6 research outputs found

    Gossip vs. Markov Chains, and Randomness-Efficient Rumor Spreading

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    We study gossip algorithms for the rumor spreading problem which asks one node to deliver a rumor to all nodes in an unknown network. We present the first protocol for any expander graph GG with nn nodes such that, the protocol informs every node in O(logn)O(\log n) rounds with high probability, and uses O~(logn)\tilde{O}(\log n) random bits in total. The runtime of our protocol is tight, and the randomness requirement of O~(logn)\tilde{O}(\log n) random bits almost matches the lower bound of Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n) random bits for dense graphs. We further show that, for many graph families, polylogarithmic number of random bits in total suffice to spread the rumor in O(polylogn)O(\mathrm{poly}\log n) rounds. These results together give us an almost complete understanding of the randomness requirement of this fundamental gossip process. Our analysis relies on unexpectedly tight connections among gossip processes, Markov chains, and branching programs. First, we establish a connection between rumor spreading processes and Markov chains, which is used to approximate the rumor spreading time by the mixing time of Markov chains. Second, we show a reduction from rumor spreading processes to branching programs, and this reduction provides a general framework to derandomize gossip processes. In addition to designing rumor spreading protocols, these novel techniques may have applications in studying parallel and multiple random walks, and randomness complexity of distributed algorithms.Comment: 41 pages, 1 figure. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1304.135

    Broadcasting vs. mixing and information dissemination on Cayley graphs

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    Abstract. One frequently studied problem in the context of information dissemination in communication networks is the broadcasting problem. In this paper, we study the following randomized broadcasting protocol: At some time t an information r is placed at one of the nodes of a graph G. In the succeeding steps, each informed node chooses one neighbor, independently and uniformly at random, and informs this neighbor by sending a copy of r to it. First, we consider the relationship between randomized broadcasting and random walks on graphs. In particular, we prove that the runtime of the algorithm described above is upper bounded by the corresponding mixing time, up to a logarithmic factor. One key ingredient of our proofs is the analysis of a continuous-type version of the afore mentioned algorithm, which might be of independent interest. Then, we introduce a general class of Cayley graphs, including (among others) Star graphs, Transposition graphs, and Pancake graphs. We show that randomized broadcasting has optimal runtime on all graphs belonging to this class. Finally, we develop a new proof technique by combining martingale tail estimates with combinatorial methods. Using this approach, we show the optimality of our algorithm on another Cayley graph and obtain new knowledge about the runtime distribution on several Cayley graphs.