429 research outputs found

    Development of Texture Weighted Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm for 3D Brain MRI Segmentation

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    The segmentation of human brain Magnetic Resonance Image is an essential component in the computer-aided medical image processing research. Brain is one of the fields that are attracted to Magnetic Resonance Image segmentation because of its importance to human. Many algorithms have been developed over decades for brain Magnetic Resonance Image segmentation for diagnosing diseases, such as tumors, Alzheimer, and Schizophrenia. Fuzzy C-Means algorithm is one of the practical algorithms for brain Magnetic Resonance Image segmentation. However, Intensity Non- Uniformity problem in brain Magnetic Resonance Image is still challenging to existing Fuzzy C-Means algorithm. In this paper, we propose the Texture weighted Fuzzy C-Means algorithm performed with Local Binary Patterns on Three Orthogonal Planes. By incorporating texture constraints, Texture weighted Fuzzy C-Means could take into account more global image information. The proposed algorithm is divided into following stages: Volume of Interest is extracted by 3D skull stripping in the pre-processing stage. The initial Fuzzy C-Means clustering and Local Binary Patterns on Three Orthogonal Planes feature extraction are performed to extract and classify each cluster’s features. At the last stage, Fuzzy C-Means with texture constraints refines the result of initial Fuzzy C-Means. The proposed algorithm has been implemented to evaluate the performance of segmentation result with Dice’s coefficient and Tanimoto coefficient compared with the ground truth. The results show that the proposed algorithm has the better segmentation accuracy than existing Fuzzy C-Means models for brain Magnetic Resonance Image

    Grid computing application for brain magnetic resonance image processing

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    This work emphasizes the use of grid computing and web technology for automatic postprocessing of brain magnetic resonance images (MRI) in the context of neuropsychiatric (Alzheimer’s disease) research. Post-acquisition image processing is achieved through the interconnection of several individual processes into pipelines. Each process has input and output data ports, options and execution parameters, and performs single tasks such as: a) extracting individual image attributes (e.g. dimensions, orientation, center of mass), b) performing image transformations (e.g. scaling, rotation, skewing, intensity standardization, linear and non-linear registration), c) performing image statistical analyses, and d) producing the necessary quality control images and/or files for user review. The pipelines are built to perform specific sequences of tasks on the alphanumeric data and MRIs contained in our database. The web application is coded in PHP and allows the creation of scripts to create, store and execute pipelines and their instances either on our local cluster or on high-performance computing platforms. To run an instance on an external cluster, the web application opens a communication tunnel through which it copies the necessary files, submits the execution commands and collects the results. We present result on system tests for the processing of a set of 821 brain MRIs from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative study via a nonlinear registration pipeline composed of 10 processes. Our results show successful execution on both local and external clusters, and a 4- fold increase in performance if using the external cluster. However, the latter’s performance does not scale linearly as queue waiting times and execution overhead increase with the number of tasks to be executed

    Challenges in Brain Magnetic Resonance Image Segmentation

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    Over the past several decades, the application of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been rapidly expanding in the areas of brain research studies and clinical diagnosis. One of the most important steps in brain MRI data preparation is the removal of unwanted brain regions, which is followed by segmentation of the brain into three main regions – white matter (WM), grey matter (GM) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) – or into subregions. In brain MRI analysis, image segmentation is commonly used for measuring and visualizing the brain’s anatomical structures, analyzing brain changes, delineating pathological regions, and surgical planning and image-guided interventions. Brain segmentation allows clinicians and researchers to concentrate on a specific region in the brain in their analyses. However, brain segmentation is a difficult task due to high similarities and correlations of image intensity among brain regions. In this review, image segmentation algorithms used for dividing the brain into different sectors were discussed in detail. The potential for using the fuzzy c-means (FCM) unsupervised clustering algorithm and certain hybrid (combined) methods to segment brain MR images was demonstrated. Additionally, certain validation techniques that are required to demonstrate the performance of segmentation methods in terms of accuracy rates were described.

    Structural correlations between brain magnetic resonance image‐derived phenotypes and retinal neuroanatomy

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    Background and purpose: The eye is a well‐established model of brain structure and function, yet region‐specific structural correlations between the retina and the brain remain underexplored. Therefore, we aim to explore and describe the relationships between the retinal layer thicknesses and brain magnetic resonance image (MRI)‐derived phenotypes in UK Biobank. Methods: Participants with both quality‐controlled optical coherence tomography (OCT) and brain MRI were included in this study. Retinal sublayer thicknesses and total macular thickness were derived from OCT scans. Brain image‐derived phenotypes (IDPs) of 153 cortical and subcortical regions were processed from MRI scans. We utilized multivariable linear regression models to examine the association between retinal thickness and brain regional volumes. All analyses were corrected for multiple testing and adjusted for confounders. Results: Data from 6446 participants were included in this study. We identified significant associations between volumetric brain MRI measures of subregions in the occipital lobe (intracalcarine cortex), parietal lobe (postcentral gyrus), cerebellum (lobules VI, VIIb, VIIIa, VIIIb, and IX), and deep brain structures (thalamus, hippocampus, caudate, putamen, pallidum, and accumbens) and the thickness of the innermost retinal sublayers and total macular thickness (all p < 3.3 × 10−5). We did not observe statistically significant associations between brain IDPs and the thickness of the outer retinal sublayers. Conclusions: Thinner inner and total retinal thicknesses are associated with smaller volumes of specific brain regions. Notably, these relationships extend beyond anatomically established retina–brain connections

    Transductive Transfer Learning for Domain Adaptation in Brain Magnetic Resonance Image Segmentation

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    Cervell; Imatge per ressonància magnètica; Aprenentatge transductiuCerebro; Imagen de resonancia magnética; Aprendizaje transductivoBrain; Magnetic resonance imaging; Transductive learningSegmentation of brain images from Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) is an indispensable step in clinical practice. Morphological changes of sub-cortical brain structures and quantification of brain lesions are considered biomarkers of neurological and neurodegenerative disorders and used for diagnosis, treatment planning, and monitoring disease progression. In recent years, deep learning methods showed an outstanding performance in medical image segmentation. However, these methods suffer from generalisability problem due to inter-centre and inter-scanner variabilities of the MRI images. The main objective of the study is to develop an automated deep learning segmentation approach that is accurate and robust to the variabilities in scanner and acquisition protocols. In this paper, we propose a transductive transfer learning approach for domain adaptation to reduce the domain-shift effect in brain MRI segmentation. The transductive scenario assumes that there are sets of images from two different domains: (1) source—images with manually annotated labels; and (2) target—images without expert annotations. Then, the network is jointly optimised integrating both source and target images into the transductive training process to segment the regions of interest and to minimise the domain-shift effect. We proposed to use a histogram loss in the feature level to carry out the latter optimisation problem. In order to demonstrate the benefit of the proposed approach, the method has been tested in two different brain MRI image segmentation problems using multi-centre and multi-scanner databases for: (1) sub-cortical brain structure segmentation; and (2) white matter hyperintensities segmentation. The experiments showed that the segmentation performance of a pre-trained model could be significantly improved by up to 10%. For the first segmentation problem it was possible to achieve a maximum improvement from 0.680 to 0.799 in average Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) metric and for the second problem the average DSC improved from 0.504 to 0.602. Moreover, the improvements after domain adaptation were on par or showed better performance compared to the commonly used traditional unsupervised segmentation methods (FIRST and LST), also achieving faster execution time. Taking this into account, this work presents one more step toward the practical implementation of deep learning algorithms into the clinical routine.KK holds FI-DGR2017 grant from the Catalan Government with reference number 2017FI_B00372. This work has been supported by DPI2017-86696-R from the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia

    Multi-contrast brain magnetic resonance image super-resolution using the local weight similarity

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    Abstract Background Low-resolution images may be acquired in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) due to limited data acquisition time or other physical constraints, and their resolutions can be improved with super-resolution methods. Since MRI can offer images of an object with different contrasts, e.g., T1-weighted or T2-weighted, the shared information between inter-contrast images can be used to benefit super-resolution. Methods In this study, an MRI image super-resolution approach to enhance in-plane resolution is proposed by exploring the statistical information estimated from another contrast MRI image that shares similar anatomical structures. We assume some edge structures are shown both in T1-weighted and T2-weighted MRI brain images acquired of the same subject, and the proposed approach aims to recover such kind of structures to generate a high-resolution image from its low-resolution counterpart. Results The statistical information produces a local weight of image that are found to be nearly invariant to the image contrast and thus this weight can be used to transfer the shared information from one contrast to another. We analyze this property with comprehensive mathematics as well as numerical experiments. Conclusion Experimental results demonstrate that the image quality of low-resolution images can be remarkably improved with the proposed method if this weight is borrowed from a high resolution image with another contrast. Graphical Abstract Multi-contrast MRI Image Super-resolution with Contrast-invariant Regression Weight

    Characterization of a robust probabilistic framework for brain magnetic resonance image data distributions

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    Probabilistic characterisation of image data for accurate prognosis and treatment planning remains a long-standing problem in medical research, especially when the data distribution depicts flat-top and high-order contact. Such flat-top distributions are quite common in brain magnetic resonance (MR) image data, where the density drops sharply beyond the flat interval. Intuitively, it would indicate a bipartition of data into positive region containing observations definitely belonging to the image class and boundary region with observations possibly belonging to it. The flat peak would also imply that multiple values are equally most likely to belong to that class. However, the popular probability distributions used in such cases are unimodal, creating ambiguity about the positive region. In this work, we study the statistical properties and develop likelihood-based iterative estimation method for the parameters of a novel class of platykurtic probability distributions containing normal, called the stomped normal distribution, that provides more accurate modelling to the flat-top data distributions. The robustness of the proposed stomped normal model has been illustrated with six simulated and nine real brain MR volumes. Our analysis shows substantial improvement in explaining a variety of shapes of data distributions using the proposed probability model