87 research outputs found

    Bregman Voronoi Diagrams: Properties, Algorithms and Applications

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    The Voronoi diagram of a finite set of objects is a fundamental geometric structure that subdivides the embedding space into regions, each region consisting of the points that are closer to a given object than to the others. We may define many variants of Voronoi diagrams depending on the class of objects, the distance functions and the embedding space. In this paper, we investigate a framework for defining and building Voronoi diagrams for a broad class of distance functions called Bregman divergences. Bregman divergences include not only the traditional (squared) Euclidean distance but also various divergence measures based on entropic functions. Accordingly, Bregman Voronoi diagrams allow to define information-theoretic Voronoi diagrams in statistical parametric spaces based on the relative entropy of distributions. We define several types of Bregman diagrams, establish correspondences between those diagrams (using the Legendre transformation), and show how to compute them efficiently. We also introduce extensions of these diagrams, e.g. k-order and k-bag Bregman Voronoi diagrams, and introduce Bregman triangulations of a set of points and their connexion with Bregman Voronoi diagrams. We show that these triangulations capture many of the properties of the celebrated Delaunay triangulation. Finally, we give some applications of Bregman Voronoi diagrams which are of interest in the context of computational geometry and machine learning.Comment: Extend the proceedings abstract of SODA 2007 (46 pages, 15 figures

    Bregman Voronoi diagrams

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    A preliminary version appeared in the 18th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, pp. 746- 755, 2007International audienceThe Voronoi diagram of a finite set of objects is a fundamental geometric structure that subdivides the embedding space into regions, each region consisting of the points that are closer to a given object than to the others. We may define various variants of Voronoi diagrams depending on the class of objects, the distance function and the embedding space. In this paper, we investigate a framework for defining and building Voronoi diagrams for a broad class of distance functions called Bregman divergences. Bregman divergences include not only the traditional (squared) Euclidean distance but also various divergence measures based on entropic functions. Accordingly, Bregman Voronoi diagrams allow one to define information-theoretic Voronoi diagrams in sta- tistical parametric spaces based on the relative entropy of distributions. We define several types of Bregman diagrams, establish correspondences between those diagrams (using the Legendre transformation), and show how to compute them efficiently. We also introduce extensions of these diagrams, e.g. k-order and k-bag Bregman Voronoi diagrams, and introduce Bregman triangulations of a set of points and their connection with Bregman Voronoi diagrams. We show that these triangulations capture many of the properties of the celebrated Delaunay triangulation

    Optimal interval clustering: Application to Bregman clustering and statistical mixture learning

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    We present a generic dynamic programming method to compute the optimal clustering of nn scalar elements into kk pairwise disjoint intervals. This case includes 1D Euclidean kk-means, kk-medoids, kk-medians, kk-centers, etc. We extend the method to incorporate cluster size constraints and show how to choose the appropriate kk by model selection. Finally, we illustrate and refine the method on two case studies: Bregman clustering and statistical mixture learning maximizing the complete likelihood.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Guaranteed bounds on the Kullback-Leibler divergence of univariate mixtures using piecewise log-sum-exp inequalities

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    Information-theoretic measures such as the entropy, cross-entropy and the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two mixture models is a core primitive in many signal processing tasks. Since the Kullback-Leibler divergence of mixtures provably does not admit a closed-form formula, it is in practice either estimated using costly Monte-Carlo stochastic integration, approximated, or bounded using various techniques. We present a fast and generic method that builds algorithmically closed-form lower and upper bounds on the entropy, the cross-entropy and the Kullback-Leibler divergence of mixtures. We illustrate the versatile method by reporting on our experiments for approximating the Kullback-Leibler divergence between univariate exponential mixtures, Gaussian mixtures, Rayleigh mixtures, and Gamma mixtures.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    kk-MLE: A fast algorithm for learning statistical mixture models

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    We describe kk-MLE, a fast and efficient local search algorithm for learning finite statistical mixtures of exponential families such as Gaussian mixture models. Mixture models are traditionally learned using the expectation-maximization (EM) soft clustering technique that monotonically increases the incomplete (expected complete) likelihood. Given prescribed mixture weights, the hard clustering kk-MLE algorithm iteratively assigns data to the most likely weighted component and update the component models using Maximum Likelihood Estimators (MLEs). Using the duality between exponential families and Bregman divergences, we prove that the local convergence of the complete likelihood of kk-MLE follows directly from the convergence of a dual additively weighted Bregman hard clustering. The inner loop of kk-MLE can be implemented using any kk-means heuristic like the celebrated Lloyd's batched or Hartigan's greedy swap updates. We then show how to update the mixture weights by minimizing a cross-entropy criterion that implies to update weights by taking the relative proportion of cluster points, and reiterate the mixture parameter update and mixture weight update processes until convergence. Hard EM is interpreted as a special case of kk-MLE when both the component update and the weight update are performed successively in the inner loop. To initialize kk-MLE, we propose kk-MLE++, a careful initialization of kk-MLE guaranteeing probabilistically a global bound on the best possible complete likelihood.Comment: 31 pages, Extend preliminary paper presented at IEEE ICASSP 201

    The Bregman chord divergence

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    Distances are fundamental primitives whose choice significantly impacts the performances of algorithms in machine learning and signal processing. However selecting the most appropriate distance for a given task is an endeavor. Instead of testing one by one the entries of an ever-expanding dictionary of {\em ad hoc} distances, one rather prefers to consider parametric classes of distances that are exhaustively characterized by axioms derived from first principles. Bregman divergences are such a class. However fine-tuning a Bregman divergence is delicate since it requires to smoothly adjust a functional generator. In this work, we propose an extension of Bregman divergences called the Bregman chord divergences. This new class of distances does not require gradient calculations, uses two scalar parameters that can be easily tailored in applications, and generalizes asymptotically Bregman divergences.Comment: 10 page
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