy of the kernel, and the architectural overview of the operating system. In this report, the operating system and kernel concepts are described. An environment for the experiments has been built and several of the key concepts of the system have been prototyped. The kernel and operating system is intended to support future experimental studies in multiprocessing, load-balancing, routing, software fault-tolerance, distributed data base design, and real-time processing