5 research outputs found

    QoT Evaluation of Optical Line System Transmission with Bismuth-Doped Fiber Amplifiers in the E-Band

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    We numerically investigate E-band quality of the transmission using an ex- perimentally characterized bismuth-doped fiber amplifier, demonstrating its impact on de-ployed C+L system

    Dataset: Broadband Bismuth-Doped Fiber Amplifier with a Record 115-nm Bandwidth in the O and E Bands

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    This dataset supports the publication: Yu Wang, Naresh K Thipparapu, David J Richardson, Jayanta Sahu. (2020). Broadband bismuth-doped fiber amplifier with a record 115-nm bandwidth in the O and E bands. OFC 2020.</span

    Multi-Band Programmable Gain Raman Amplifier

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    Optical communication systems, operating in C-band, are reaching their theoretically achievable capacity limits. An attractive and economically viable solution to satisfy the future data rate demands is to employ the transmission across the full low-loss spectrum encompassing O, E, S, C, and L band of the single mode fibers (SMF). Utilizing all five bands offers a bandwidth of up to sim53.5 THz (365 nm) with loss below 0.4 dB/km. A key component in realizing multi-band optical communication systems is the optical amplifier. Apart from having an ultra-wide gain profile, the ability of providing arbitrary gain profiles, in a controlled way, will become an essential feature. The latter will allow for signal power spectrum shaping which has a broad range of applications such as the maximization of the achievable information rate × distance product, the elimination of static and lossy gain flattening filters (GFF) enabling a power efficient system design, and the gain equalization of optical frequency combs. In this paper, we experimentally demonstrate a multi-band (S+C+L) programmable gain optical amplifier using only Raman effects and machine learning. The amplifier achieves >1000 programmable gain profiles within the range 3.5 to 30 dB, in an ultra-fast way and a very low maximum error of 1.6 cdot 10{-2} dB/THz over an ultra-wide bandwidth of 17.6-THz (140.7-nm)

    Multi-band programmable gain Raman amplifier

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    Optical communication systems, operating in C-band, are reaching their theoretically achievable capacity limits. An attractive and economically viable solution to satisfy the future data rate demands is to employ the transmission across the full low-loss spectrum encompassing O, E, S, C and L band of the single mode fibers (SMF). Utilizing all five bands offers a bandwidth of up to ~53.5 THz (365 nm) with loss below 0.4 dB/km. A key component in realizing multi-band optical communication systems is the optical amplifier. Apart from having an ultra-wide gain profile, the ability of providing arbitrary gain profiles, in a controlled way, will become an essential feature. The latter will allow for signal power spectrum shaping which has a broad range of applications such as the maximization of the achievable information rate × distance product, the elimination of static and lossy gain flattening filters (GFF) enabling a power efficient system design, and the gain equalization of optical frequency combs. In this paper, we experimentally demonstrate a multi-band (S+C+L) programmable gain optical amplifier using only Raman effects and machine learning. The amplifier achieves >1000 programmable gain profiles within the range from 3.5 to 30 dB, in an ultra-fast way and a very low maximum error of 1.6⋅10−2 dB/THz over an ultra-wide bandwidth of 17.6-THz (140.7-nm

    Broadband bismuth-doped fiber amplifier with a record 115-nm bandwidth in the O and E bands

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    We report a bismuth-doped fiber amplifier providing &gt;20dB gain from 1345nm- 1460nm with 31dB maximum gain and 4.8dB NF at 1420nm for a -23dBm signal. The gain coefficient and temperature-dependent-gain coefficient are 0.042dB/mW and -0.015dB/°C, respectively