13 research outputs found

    Fast Projection onto the Simplex and the l1 Ball

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    International audienceA new algorithm is proposed to project, exactly and in finite time, a vector of arbitrary size onto a simplex or an l1-norm ball. It can be viewed as a Gauss-Seidel-like variant of Michelot’s variable fixing algorithm; that is, the threshold used to fix the variables is updated after each element is read, instead of waiting for a full reading pass over the list of non-fixed elements. This algorithm is empirically demonstrated to be faster than existing methods

    MaxHedge: Maximising a Maximum Online

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    We introduce a new online learning framework where, at each trial, the learner is required to select a subset of actions from a given known action set. Each action is associated with an energy value, a reward and a cost. The sum of the energies of the actions selected cannot exceed a given energy budget. The goal is to maximise the cumulative profit, where the profit obtained on a single trial is defined as the difference between the maximum reward among the selected actions and the sum of their costs. Action energy values and the budget are known and fixed. All rewards and costs associated with each action change over time and are revealed at each trial only after the learner's selection of actions. Our framework encompasses several online learning problems where the environment changes over time; and the solution trades-off between minimising the costs and maximising the maximum reward of the selected subset of actions, while being constrained to an action energy budget. The algorithm that we propose is efficient and general in that it may be specialised to multiple natural online combinatorial problems.Comment: Published in AISTATS 201

    MaxHedge: Maximising a Maximum Online

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    We introduce a new online learning framework where, at each trial, the learner is required to select a subset of actions from a given known action set. Each action is associated with an energy value, a reward and a cost. The sum of the energies of the actions selected cannot exceed a given energy budget. The goal is to maximise the cumulative profit, where the profit obtained on a single trial is defined as the difference between the maximum reward among the selected actions and the sum of their costs. Action energy values and the budget are known and fixed. All rewards and costs associated with each action change over time and are revealed at each trial only after the learner’s selection of actions. Our framework encompasses several online learning problems where the environment changes over time; and the solution trades-off between minimising the costs and maximising the maximum reward of the selected subset of actions, while being constrained to an action energy budget. The algorithm that we propose is efficient and general that may be specialised to multiple natural online combinatorial problems

    On a reduction for a class of resource allocation problems

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    In the resource allocation problem (RAP), the goal is to divide a given amount of resource over a set of activities while minimizing the cost of this allocation and possibly satisfying constraints on allocations to subsets of the activities. Most solution approaches for the RAP and its extensions allow each activity to have its own cost function. However, in many applications, often the structure of the objective function is the same for each activity and the difference between the cost functions lies in different parameter choices such as, e.g., the multiplicative factors. In this article, we introduce a new class of objective functions that captures the majority of the objectives occurring in studied applications. These objectives are characterized by a shared structure of the cost function depending on two input parameters. We show that, given the two input parameters, there exists a solution to the RAP that is optimal for any choice of the shared structure. As a consequence, this problem reduces to the quadratic RAP, making available the vast amount of solution approaches and algorithms for the latter problem. We show the impact of our reduction result on several applications and, in particular, we improve the best known worst-case complexity bound of two important problems in vessel routing and processor scheduling from O(n2)O(n^2) to O(nlogn)O(n \log n)

    Quadratic nonseparable resource allocation problems with generalized bound constraints

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    We study a quadratic nonseparable resource allocation problem that arises in the area of decentralized energy management (DEM), where unbalance in electricity networks has to be minimized. In this problem, the given resource is allocated over a set of activities that is divided into subsets, and a cost is assigned to the overall allocated amount of resources to activities within the same subset. We derive two efficient algorithms with O(nlogn)O(n\log n) worst-case time complexity to solve this problem. For the special case where all subsets have the same size, one of these algorithms even runs in linear time given the subset size. Both algorithms are inspired by well-studied breakpoint search methods for separable convex resource allocation problems. Numerical evaluations on both real and synthetic data confirm the theoretical efficiency of both algorithms and demonstrate their suitability for integration in DEM systems

    A fast algorithm for quadratic resource allocation problems with nested constraints

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    We study the quadratic resource allocation problem and its variant with lower and upper constraints on nested sums of variables. This problem occurs in many applications, in particular battery scheduling within decentralized energy management (DEM) for smart grids. We present an algorithm for this problem that runs in O(nlogn)O(n \log n) time and, in contrast to existing algorithms for this problem, achieves this time complexity using relatively simple and easy-to-implement subroutines and data structures. This makes our algorithm very attractive for real-life adaptation and implementation. Numerical comparisons of our algorithm with a subroutine for battery scheduling within an existing tool for DEM research indicates that our algorithm significantly reduces the overall execution time of the DEM system, especially when the battery is expected to be completely full or empty multiple times in the optimal schedule. Moreover, computational experiments with synthetic data show that our algorithm outperforms the currently most efficient algorithm by more than one order of magnitude. In particular, our algorithm is able to solves all considered instances with up to one million variables in less than 17 seconds on a personal computer

    A Class of Convex Quadratic Nonseparable Resource Allocation Problems with Generalized Bound Constraints

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    We study a convex quadratic nonseparable resource allocation problem that arises in the area of decentralized energy management (DEM), where unbalance in electricity networks has to be minimized. In this problem, the given resource is allocated over a set of activities that is divided into subsets, and a cost is assigned to the overall allocated amount of resources to activities within the same subset. We derive two efficient algorithms with O(nlogn)O(n \log  n) worst-case time complexity to solve this problem. For the special case where all subsets have the same size, one of these algorithms even runs in linear time given the subset size. Both algorithms are inspired by well-studied breakpoint search methods for separable convex resource allocation problems. Numerical evaluations on both real and synthetic data confirm the theoretical efficiency of both algorithms and demonstrate their suitability for integration in DEM systems