3 research outputs found

    Correction. Brownian models of open processing networks: canonical representation of workload

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    Due to a printing error the above mentioned article [Annals of Applied Probability 10 (2000) 75--103, doi:10.1214/aoap/1019737665] had numerous equations appearing incorrectly in the print version of this paper. The entire article follows as it should have appeared. IMS apologizes to the author and the readers for this error. A recent paper by Harrison and Van Mieghem explained in general mathematical terms how one forms an ``equivalent workload formulation'' of a Brownian network model. Denoting by Z(t)Z(t) the state vector of the original Brownian network, one has a lower dimensional state descriptor W(t)=MZ(t)W(t)=MZ(t) in the equivalent workload formulation, where MM can be chosen as any basis matrix for a particular linear space. This paper considers Brownian models for a very general class of open processing networks, and in that context develops a more extensive interpretation of the equivalent workload formulation, thus extending earlier work by Laws on alternate routing problems. A linear program called the static planning problem is introduced to articulate the notion of ``heavy traffic'' for a general open network, and the dual of that linear program is used to define a canonical choice of the basis matrix MM. To be specific, rows of the canonical MM are alternative basic optimal solutions of the dual linear program. If the network data satisfy a natural monotonicity condition, the canonical matrix MM is shown to be nonnegative, and another natural condition is identified which ensures that MM admits a factorization related to the notion of resource pooling.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/105051606000000583 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Heavy traffic analysis of open processing networks with complete resource pooling: asymptotic optimality of discrete review policies

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    We consider a class of open stochastic processing networks, with feedback routing and overlapping server capabilities, in heavy traffic. The networks we consider satisfy the so-called complete resource pooling condition and therefore have one-dimensional approximating Brownian control problems. We propose a simple discrete review policy for controlling such networks. Assuming 2+\epsilon moments on the interarrival times and processing times, we provide a conceptually simple proof of asymptotic optimality of the proposed policy.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/105051604000000495 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Collaborating queues: large service network and a limit order book

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    E-thesis pagination differs from hardbound copy kept in the Manuscripts Department, Cambridge University Library.We analyse the steady-state behaviour of two different models with collaborating queues: that is, models in which "customers" can be served by many types of "servers", and "servers" can process many types of "customers". The first example is a large-scale service system, such as a call centre. Collaboration is the result of cross-trained staff attending to several different types of incoming calls. We first examine a load-balancing policy, which aims to keep servers in different pools equally busy. Although the policy behaves order-optimally over fixed time horizons, we show that the steady-state distribution may fail to be tight on the diffusion scale. That is, in a family of ever-larger networks whose arrival rates grow as O(r) (where r is a scaling parameter growing to infinity), the sequence of steady-state deviations from equilibrium scaled down by sqrt(r) is not tight. We then propose a different policy, for which we show that the sequence of invariant distributions is tight on the r^(1/2+epsilon) scale, for any epsilon > 0. For this policy we conjecture that tightness holds on the diffusion scale as well. The second example models a limit order book, a pricing mechanism for a single-commodity market in which buyers (respectively sellers) are prepared to wait for the price to drop (respectively rise). We analyse the behaviour of a simplified model, in which the arrival events are independent of each other and the state of the limit order book. The system can be represented by a queueing model, with "customers" and "servers" corresponding to bids and asks; the roles of customers and servers are symmetric. We show that, with probability 1, the price interval breaks up into three regions. At small (respectively large) prices, only finitely many bid (respectively ask) orders ever get fulfilled, while in the middle region all orders eventually clear. We derive equations which define the boundaries between these regions, and solve them explicitly in the case of iid uniform arrivals to obtain numeric values of the thresholds. We derive a heuristic for the distribution of the highest bid (respectively lowest ask), and present simulation data confirming it.This work was supported by the US National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship