640 research outputs found

    GRASP: A New Search Algorithm for Satisfiability

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    This paper introduces GRASP (Generic search Algorithm J3r the Satisfiabilily Problem), an integrated algorithmic J3amework 30r SAT that unifies several previously proposed searchpruning techniques and jcilitates identification of additional ones. GRASP is premised on the inevitability of conflicts during search and its most distinguishingjature is the augmentation of basic backtracking search with a powerful conflict analysis procedure. Analyzing conflicts to determine their causes enables GRASP to backtrack non-chronologically to earlier levels in the search tree, potentially pruning large portions of the search space. In addition, by 'ecording" the causes of conflicts, GRASP can recognize and preempt the occurrence of similar conflicts later on in the search. Einally, straighrward bookkeeping of the causali y chains leading up to conflicts a/lows GRASP to identij) assignments that are necessary jr a solution to be found. Experimental results obtained jom a large number of benchmarks, including many J3om the field of test pattern generation, indicate that application of the proposed conflict analysis techniques to SAT algorithms can be extremely ejctive jr a large number of representative classes of SAT instances

    Concept Descriptions with Set Constraints and Cardinality Constraints

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    We introduce a new description logic that extends the well-known logic ALCQ by allowing the statement of constraints on role successors that are more general than the qualified number restrictions of ALCQ. To formulate these constraints, we use the quantifier-free fragment of Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic (QFBAPA), in which one can express Boolean combinations of set constraints and numerical constraints on the cardinalities of sets. Though our new logic is considerably more expressive than ALCQ, we are able to show that the complexity of reasoning in it is the same as in ALCQ, both without and with TBoxes.The first version of this report was put online on April 6, 2017. The current version, containing more information on related work, was put online on July 13, 2017. This is an extended version of a paper published in the proceedings of FroCoS 2017

    CNF Satisfiability in a Subspace and Related Problems

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    We introduce the problem of finding a satisfying assignment to a CNF formula that must further belong to a prescribed input subspace. Equivalent formulations of the problem include finding a point outside a union of subspaces (the Union-of-Subspace Avoidance (USA) problem), and finding a common zero of a system of polynomials over ?? each of which is a product of affine forms. We focus on the case of k-CNF formulas (the k-Sub-Sat problem). Clearly, k-Sub-Sat is no easier than k-SAT, and might be harder. Indeed, via simple reductions we show that 2-Sub-Sat is NP-hard, and W[1]-hard when parameterized by the co-dimension of the subspace. We also prove that the optimization version Max-2-Sub-Sat is NP-hard to approximate better than the trivial 3/4 ratio even on satisfiable instances. On the algorithmic front, we investigate fast exponential algorithms which give non-trivial savings over brute-force algorithms. We give a simple branching algorithm with running time (1.5)^r for 2-Sub-Sat, where r is the subspace dimension, as well as an O^*(1.4312)? time algorithm where n is the number of variables. Turning to k-Sub-Sat for k ? 3, while known algorithms for solving a system of degree k polynomial equations already imply a solution with running time ? 2^{r(1-1/2k)}, we explore a more combinatorial approach. Based on an analysis of critical variables (a key notion underlying the randomized k-SAT algorithm of Paturi, Pudlak, and Zane), we give an algorithm with running time ? {n choose {?t}} 2^{n-n/k} where n is the number of variables and t is the co-dimension of the subspace. This improves upon the running time of the polynomial equations approach for small co-dimension. Our combinatorial approach also achieves polynomial space in contrast to the algebraic approach that uses exponential space. We also give a PPZ-style algorithm for k-Sub-Sat with running time ? 2^{n-n/2k}. This algorithm is in fact oblivious to the structure of the subspace, and extends when the subspace-membership constraint is replaced by any constraint for which partial satisfying assignments can be efficiently completed to a full satisfying assignment. Finally, for systems of O(n) polynomial equations in n variables over ??, we give a fast exponential algorithm when each polynomial has bounded degree irreducible factors (but can otherwise have large degree) using a degree reduction trick
