25,031 research outputs found

    Rumor Spreading on Random Regular Graphs and Expanders

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    Broadcasting algorithms are important building blocks of distributed systems. In this work we investigate the typical performance of the classical and well-studied push model. Assume that initially one node in a given network holds some piece of information. In each round, every one of the informed nodes chooses independently a neighbor uniformly at random and transmits the message to it. In this paper we consider random networks where each vertex has degree d, which is at least 3, i.e., the underlying graph is drawn uniformly at random from the set of all d-regular graphs with n vertices. We show that with probability 1 - o(1) the push model broadcasts the message to all nodes within (1 + o(1))C_d ln n rounds, where C_d = 1/ ln(2(1-1/d)) - 1/(d ln(1 - 1/d)). In particular, we can characterize precisely the effect of the node degree to the typical broadcast time of the push model. Moreover, we consider pseudo-random regular networks, where we assume that the degree of each node is very large. There we show that the broadcast time is (1+o(1))C ln n with probability 1 - o(1), where C= 1/ ln 2 + 1, is the limit of C_d as d grows.Comment: 18 page

    Phase Transition for Glauber Dynamics for Independent Sets on Regular Trees

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    We study the effect of boundary conditions on the relaxation time of the Glauber dynamics for the hard-core model on the tree. The hard-core model is defined on the set of independent sets weighted by a parameter λ\lambda, called the activity. The Glauber dynamics is the Markov chain that updates a randomly chosen vertex in each step. On the infinite tree with branching factor bb, the hard-core model can be equivalently defined as a broadcasting process with a parameter ω\omega which is the positive solution to λ=ω(1+ω)b\lambda=\omega(1+\omega)^b, and vertices are occupied with probability ω/(1+ω)\omega/(1+\omega) when their parent is unoccupied. This broadcasting process undergoes a phase transition between the so-called reconstruction and non-reconstruction regions at ωrlnb/b\omega_r\approx \ln{b}/b. Reconstruction has been of considerable interest recently since it appears to be intimately connected to the efficiency of local algorithms on locally tree-like graphs, such as sparse random graphs. In this paper we show that the relaxation time of the Glauber dynamics on regular bb-ary trees ThT_h of height hh and nn vertices, undergoes a phase transition around the reconstruction threshold. In particular, we construct a boundary condition for which the relaxation time slows down at the reconstruction threshold. More precisely, for any ωlnb/b\omega \le \ln{b}/b, for ThT_h with any boundary condition, the relaxation time is Ω(n)\Omega(n) and O(n1+ob(1))O(n^{1+o_b(1)}). In contrast, above the reconstruction threshold we show that for every δ>0\delta>0, for ω=(1+δ)lnb/b\omega=(1+\delta)\ln{b}/b, the relaxation time on ThT_h with any boundary condition is O(n1+δ+ob(1))O(n^{1+\delta + o_b(1)}), and we construct a boundary condition where the relaxation time is Ω(n1+δ/2ob(1))\Omega(n^{1+\delta/2 - o_b(1)})

    Quasirandom Rumor Spreading: An Experimental Analysis

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    We empirically analyze two versions of the well-known "randomized rumor spreading" protocol to disseminate a piece of information in networks. In the classical model, in each round each informed node informs a random neighbor. In the recently proposed quasirandom variant, each node has a (cyclic) list of its neighbors. Once informed, it starts at a random position of the list, but from then on informs its neighbors in the order of the list. While for sparse random graphs a better performance of the quasirandom model could be proven, all other results show that, independent of the structure of the lists, the same asymptotic performance guarantees hold as for the classical model. In this work, we compare the two models experimentally. This not only shows that the quasirandom model generally is faster, but also that the runtime is more concentrated around the mean. This is surprising given that much fewer random bits are used in the quasirandom process. These advantages are also observed in a lossy communication model, where each transmission does not reach its target with a certain probability, and in an asynchronous model, where nodes send at random times drawn from an exponential distribution. We also show that typically the particular structure of the lists has little influence on the efficiency.Comment: 14 pages, appeared in ALENEX'0

    Broadcasting on Random Directed Acyclic Graphs

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    We study a generalization of the well-known model of broadcasting on trees. Consider a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with a unique source vertex XX, and suppose all other vertices have indegree d2d\geq 2. Let the vertices at distance kk from XX be called layer kk. At layer 00, XX is given a random bit. At layer k1k\geq 1, each vertex receives dd bits from its parents in layer k1k-1, which are transmitted along independent binary symmetric channel edges, and combines them using a dd-ary Boolean processing function. The goal is to reconstruct XX with probability of error bounded away from 1/21/2 using the values of all vertices at an arbitrarily deep layer. This question is closely related to models of reliable computation and storage, and information flow in biological networks. In this paper, we analyze randomly constructed DAGs, for which we show that broadcasting is only possible if the noise level is below a certain degree and function dependent critical threshold. For d3d\geq 3, and random DAGs with layer sizes Ω(logk)\Omega(\log k) and majority processing functions, we identify the critical threshold. For d=2d=2, we establish a similar result for NAND processing functions. We also prove a partial converse for odd d3d\geq 3 illustrating that the identified thresholds are impossible to improve by selecting different processing functions if the decoder is restricted to using a single vertex. Finally, for any noise level, we construct explicit DAGs (using expander graphs) with bounded degree and layer sizes Θ(logk)\Theta(\log k) admitting reconstruction. In particular, we show that such DAGs can be generated in deterministic quasi-polynomial time or randomized polylogarithmic time in the depth. These results portray a doubly-exponential advantage for storing a bit in DAGs compared to trees, where d=1d=1 but layer sizes must grow exponentially with depth in order to enable broadcasting.Comment: 33 pages, double column format. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1803.0752

    Heuristics for Network Coding in Wireless Networks

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    Multicast is a central challenge for emerging multi-hop wireless architectures such as wireless mesh networks, because of its substantial cost in terms of bandwidth. In this report, we study one specific case of multicast: broadcasting, sending data from one source to all nodes, in a multi-hop wireless network. The broadcast we focus on is based on network coding, a promising avenue for reducing cost; previous work of ours showed that the performance of network coding with simple heuristics is asymptotically optimal: each transmission is beneficial to nearly every receiver. This is for homogenous and large networks of the plan. But for small, sparse or for inhomogeneous networks, some additional heuristics are required. This report proposes such additional new heuristics (for selecting rates) for broadcasting with network coding. Our heuristics are intended to use only simple local topology information. We detail the logic of the heuristics, and with experimental results, we illustrate the behavior of the heuristics, and demonstrate their excellent performance

    Ferromagnetic Potts Model: Refined #BIS-hardness and Related Results

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    Recent results establish for 2-spin antiferromagnetic systems that the computational complexity of approximating the partition function on graphs of maximum degree D undergoes a phase transition that coincides with the uniqueness phase transition on the infinite D-regular tree. For the ferromagnetic Potts model we investigate whether analogous hardness results hold. Goldberg and Jerrum showed that approximating the partition function of the ferromagnetic Potts model is at least as hard as approximating the number of independent sets in bipartite graphs (#BIS-hardness). We improve this hardness result by establishing it for bipartite graphs of maximum degree D. We first present a detailed picture for the phase diagram for the infinite D-regular tree, giving a refined picture of its first-order phase transition and establishing the critical temperature for the coexistence of the disordered and ordered phases. We then prove for all temperatures below this critical temperature that it is #BIS-hard to approximate the partition function on bipartite graphs of maximum degree D. As a corollary, it is #BIS-hard to approximate the number of k-colorings on bipartite graphs of maximum degree D when k <= D/(2 ln D). The #BIS-hardness result for the ferromagnetic Potts model uses random bipartite regular graphs as a gadget in the reduction. The analysis of these random graphs relies on recent connections between the maxima of the expectation of their partition function, attractive fixpoints of the associated tree recursions, and induced matrix norms. We extend these connections to random regular graphs for all ferromagnetic models and establish the Bethe prediction for every ferromagnetic spin system on random regular graphs. We also prove for the ferromagnetic Potts model that the Swendsen-Wang algorithm is torpidly mixing on random D-regular graphs at the critical temperature for large q.Comment: To appear in SIAM J. Computin