4 research outputs found

    Bowed string synthesis with force feedback gesture interaction

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    International audienceThe CORDIS ANIMA formalism allows to model physical objects according to a modular methodology which guaranties, at each step of modeling, the energetic consistency of the behavior of the model. Maintening this energetic consistency is a crucial point in the use of interactive simulation by means of Physical Modeling and Force Feedback Gesture Devices. This paper presents a CORDIS-ANIMA model of bowed string, which closely links the properties of the produced sounds to the gesture and energetic investment of the player. A pertinent feature of real bowed instruments is their high sensitivity to the gesture dynamic. The proposed model restitutes this sensitivity providing high musical quality and nuances in the synthetic sounds. In addition, the use of the consistent physically-based modular designing presented here, allows the designer to lead towards a minimal physical model able to restitute this so pertinent feature

    Real-time bowed string synthesis with force feedback gesture interaction

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    International audienceThe CORDIS ANIMA formalism has been designed to model and simulate physical objects in a modular methodology, which guaranties at each step of modeling the energetic consistency of the model motions and internal behavior. Maintaining this energetic consistency is a crucial point in the use of interactive synthesis by the means of Physical Modeling and Force feedback gesture device. It can be used to synthesize sounds and design virtual instruments which can be payed thanks to the real-time simulation and force-feedback gesture interfaces. Bowed string model of such virtual instruments can be designed and built with this tool

    Haptic and audio interaction design

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    International audienceHaptics, audio and human-computer interaction are three scientific disciplines that share interests, issues and methodologies. Despite these common points, interaction between these communities are sparse, because each of them have their own publication venues, meeting places, etc. A venue to foster interaction between these three communities was created in 2006, the Haptic and Audio Interaction Design workshop (HAID), aiming to provide a meeting place for researchers in these areas. HAID was carried out yearly from 2006 to 2013, then discontinued. Having worked in the intersection of these areas for several years, we felt the need to revive this event and decided to organize a HAID edition in 2019 in Lille, France. HAID 2019 was attended by more than 100 university, industry and artistic researchers and practitioners, showing the continued interest for such a unique venue. This special issue gathers extended versions of a selection of papers presented at the 2019 workshop. These papers focus on several directions of research on haptics, audio and HCI, including perceptual studies and the design, evaluation and use of vibrotactile and force-feedback devices in audio, musical and game applications

    MIMESIS, un environnement de conception et de simulation de modèles physiques particulaires masses-interactions CORDIS-ANIMA pour l'animation : du mouvement généré à l'image du mouvement

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    This thesis deals with the design of a computer framework dedicaced to animation by the physical mass-interaction CORDIS-ANIMA networks. Genericity and modularity of CORDIS-ANIMA having been still largely proved, the design and the implementation of such framework have to face with other theorical and practical problems that are discussed here in order to include every function that are required for an interactive creation of models and the communication inside a global chain of production of animated pictures. This thesis ends on the report of various situation of use in pedagogical, research and creation contexts.Cette thèse a pour objet la conception d’un environnement pour l’animation à l’aide de réseaux masses–interactions CORDIS-ANIMA. La généricité et la modularité de CORDIS-ANIMA ayant largement prouvé leur intérêt pour l’animation depuis 25 ans, la conception et l’implantation d’un environnement de conception de tels modèles doivent faire face à d’autres problématiques théoriques et pratiques qui seront discutées dans ce manuscrit, dans le but d’inclure dans cet environnement toutes les fonctionnalités requises pour une création interactive de modèles de mouvement et leur insertion dans une chaîne globale de production d’images animées. Cette thèse se terminera par le compte-rendu de situations d’utilisation dans un cadre pédagogique, de recherche et de création