407 research outputs found

    EECBS: A Bounded-Suboptimal Search for Multi-Agent Path Finding

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    Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF), i.e., finding collision-free paths for multiple robots, is important for many applications where small runtimes are necessary, including the kind of automated warehouses operated by Amazon. CBS is a leading two-level search algorithm for solving MAPF optimally. ECBS is a bounded-suboptimal variant of CBS that uses focal search to speed up CBS by sacrificing optimality and instead guaranteeing that the costs of its solutions are within a given factor of optimal. In this paper, we study how to decrease its runtime even further using inadmissible heuristics. Motivated by Explicit Estimation Search (EES), we propose Explicit Estimation CBS (EECBS), a new bounded-suboptimal variant of CBS, that uses online learning to obtain inadmissible estimates of the cost of the solution of each high-level node and uses EES to choose which high-level node to expand next. We also investigate recent improvements of CBS and adapt them to EECBS. We find that EECBS with the improvements runs significantly faster than the state-of-the-art bounded-suboptimal MAPF algorithms ECBS, BCP-7, and eMDD-SAT on a variety of MAPF instances. We hope that the scalability of EECBS enables additional applications for bounded-suboptimal MAPF algorithms.Comment: Published at AAAI 202

    Accelerating Multi-Agent Planning Using Graph Transformers with Bounded Suboptimality

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    Conflict-Based Search is one of the most popular methods for multi-agent path finding. Though it is complete and optimal, it does not scale well. Recent works have been proposed to accelerate it by introducing various heuristics. However, whether these heuristics can apply to non-grid-based problem settings while maintaining their effectiveness remains an open question. In this work, we find that the answer is prone to be no. To this end, we propose a learning-based component, i.e., the Graph Transformer, as a heuristic function to accelerate the planning. The proposed method is provably complete and bounded-suboptimal with any desired factor. We conduct extensive experiments on two environments with dense graphs. Results show that the proposed Graph Transformer can be trained in problem instances with relatively few agents and generalizes well to a larger number of agents, while achieving better performance than state-of-the-art methods.Comment: Accepted by ICRA 202

    LaCAM: Search-Based Algorithm for Quick Multi-Agent Pathfinding

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    We propose a novel complete algorithm for multi-agent pathfinding (MAPF) called lazy constraints addition search for MAPF (LaCAM). MAPF is a problem of finding collision-free paths for multiple agents on graphs and is the foundation of multi-robot coordination. LaCAM uses a two-level search to find solutions quickly, even with hundreds of agents or more. At the low-level, it searches constraints about agents' locations. At the high-level, it searches a sequence of all agents' locations, following the constraints specified by the low-level. Our exhaustive experiments reveal that LaCAM is comparable to or outperforms state-of-the-art sub-optimal MAPF algorithms in a variety of scenarios, regarding success rate, planning time, and solution quality of sum-of-costs.Comment: to be presented at AAAI-2

    Optimal and Bounded-Suboptimal Multi-Goal Task Assignment and Path Finding

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    We formalize and study the multi-goal task assignment and path finding (MG-TAPF) problem from theoretical and algorithmic perspectives. The MG-TAPF problem is to compute an assignment of tasks to agents, where each task consists of a sequence of goal locations, and collision-free paths for the agents that visit all goal locations of their assigned tasks in sequence. Theoretically, we prove that the MG-TAPF problem is NP-hard to solve optimally. We present algorithms that build upon algorithmic techniques for the multi-agent path finding problem and solve the MG-TAPF problem optimally and bounded-suboptimally. We experimentally compare these algorithms on a variety of different benchmark domains.Comment: ICRA 202

    Adaptive Anytime Multi-Agent Path Finding Using Bandit-Based Large Neighborhood Search

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    Anytime multi-agent path finding (MAPF) is a promising approach to scalable path optimization in large-scale multi-agent systems. State-of-the-art anytime MAPF is based on Large Neighborhood Search (LNS), where a fast initial solution is iteratively optimized by destroying and repairing a fixed number of parts, i.e., the neighborhood, of the solution, using randomized destroy heuristics and prioritized planning. Despite their recent success in various MAPF instances, current LNS-based approaches lack exploration and flexibility due to greedy optimization with a fixed neighborhood size which can lead to low quality solutions in general. So far, these limitations have been addressed with extensive prior effort in tuning or offline machine learning beyond actual planning. In this paper, we focus on online learning in LNS and propose Bandit-based Adaptive LArge Neighborhood search Combined with Exploration (BALANCE). BALANCE uses a bi-level multi-armed bandit scheme to adapt the selection of destroy heuristics and neighborhood sizes on the fly during search. We evaluate BALANCE on multiple maps from the MAPF benchmark set and empirically demonstrate cost improvements of at least 50% compared to state-of-the-art anytime MAPF in large-scale scenarios. We find that Thompson Sampling performs particularly well compared to alternative multi-armed bandit algorithms.Comment: Accepted to AAAI 202

    Fault-Tolerant Offline Multi-Agent Path Planning

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    We study a novel graph path planning problem for multiple agents that may crash at runtime, and block part of the workspace. In our setting, agents can detect neighboring crashed agents, and change followed paths at runtime. The objective is then to prepare a set of paths and switching rules for each agent, ensuring that all correct agents reach their destinations without collisions or deadlocks, despite unforeseen crashes of other agents. Such planning is attractive to build reliable multi-robot systems. We present problem formalization, theoretical analysis such as computational complexities, and how to solve this offline planning problem.Comment: to be presented at AAAI-2

    Improving Continuous-time Conflict Based Search

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    Conflict-Based Search (CBS) is a powerful algorithmic framework for optimally solving classical multi-agent path finding (MAPF) problems, where time is discretized into the time steps. Continuous-time CBS (CCBS) is a recently proposed version of CBS that guarantees optimal solutions without the need to discretize time. However, the scalability of CCBS is limited because it does not include any known improvements of CBS. In this paper, we begin to close this gap and explore how to adapt successful CBS improvements, namely, prioritizing conflicts (PC), disjoint splitting (DS), and high-level heuristics, to the continuous time setting of CCBS. These adaptions are not trivial, and require careful handling of different types of constraints, applying a generalized version of the Safe interval path planning (SIPP) algorithm, and extending the notion of cardinal conflicts. We evaluate the effect of the suggested enhancements by running experiments both on general graphs and 2k2^k-neighborhood grids. CCBS with these improvements significantly outperforms vanilla CCBS, solving problems with almost twice as many agents in some cases and pushing the limits of multiagent path finding in continuous-time domains.Comment: This is a pre-print of the paper accepted to AAAI 202