4 research outputs found

    Geometric approach to error correcting codes and reconstruction of signals

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    We develop an approach through geometric functional analysis to error correcting codes and to reconstruction of signals from few linear measurements. An error correcting code encodes an n-letter word x into an m-letter word y in such a way that x can be decoded correctly when any r letters of y are corrupted. We prove that most linear orthogonal transformations Q from R^n into R^m form efficient and robust robust error correcting codes over reals. The decoder (which corrects the corrupted components of y) is the metric projection onto the range of Q in the L_1 norm. An equivalent problem arises in signal processing: how to reconstruct a signal that belongs to a small class from few linear measurements? We prove that for most sets of Gaussian measurements, all signals of small support can be exactly reconstructed by the L_1 norm minimization. This is a substantial improvement of recent results of Donoho and of Candes and Tao. An equivalent problem in combinatorial geometry is the existence of a polytope with fixed number of facets and maximal number of lower-dimensional facets. We prove that most sections of the cube form such polytopes.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Error correction via linear programming

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    Suppose we wish to transmit a vector f Π„ R^n reliably. A frequently discussed approach consists in encoding f with an m by n coding matrix A. Assume now that a fraction of the entries of Af are corrupted in a completely arbitrary fashion. We do not know which entries are affected nor do we know how they are affected. Is it possible to recover f exactly from the corrupted m-dimensional vector y? This paper proves that under suitable conditions on the coding matrix A, the input f is the unique solution to the β„“_1 -minimization problem (β€–xβ€–β„“_1: = βˆ‘_i |xi|) min β€–y βˆ’ Agβ€–β„“_1 g^∈Rn provided that the fraction of corrupted entries is not too large, i.e. does not exceed some strictly positive constant ρ βˆ— (numerical values for ρ ^βˆ— are given). In other words, f can be recovered exactly by solving a simple convex optimization problem; in fact, a linear program. We report on numerical experiments suggesting that β„“_1-minimization is amazingly effective; f is recovered exactly even in situations where a very significant fraction of the output is corrupted. In the case when the measurement matrix A is Gaussian, the problem is equivalent to that of counting lowdimensional facets of a convex polytope, and in particular of a random section of the unit cube. In this case we can strengthen the results somewhat by using a geometric functional analysis approach