50 research outputs found

    Non-Gibbs states on a Bose-Hubbard lattice

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    We study the equilibrium properties of the repulsive quantum Bose-Hubbard model at high temperatures in arbitrary dimensions, with and without disorder. In its microcanonical setting the model conserves energy and particle number. The microcanonical dynamics is characterized by a pair of two densities: energy density ε\varepsilon and particle number density nn. The macrocanonical Gibbs distribution also depends on two parameters: the inverse nonnegative temperature β\beta and the chemical potential μ\mu. We prove the existence of non-Gibbs states, that is, pairs (ε,n)(\varepsilon,n) which cannot be mapped onto (β,μ)(\beta,\mu). The separation line in the density control parameter space between Gibbs and non-Gibbs states εn2\varepsilon \sim n^2 corresponds to infinite temperature β=0\beta=0. The non-Gibbs phase cannot be cured into a Gibbs one within the standard Gibbs formalism using negative temperatures.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, misprints correcte

    Chimera patterns in conservative systems and ultracold atoms with mediated nonlocal hopping

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    Chimera patterns, characterized by coexisting regions of phase coherence and incoherence, have so far been studied in non-conservative systems with dissipation. Here, we show that the formation of chimera patterns can also be observed in conservative Hamiltonian systems with nonlocal hopping in which both energy and particle number are conserved. Effective nonlocality can be realized in a physical system with only local coupling if different time scales exist, which can be illustrated by a minimal conservative model with an additional mediating channel. Finally, we show that the patterns should be observable in ultracold atomic systems. Nonlocal spatial hopping over up to tens of lattice sites with independently tunable hopping strength and on-site nonlinearity can be implemented in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate with a spin-dependent optical lattice, where the untrapped component serves as the matter-wave mediating field. The present work highlights the connections between chimera patterns, nonlinear dynamics, condensed matter, and ultracold atoms.Comment: 4 figures with supplementar

    Non-Equilibrium Properties of Open Quantum Systems

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    We study two classes of open systems: discrete-time quantum walks (a type of Floquet-engineered discrete quantum map) and the Lindblad master equation (a general framework of dissipative quantum systems), focusing on the non-equilibrium properties of these systems. We study localization and delocalization phenomena, soliton-like excitations, and quasi-stationary properties of open quantum systems

    Wannier solitons in spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices with a flat-band

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    We investigate families of soliton solutions in a spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensate embedded in an optical lattice, which bifurcate from the nearly flat lowest band. Unlike the conventional gap solitons the obtained solutions have the shape well approximated by a Wannier function (or a few Wannier functions) of the underlying linear Hamiltonian with amplitudes varying along the family and with nearly constant widths. The Wannier solitons (WSs) sharing all symmetries of the system Hamiltonian are found to be stable. Such solutions allow for the construction of Wannier breathers, that can be viewed as nonlinearly coupled one-hump solitons. The breathers are well described by a few-mode model and manifest stable behavior either in an oscillatory regime with balanced average populations or in a self-trapping regime characterized by unbalanced atomic populations of the local potential minima (similarly to the conventional boson Josephson junction), with the frequencies controlled by the inter-atomic interactions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Nonlinear Phenomena of Ultracold Atomic Gases in Optical Lattices: Emergence of Novel Features in Extended States

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    The system of a cold atomic gas in an optical lattice is governed by two factors: nonlinearity originating from the interparticle interaction, and the periodicity of the system set by the lattice. The high level of controllability associated with such an arrangement allows for the study of the competition and interplay between these two, and gives rise to a whole range of interesting and rich nonlinear effects. This review covers the basic idea and overview of such nonlinear phenomena, especially those corresponding to extended states. This includes "swallowtail" loop structures of the energy band, Bloch states with multiple periodicity, and those in "nonlinear lattices", i.e., systems with the nonlinear interaction term itself being a periodic function in space.Comment: 39 pages, 21 figures; review article to be published in a Special Issue of Entropy on "Non-Linear Lattice