16,486 research outputs found

    Staging Transformations for Multimodal Web Interaction Management

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    Multimodal interfaces are becoming increasingly ubiquitous with the advent of mobile devices, accessibility considerations, and novel software technologies that combine diverse interaction media. In addition to improving access and delivery capabilities, such interfaces enable flexible and personalized dialogs with websites, much like a conversation between humans. In this paper, we present a software framework for multimodal web interaction management that supports mixed-initiative dialogs between users and websites. A mixed-initiative dialog is one where the user and the website take turns changing the flow of interaction. The framework supports the functional specification and realization of such dialogs using staging transformations -- a theory for representing and reasoning about dialogs based on partial input. It supports multiple interaction interfaces, and offers sessioning, caching, and co-ordination functions through the use of an interaction manager. Two case studies are presented to illustrate the promise of this approach.Comment: Describes framework and software architecture for multimodal web interaction managemen

    Characteristics of WAP traffic

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    This paper considers the characteristics of Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) traffic. We start by constructing a WAP traffic model by analysing the behaviour of users accessing public WAP sites via a monitoring system. A wide range of different traffic scenarios were considered, but most of these scenarios resolve to one of two basic types. The paper then uses this traffic model to consider the effects of large quantities of WAP traffic on the core network. One traffic characteristic which is of particular interest in network dimensioning is the degree of self-similarity, so the paper looks at the characteristics of aggregated traffic with WAP, Web and packet speech components to estimate its self-similarity. The results indicate that, while WAP traffic alone does not exhibit a significant degree of self-similarity, a combined load from various traffic sources retains almost the same degree of self-similarity as the most self-similar individual source

    A system design for human factors studies of speech-enabled Web browsing

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    This paper describes the design of a system which will subsequently be used as the basis of a range of empirical studies aimed at discovering how best to harness speech recognition capabilities in multimodal multimedia computing. Initial work focuses on speech-enabled browsing of the World Wide Web, which was never designed for such use. System design is complete, and is being evaluated via usability testing

    Video browsing interfaces and applications: a review

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    We present a comprehensive review of the state of the art in video browsing and retrieval systems, with special emphasis on interfaces and applications. There has been a significant increase in activity (e.g., storage, retrieval, and sharing) employing video data in the past decade, both for personal and professional use. The ever-growing amount of video content available for human consumption and the inherent characteristics of video data—which, if presented in its raw format, is rather unwieldy and costly—have become driving forces for the development of more effective solutions to present video contents and allow rich user interaction. As a result, there are many contemporary research efforts toward developing better video browsing solutions, which we summarize. We review more than 40 different video browsing and retrieval interfaces and classify them into three groups: applications that use video-player-like interaction, video retrieval applications, and browsing solutions based on video surrogates. For each category, we present a summary of existing work, highlight the technical aspects of each solution, and compare them against each other

    Digital library access for illiterate users

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    The problems that illiteracy poses in accessing information are gaining attention from the research community. Issues currently being explored include developing an understanding of the barriers to information acquisition experienced by different groups of illiterate information seekers; creating technology, such as software interfaces, that support illiterate users effectively; and tailoring content to increase its accessibility. We have taken a formative evaluation approach to developing and evaluating a digital library interface for illiterate users. We discuss modifications to the Greenstone platform, describe user studies and outline resulting design implications

    Interactive searching and browsing of video archives: using text and using image matching

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    Over the last number of decades much research work has been done in the general area of video and audio analysis. Initially the applications driving this included capturing video in digital form and then being able to store, transmit and render it, which involved a large effort to develop compression and encoding standards. The technology needed to do all this is now easily available and cheap, with applications of digital video processing now commonplace, ranging from CCTV (Closed Circuit TV) for security, to home capture of broadcast TV on home DVRs for personal viewing. One consequence of the development in technology for creating, storing and distributing digital video is that there has been a huge increase in the volume of digital video, and this in turn has created a need for techniques to allow effective management of this video, and by that we mean content management. In the BBC, for example, the archives department receives approximately 500,000 queries per year and has over 350,000 hours of content in its library. Having huge archives of video information is hardly any benefit if we have no effective means of being able to locate video clips which are of relevance to whatever our information needs may be. In this chapter we report our work on developing two specific retrieval and browsing tools for digital video information. Both of these are based on an analysis of the captured video for the purpose of automatically structuring into shots or higher level semantic units like TV news stories. Some also include analysis of the video for the automatic detection of features such as the presence or absence of faces. Both include some elements of searching, where a user specifies a query or information need, and browsing, where a user is allowed to browse through sets of retrieved video shots. We support the presentation of these tools with illustrations of actual video retrieval systems developed and working on hundreds of hours of video content

    An examination of automatic video retrieval technology on access to the contents of an historical video archive

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    Purpose – This paper aims to provide an initial understanding of the constraints that historical video collections pose to video retrieval technology and the potential that online access offers to both archive and users. Design/methodology/approach – A small and unique collection of videos on customs and folklore was used as a case study. Multiple methods were employed to investigate the effectiveness of technology and the modality of user access. Automatic keyframe extraction was tested on the visual content while the audio stream was used for automatic classification of speech and music clips. The user access (search vs browse) was assessed in a controlled user evaluation. A focus group and a survey provided insight on the actual use of the analogue archive. The results of these multiple studies were then compared and integrated (triangulation). Findings – The amateur material challenged automatic techniques for video and audio indexing, thus suggesting that the technology must be tested against the material before deciding on a digitisation strategy. Two user interaction modalities, browsing vs searching, were tested in a user evaluation. Results show users preferred searching, but browsing becomes essential when the search engine fails in matching query and indexed words. Browsing was also valued for serendipitous discovery; however the organisation of the archive was judged cryptic and therefore of limited use. This indicates that the categorisation of an online archive should be thought of in terms of users who might not understand the current classification. The focus group and the survey showed clearly the advantage of online access even when the quality of the video surrogate is poor. The evidence gathered suggests that the creation of a digital version of a video archive requires a rethinking of the collection in terms of the new medium: a new archive should be specially designed to exploit the potential that the digital medium offers. Similarly, users' needs have to be considered before designing the digital library interface, as needs are likely to be different from those imagined. Originality/value – This paper is the first attempt to understand the advantages offered and limitations held by video retrieval technology for small video archives like those often found in special collections

    Using Variable Dwell Time to Accelerate Gaze-Based Web Browsing with Two-Step Selection

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    In order to avoid the "Midas Touch" problem, gaze-based interfaces for selection often introduce a dwell time: a fixed amount of time the user must fixate upon an object before it is selected. Past interfaces have used a uniform dwell time across all objects. Here, we propose a gaze-based browser using a two-step selection policy with variable dwell time. In the first step, a command, e.g. "back" or "select", is chosen from a menu using a dwell time that is constant across the different commands. In the second step, if the "select" command is chosen, the user selects a hyperlink using a dwell time that varies between different hyperlinks. We assign shorter dwell times to more likely hyperlinks and longer dwell times to less likely hyperlinks. In order to infer the likelihood each hyperlink will be selected, we have developed a probabilistic model of natural gaze behavior while surfing the web. We have evaluated a number of heuristic and probabilistic methods for varying the dwell times using both simulation and experiment. Our results demonstrate that varying dwell time improves the user experience in comparison with fixed dwell time, resulting in fewer errors and increased speed. While all of the methods for varying dwell time resulted in improved performance, the probabilistic models yielded much greater gains than the simple heuristics. The best performing model reduces error rate by 50% compared to 100ms uniform dwell time while maintaining a similar response time. It reduces response time by 60% compared to 300ms uniform dwell time while maintaining a similar error rate.Comment: This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction on 30 March, 2018, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/10447318.2018.1452351 . For an eprint of the final published article, please access: https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/T9d4cNwwRUqXPPiZYm8Z/ful