2,789 research outputs found

    An impact-based broadband aeroelastic energy harvester for concurrent wind and base vibration energy harvesting

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    © 2017 This paper proposes a novel broadband energy harvester to concurrently harvest energy from base vibrations and wind flows by utilizing a mechanical stopper. A problem for a conventional wind energy harvester is that it can only effectively harness energy from two types of excitations around its resonance frequency. The proposed design consists of a D-shape-sectioned bluff body attached to a piezoelectric cantilever, and a mechanical stopper fixed at the bottom of the cantilever which introduces piecewise linearity through its impact with the bluff body. The quasi-periodic oscillations are converted to periodic vibration due to the introduction of the mechanical stopper, which forces the two excitation frequencies to lock into each other. Broadened bandwidth for effective concurrent energy harvesting is thus achieved, and at the same time, the beam deflection is slightly mitigated and fully utilized for power conversion. The experiment shows that with the stopper-bluff body distance of 19.5 mm, the output power from the proposed harvesting device increases steadily from 3.0 mW at 17.3 Hz to 3.8 mW at 19.1 Hz at a wind speed of 5.5 m/s and a base acceleration of 0.5 g. A guideline for the stopper configuration is also provided for performance enhancement of the broadband concurrent wind and vibration energy harvester

    Concurrent wind and base vibration energy harvesting with a broadband bistable aeroelastic energy harvester

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. This paper presents a novel energy harvesting device driven by concurrent aeroelastic vibration and base vibratory excitation. The harvester undergoes flow-induced limit-cycle oscillation under galloping instability, and at the same time, inertia force induced vibration is present due to the base vibratory excitation. A limitation with a traditional linear aeroelastic energy harvester is that effective energy harvesting from combined sources is only achievable within a narrow frequency range. To overcome this issue, bistability is introduced by exploiting nonlinear restoring force. A lumped aero-electro-mechanical model is established to incorporate the mutual coupling between the wind flow, piezoelectric element, nonlinear structure and circuit. Dynamic responses are investigated for different bistable configurations. Results show that the proposed harvester achieves a significantly widened bandwidth over which the two excitation frequencies are forced to lock into each other, and both vibratory and aeroelastic energy are effectively harnessed

    Performance enhancement of an aeroelastic energy harvester for efficient power harvesting from concurrent wind flows and base vibrations

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    © 2018 IEEE. In this paper, using a high frequency mechanical stopper as a complementary energy harvester is proposed to improve the performance of energy harvesting from concurrent wind flows and base vibrations. Galloping aeroelasticity of a square-sectioned bluff body is employed to achieve limit-cycle structural oscillations. The analysis demonstrates that the bandwidth for effectively harnessing both aerodynamic and base vibratory energy is substantially widened, and simultaneously, the total power amplitude is significantly enhanced as compared to the original linear galloping energy harvester. It is concluded that the proposed system is viable solution to enhance energy conversion in situations where wind flows and base vibrations are coexisting

    Max-min Fair Wireless Energy Transfer for Secure Multiuser Communication Systems

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    This paper considers max-min fairness for wireless energy transfer in a downlink multiuser communication system. Our resource allocation design maximizes the minimum harvested energy among multiple multiple-antenna energy harvesting receivers (potential eavesdroppers) while providing quality of service (QoS) for secure communication to multiple single-antenna information receivers. In particular, the algorithm design is formulated as a non-convex optimization problem which takes into account a minimum required signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) constraint at the information receivers and a constraint on the maximum tolerable channel capacity achieved by the energy harvesting receivers for a given transmit power budget. The proposed problem formulation exploits the dual use of artificial noise generation for facilitating efficient wireless energy transfer and secure communication. A semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation approach is exploited to obtain a global optimal solution of the considered problem. Simulation results demonstrate the significant performance gain in harvested energy that is achieved by the proposed optimal scheme compared to two simple baseline schemes.Comment: 5 pages, invited paper, IEEE Information Theory Workshop 2014, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, Nov. 201

    Design and implementation of components for renewably-powered base-stations with heterogeneous access channel

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    Providing high-speed broadband services in remote areas can be a challenging task, especially because of the lack of network infrastructure. As typical broadband technologies are often expensive to deploy, they require large investment from the local authorities. Previous studies have shown that a viable alternative is to use wireless base stations with high-throughput point to point (PTP) backhaul links. With base stations comes the problem of powering their systems, it is tackled in this thesis by relying on renewable energy harvesting, such as solar panels or wind turbines. This thesis, in the context of the sustainable cellular network harvesting ambient energy (SCAVENGE) project, aims to contribute to a reliable and energy efficient solution to this problem, by adjusting the design of an existing multi-radio energy harvesting base station. In Western Europe, 49 channels of 8 MHz were used for analogue TV transmissions, ranging from 470 MHz (Channel 21) to 862 MHz (Channel 69); this spectrum, now partially unused due to the digital television (DTV) switch-over, has been opened to alternative uses by the regulatory authorities. Using this newly freed ultra high frequency (UHF) range, also known as TV white space (TVWS), can offer reliable low-cost broadband access to housings and businesses in low-density areas. While UHF transmitters allow long range links, the overcrowding of the TV spectrum limits the achievable throughput; to increase the capacity of such TVWS rural broadband base station the UHF radio has previously been combined with a lower-range higher throughput GHz radio like Wireless Fidelity (WiFi). From the regulatory constraints of TVWS applications arises the need for frequency agile transceivers that observe strict spectral mask requirements, this guided previous works towards discrete Fourier transform (DFT) modulated filter-bank multicarrier (FBMC) systems. These systems are numerically efficient, as they permit the up-and-down conversion of the 40 TV channels at the cost of a single channel transceiver and the modulating transform. Typical implementations rely on power-of two fast Fourier transforms (FFTs); however the smallest transform covering the full 40 channels of the TVWS spectrum is a 64 points wide, thus involving 24 unused channels. In order to attain a more numerically-efficient implemented design, we introduce the use of mixed-radix FFTs modulating transform. Testing various sizes and architectures, this approach provides up to 6.7% of energy saving compared to previous designs. Different from orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), FBMC systems are generally expected to be more robust to synchronisation errors, as oversampled FBMC systems can include a guard band, and even in a doubly-dispersive channel, inter-carrier interference (ICI) can be considered negligible. Even though sub-channels can be treated independently—i.e. without the use of cross-terms—they still require equalisation. We introduce a per-band equalisation, amongst different options, a robust and fast blind approach based on a concurrent constant modulus (CM)/decision directed (DD) fractionally-space equaliser (FSE) is selected. The selected approach is capable of equalising a frequency-selective channel. Furthermore the proposed architecture is advantageous in terms of power consumption and implementation cost. After focussing on the design of the radio for TVWS transmission, we address a multi-radio user assignment problem. Using various power consumption and harvesting models for the base station, we formulate two optimisation problems, the first focuses on the base station power consumption, while the second concentrates on load balancing. We employ a dynamic programming approach to optimise the user assignment. The use of such algorithms could allow a downsizing of the power supply systems (harvesters and batteries), thus reducing the cost of the base station. Furthermore the algorithms provide a better balance between the number of users assigned to each network, resulting in a higher quality of service (QoS) and energy efficiency.Providing high-speed broadband services in remote areas can be a challenging task, especially because of the lack of network infrastructure. As typical broadband technologies are often expensive to deploy, they require large investment from the local authorities. Previous studies have shown that a viable alternative is to use wireless base stations with high-throughput point to point (PTP) backhaul links. With base stations comes the problem of powering their systems, it is tackled in this thesis by relying on renewable energy harvesting, such as solar panels or wind turbines. This thesis, in the context of the sustainable cellular network harvesting ambient energy (SCAVENGE) project, aims to contribute to a reliable and energy efficient solution to this problem, by adjusting the design of an existing multi-radio energy harvesting base station. In Western Europe, 49 channels of 8 MHz were used for analogue TV transmissions, ranging from 470 MHz (Channel 21) to 862 MHz (Channel 69); this spectrum, now partially unused due to the digital television (DTV) switch-over, has been opened to alternative uses by the regulatory authorities. Using this newly freed ultra high frequency (UHF) range, also known as TV white space (TVWS), can offer reliable low-cost broadband access to housings and businesses in low-density areas. While UHF transmitters allow long range links, the overcrowding of the TV spectrum limits the achievable throughput; to increase the capacity of such TVWS rural broadband base station the UHF radio has previously been combined with a lower-range higher throughput GHz radio like Wireless Fidelity (WiFi). From the regulatory constraints of TVWS applications arises the need for frequency agile transceivers that observe strict spectral mask requirements, this guided previous works towards discrete Fourier transform (DFT) modulated filter-bank multicarrier (FBMC) systems. These systems are numerically efficient, as they permit the up-and-down conversion of the 40 TV channels at the cost of a single channel transceiver and the modulating transform. Typical implementations rely on power-of two fast Fourier transforms (FFTs); however the smallest transform covering the full 40 channels of the TVWS spectrum is a 64 points wide, thus involving 24 unused channels. In order to attain a more numerically-efficient implemented design, we introduce the use of mixed-radix FFTs modulating transform. Testing various sizes and architectures, this approach provides up to 6.7% of energy saving compared to previous designs. Different from orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), FBMC systems are generally expected to be more robust to synchronisation errors, as oversampled FBMC systems can include a guard band, and even in a doubly-dispersive channel, inter-carrier interference (ICI) can be considered negligible. Even though sub-channels can be treated independently—i.e. without the use of cross-terms—they still require equalisation. We introduce a per-band equalisation, amongst different options, a robust and fast blind approach based on a concurrent constant modulus (CM)/decision directed (DD) fractionally-space equaliser (FSE) is selected. The selected approach is capable of equalising a frequency-selective channel. Furthermore the proposed architecture is advantageous in terms of power consumption and implementation cost. After focussing on the design of the radio for TVWS transmission, we address a multi-radio user assignment problem. Using various power consumption and harvesting models for the base station, we formulate two optimisation problems, the first focuses on the base station power consumption, while the second concentrates on load balancing. We employ a dynamic programming approach to optimise the user assignment. The use of such algorithms could allow a downsizing of the power supply systems (harvesters and batteries), thus reducing the cost of the base station. Furthermore the algorithms provide a better balance between the number of users assigned to each network, resulting in a higher quality of service (QoS) and energy efficiency

    General Rank Multiuser Downlink Beamforming With Shaping Constraints Using Real-valued OSTBC

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    In this paper we consider optimal multiuser downlink beamforming in the presence of a massive number of arbitrary quadratic shaping constraints. We combine beamforming with full-rate high dimensional real-valued orthogonal space time block coding (OSTBC) to increase the number of beamforming weight vectors and associated degrees of freedom in the beamformer design. The original multi-constraint beamforming problem is converted into a convex optimization problem using semidefinite relaxation (SDR) which can be solved efficiently. In contrast to conventional (rank-one) beamforming approaches in which an optimal beamforming solution can be obtained only when the SDR solution (after rank reduction) exhibits the rank-one property, in our approach optimality is guaranteed when a rank of eight is not exceeded. We show that our approach can incorporate up to 79 additional shaping constraints for which an optimal beamforming solution is guaranteed as compared to a maximum of two additional constraints that bound the conventional rank-one downlink beamforming designs. Simulation results demonstrate the flexibility of our proposed beamformer design

    Energy Efficient User Association and Power Allocation in Millimeter Wave Based Ultra Dense Networks with Energy Harvesting Base Stations

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    Millimeter wave (mmWave) communication technologies have recently emerged as an attractive solution to meet the exponentially increasing demand on mobile data traffic. Moreover, ultra dense networks (UDNs) combined with mmWave technology are expected to increase both energy efficiency and spectral efficiency. In this paper, user association and power allocation in mmWave based UDNs is considered with attention to load balance constraints, energy harvesting by base stations, user quality of service requirements, energy efficiency, and cross-tier interference limits. The joint user association and power optimization problem is modeled as a mixed-integer programming problem, which is then transformed into a convex optimization problem by relaxing the user association indicator and solved by Lagrangian dual decomposition. An iterative gradient user association and power allocation algorithm is proposed and shown to converge rapidly to an optimal point. The complexity of the proposed algorithm is analyzed and the effectiveness of the proposed scheme compared with existing methods is verified by simulations.Comment: to appear, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 201
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