5 research outputs found

    ?-Forest Algebras and Temporal Logics

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    We use the algebraic framework for languages of infinite trees introduced in [A. Blumensath, 2020] to derive effective characterisations of various temporal logics, in particular the logic EF (a fragment of CTL) and its counting variant cEF

    Regular Tree Algebras

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    We introduce a class of algebras that can be used as recognisers for regular tree languages. We show that it is the only such class that forms a pseudo-variety and we prove the existence of syntactic algebras. Finally, we give a more algebraic characterisation of the algebras in our class

    Algebraic Language Theory for Eilenberg--Moore Algebras

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    We develop an algebraic language theory based on the notion of an Eilenberg--Moore algebra. In comparison to previous such frameworks the main contribution is the support for algebras with infinitely many sorts and the connection to logic in form of so-called `definable algebras'

    Algebraic Language Theory for Eilenberg--Moore Algebras

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    We develop an algebraic language theory based on the notion of an Eilenberg--Moore algebra. In comparison to previous such frameworks the main contribution is the support for algebras with infinitely many sorts and the connection to logic in form of so-called `definable algebras'