543 research outputs found

    Schatten-pp Quasi-Norm Regularized Matrix Optimization via Iterative Reweighted Singular Value Minimization

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    In this paper we study general Schatten-pp quasi-norm (SPQN) regularized matrix minimization problems. In particular, we first introduce a class of first-order stationary points for them, and show that the first-order stationary points introduced in [11] for an SPQN regularized vectorvector minimization problem are equivalent to those of an SPQN regularized matrixmatrix minimization reformulation. We also show that any local minimizer of the SPQN regularized matrix minimization problems must be a first-order stationary point. Moreover, we derive lower bounds for nonzero singular values of the first-order stationary points and hence also of the local minimizers of the SPQN regularized matrix minimization problems. The iterative reweighted singular value minimization (IRSVM) methods are then proposed to solve these problems, whose subproblems are shown to have a closed-form solution. In contrast to the analogous methods for the SPQN regularized vectorvector minimization problems, the convergence analysis of these methods is significantly more challenging. We develop a novel approach to establishing the convergence of these methods, which makes use of the expression of a specific solution of their subproblems and avoids the intricate issue of finding the explicit expression for the Clarke subdifferential of the objective of their subproblems. In particular, we show that any accumulation point of the sequence generated by the IRSVM methods is a first-order stationary point of the problems. Our computational results demonstrate that the IRSVM methods generally outperform some recently developed state-of-the-art methods in terms of solution quality and/or speed.Comment: This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to major revision and correction

    Convergence of the Forward-Backward Algorithm: Beyond the Worst Case with the Help of Geometry

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    We provide a comprehensive study of the convergence of forward-backward algorithm under suitable geometric conditions leading to fast rates. We present several new results and collect in a unified view a variety of results scattered in the literature, often providing simplified proofs. Novel contributions include the analysis of infinite dimensional convex minimization problems, allowing the case where minimizers might not exist. Further, we analyze the relation between different geometric conditions, and discuss novel connections with a priori conditions in linear inverse problems, including source conditions, restricted isometry properties and partial smoothness

    From error bounds to the complexity of first-order descent methods for convex functions

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    This paper shows that error bounds can be used as effective tools for deriving complexity results for first-order descent methods in convex minimization. In a first stage, this objective led us to revisit the interplay between error bounds and the Kurdyka-\L ojasiewicz (KL) inequality. One can show the equivalence between the two concepts for convex functions having a moderately flat profile near the set of minimizers (as those of functions with H\"olderian growth). A counterexample shows that the equivalence is no longer true for extremely flat functions. This fact reveals the relevance of an approach based on KL inequality. In a second stage, we show how KL inequalities can in turn be employed to compute new complexity bounds for a wealth of descent methods for convex problems. Our approach is completely original and makes use of a one-dimensional worst-case proximal sequence in the spirit of the famous majorant method of Kantorovich. Our result applies to a very simple abstract scheme that covers a wide class of descent methods. As a byproduct of our study, we also provide new results for the globalization of KL inequalities in the convex framework. Our main results inaugurate a simple methodology: derive an error bound, compute the desingularizing function whenever possible, identify essential constants in the descent method and finally compute the complexity using the one-dimensional worst case proximal sequence. Our method is illustrated through projection methods for feasibility problems, and through the famous iterative shrinkage thresholding algorithm (ISTA), for which we show that the complexity bound is of the form O(qk)O(q^{k}) where the constituents of the bound only depend on error bound constants obtained for an arbitrary least squares objective with 1\ell^1 regularization