21 research outputs found

    Set Systems with Restricted Cross-Intersections and the Minimum Rank of Inclusion Matrices

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    A set system is L-intersecting if any pairwise intersection size lies in L, where L is some set of s nonnegative integers. The celebrated Frankl-Ray-Chaudhuri-Wilson theorems give tight bounds on the size of an L-intersecting set system on a ground set of size n. Such a system contains at most (ns)\binom{n}{s} sets if it is uniform and at most i=0s(ni)\sum_{i=0}^s \binom{n}{i} sets if it is nonuniform. They also prove modular versions of these results. We consider the following extension of these problems. Call the set systems A1,,Ak\mathcal{A}_1,\ldots,\mathcal{A}_k {\em L-cross-intersecting} if for every pair of distinct sets A,B with AAiA \in \mathcal{A}_i and BAjB \in \mathcal{A}_j for some iji \neq j the intersection size AB|A \cap B| lies in LL. For any k and for n > n 0 (s) we give tight bounds on the maximum of i=1kAi\sum_{i=1}^k |\mathcal{A}_i|. It is at most max{k(ns),(nn/2)}\max\, \{k\binom{n}{s}, \binom{n}{\lfloor n/2 \rfloor}\} if the systems are uniform and at most max{ki=0s(ni),(k1)i=0s1(ni)+2n} \max\, \{k \sum_{i=0}^s \binom{n}{i} , (k-1) \sum_{i=0}^{s-1} \binom{n}{i} + 2^n\} if they are nonuniform. We also obtain modular versions of these results. Our proofs use tools from linear algebra together with some combinatorial ideas. A key ingredient is a tight lower bound for the rank of the inclusion matrix of a set system. The s*-inclusion matrix of a set system A\mathcal{A} on [n] is a matrix M with rows indexed by A\mathcal{A} and columns by the subsets of [n] of size at most s, where if AAA \in \mathcal{A} and B[n]B \subset [n] with Bs|B| \leq s, we define M AB to be 1 if BAB \subset A and 0 otherwise. Our bound generalizes the well-known result that if A<2s+1|\mathcal{A}| < 2^{s+1}, then M has full rank A|\mathcal{A}|. In a combinatorial setting this fact was proved by Frankl and Pach in the study of null t-designs; it can also be viewed as determining the minimum distance of the Reed-Muller codes

    On Property Testing of the Binary Rank

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    Forbidden sparse intersections

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    Let nn be a positive integer, let 0<pp120<p\leqslant p'\leqslant \frac{1}{2}, and let pn\ell \leqslant pn be a nonnegative integer. We prove that if F,G{0,1}n\mathcal{F},\mathcal{G}\subseteq \{0,1\}^n are two families whose cross intersections forbid \ell -- that is, they satisfy AB|A\cap B|\neq \ell for every AFA\in\mathcal{F} and every BGB\in\mathcal{G} -- then, setting t:=min{,pn}t:=\min\{\ell,pn-\ell\}, we have the subgaussian bound μp(F)μp(G)2exp(t2582pn), \mu_p(\mathcal{F})\, \mu_{p'}(\mathcal{G})\leqslant 2\exp\Big( - \frac{t^2}{58^2\,pn}\Big), where μp\mu_p and μp\mu_{p'} denote the pp-biased and pp'-biased measures on {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n respectively

    Forbidden vector-valued intersections

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    We solve a generalised form of a conjecture of Kalai motivated by attempts to improve the bounds for Borsuk's problem. The conjecture can be roughly understood as asking for an analogue of the Frankl-R\"odl forbidden intersection theorem in which set intersections are vector-valued. We discover that the vector world is richer in surprising ways: in particular, Kalai's conjecture is false, but we prove a corrected statement that is essentially best possible, and applies to a considerably more general setting. Our methods include the use of maximum entropy measures, VC-dimension, Dependent Random Choice and a new correlation inequality for product measures.Comment: 40 page